< Job 29 >

1 Addidit quoque Iob, assumens parabolam suam, et dixit:
Also Joob addide, takynge his parable, and seide,
2 Quis mihi tribuat, ut sim iuxta menses pristinos secundum dies, quibus Deus custodiebat me?
Who yyueth to me, that I be bisidis the elde monethis, bi the daies in whiche God kepte me?
3 Quando splendebat lucerna eius super caput meum, et ad lumen eius ambulabam in tenebris?
Whanne his lanterne schynede on myn heed, and Y yede in derknessis at his liyt.
4 Sicut fui in diebus adolescentiae meae, quando secreto Deus erat in tabernaculo meo?
As Y was in the daies of my yongthe, whanne in priuete God was in my tabernacle.
5 Quando erat Omnipotens mecum: et in circuitu meo pueri mei?
Whanne Almyyti God was with me, and my children weren in my cumpas;
6 Quando lavabam pedes meos butyro, et petra fundebat mihi rivos olei?
whanne Y waischide my feet in botere, and the stoon schedde out to me the stremes of oile;
7 Quando procedebam ad portam civitatis, et in platea parabant cathedram mihi?
whanne Y yede forth to the yate of the citee, and in the street thei maden redi a chaier to me.
8 Videbant me iuvenes, et abscondebantur: et senes assurgentes stabant.
Yonge men, `that is, wantoun, sien me, and weren hid, and elde men risynge vp stoden;
9 Principes cessabant loqui, et digitum superponebant ori suo.
princes ceessiden to speke, and puttiden the fyngur on her mouth;
10 Vocem suam cohibebant duces, et lingua eorum gutturi suo adhaerebat.
duykis refreyneden her vois, and her tunge cleuyde to her throte.
11 Auris audiens beatificabat me, et oculus videns testimonium reddebat mihi.
An eere herynge blesside me, and an iye seynge yeldide witnessyng to me;
12 Eo quod liberassem pauperem vociferantem, et pupillum, cui non esset adiutor.
for Y hadde delyueride a pore man criynge, and a fadirles child, that hadde noon helpere.
13 Benedictio perituri super me veniebat, et cor viduae consolatus sum.
The blessyng of a man `to perische cam on me, and Y coumfortide the herte of a widewe.
14 Iustitia indutus sum: et vestivi me, sicut vestimento et diademate, iudicio meo.
Y was clothid with riytfulnesse; and Y clothide me as with a cloth, and with my `doom a diademe.
15 Oculus fui caeco, et pes claudo.
Y was iye `to a blynde man, and foot to a crokyd man.
16 Pater eram pauperum: et causam quam nesciebam, diligentissime investigabam.
Y was a fadir of pore men; and Y enqueride most diligentli the cause, which Y knew not.
17 Conterebam molas iniqui, et de dentibus illius auferebam praedam.
Y al tobrak the grete teeth of the wickid man, and Y took awei prey fro hise teeth.
18 Dicebamque: In nidulo meo moriar, et sicut palma multiplicabo dies.
And Y seide, Y schal die in my nest; and as a palm tre Y schal multiplie daies.
19 Radix mea aperta est secus aquas, et ros morabitur in messione mea.
My roote is openyde bisidis watris, and deew schal dwelle in my repyng.
20 Gloria mea semper innovabitur, et arcus meus in manu mea instaurabitur.
My glorie schal euere be renulid, and my bouwe schal be astorid in myn hond.
21 Qui me audiebant, expectabant sententiam, et intenti tacebant ad consilium meum.
Thei, that herden me, abiden my sentence; and thei weren ententif, and weren stille to my counsel.
22 Verbis meis addere nihil audebant, et super illos stillabat eloquium meum.
Thei dursten no thing adde to my wordis; and my speche droppide on hem.
23 Expectabant me sicut pluviam, et os suum aperiebant quasi ad imbrem serotinum.
Thei abididen me as reyn; and thei openyden her mouth as to the softe reyn `comynge late.
24 Siquando ridebam ad eos, non credebant, et lux vultus mei non cadebat in terram.
If ony tyme Y leiyide to hem, thei bileueden not; and the liyt of my cheer felde not doun in to erthe.
25 Si voluissem ire ad eos, sedebam primus: cumque sederem quasi rex, circumstante exercitu, eram tamen moerentium consolator.
If Y wolde go to hem, Y sat the firste; and whanne Y sat as kyng, while the oost stood aboute, netheles Y was comfortour of hem that morenyden.

< Job 29 >