< Jeremiæ 20 >

1 Et audivit Phassur filius Emmer sacerdos, qui constitutus erat princeps in domo Domini, Ieremiam prophetantem sermones istos.
Now it came to the ears of Pashhur, the son of Immer the priest, who was chief in authority in the house of the Lord, that Jeremiah was saying these things;
2 Et percussit Phassur Ieremiam prophetam, et misit eum in nervum, quod erat in porta Beniamin superiori, in domo Domini.
And Pashhur gave blows to Jeremiah and had his feet chained in a framework of wood in the higher doorway of Benjamin, which was in the house of the Lord.
3 Cumque illuxisset in crastinum, eduxit Phassur Ieremiam de nervo. et dixit ad eum Ieremias: Non Phassur vocavit Dominus nomen tuum, sed pavorem undique.
Then on the day after, Pashhur let Jeremiah loose. Then Jeremiah said to him, The Lord has given you the name of Magor-missabib (Cause-of-fear-on-every-side), not Pashhur.
4 Quia haec dicit Dominus: Ecce ego dabo te in pavorem, te et omnes amicos tuos: et corruent gladio inimicorum suorum, et oculi tui videbunt: et omnem Iudam dabo in manum regis Babylonis: et traducet eos in Babylonem, et percutiet eos gladio.
For the Lord has said, See, I will make you a cause of fear to yourself and to all your friends: they will come to their death by the sword of their haters, and your eyes will see it: and I will give all Judah into the hands of the king of Babylon, and he will take them away prisoners into Babylon and put them to the sword.
5 Et dabo universam substantiam civitatis huius, et omnem laborem eius, omneque pretium, et cunctos thesauros regum Iuda dabo in manu inimicorum eorum: et diripient eos, et tollent, et ducent in Babylonem.
And more than this, I will give all the wealth of this town and all its profits and all its things of value, even all the stores of the kings of Judah will I give into the hands of their haters, who will put violent hands on them and take them away to Babylon.
6 Tu autem Phassur, et omnes habitatores domus tuae ibitis in captivitatem: et in Babylonem tu venies, et ibi morieris, ibique sepelieris tu, et omnes amici tui, quibus prophetasti mendacium.
And you, Pashhur, and all who are in your house, will go away prisoners: you will come to Babylon, and there your body will be put to rest, you and all your friends, to whom you said false words.
7 Seduxisti me Domine, et seductus sum: fortior me fuisti, et invaluisti: factus sum in derisum tota die, omnes subsannant me.
O Lord, you have been false to me, and I was tricked; you are stronger than I, and have overcome me: I have become a thing to be laughed at all the day, everyone makes sport of me.
8 Quia iam olim loquor, vociferans iniquitatem, et vastitatem clamito: et factus est mihi sermo Domini in opprobrium, et in derisum tota die.
For every word I say is a cry for help; I say with a loud voice, Violent behaviour and wasting: because the word of the Lord is made a shame to me and a cause of laughing all the day.
9 Et dixi: Non recordabor eius, neque loquar ultra in nomine illius: et factus est in corde meo quasi ignis exaestuans, claususque in ossibus meis: et defeci, ferre non sustinens.
And if I say, I will not keep him in mind, I will not say another word in his name; then it is in my heart like a burning fire shut up in my bones, and I am tired of keeping myself in, I am not able to do it.
10 Audivi enim contumelias multorum, et terrorem in circuitu: Persequimini, et persequamur eum: ab omnibus viris, qui erant pacifici mei, et custodientes latus meum: si quo modo decipiatur, et praevaleamus adversus eum, et consequamur ultionem ex eo.
For numbers of them say evil secretly in my hearing (there is fear on every side): they say, Come, let us give witness against him; all my nearest friends, who are watching for my fall, say, It may be that he will be taken by deceit, and we will get the better of him and give him punishment.
11 Dominus autem mecum est quasi bellator fortis: idcirco qui persequuntur me, cadent, et infirmi erunt: confundentur vehementer, quia non intellexerunt opprobrium sempiternum, quod numquam delebitur.
But the Lord is with me as a great one, greatly to be feared: so my attackers will have a fall, and they will not overcome me: they will be greatly shamed, because they have not done wisely, even with an unending shame, kept in memory for ever.
12 Et tu Domine exercituum probator iusti, qui vides renes et cor: videam quaeso ultionem tuam ex eis: tibi enim revelavi causam meam.
But, O Lord of armies, testing the upright and seeing the thoughts and the heart, let me see your punishment come on them; for I have put my cause before you.
13 Cantate Domino, laudate Dominum: quia liberavit animam pauperis de manu malorum.
Make melody to the Lord, give praise to the Lord: for he has made the soul of the poor man free from the hands of the evil-doers.
14 Maledicta dies, in qua natus sum: dies, in qua peperit me mater mea, non sit benedicta.
A curse on the day of my birth: let there be no blessing on the day when my mother had me.
15 Maledictus vir, qui nunciavit patri meo, dicens: Natus est tibi puer masculus: et quasi gaudio laetificavit eum.
A curse on the man who gave the news to my father, saying, You have a male child; making him very glad.
16 Sit homo ille ut sunt civitates, quae subvertit Dominus, et non poenituit eum: audiat clamorem mane, et ululatum in tempore meridiano:
May that man be like the towns overturned by the Lord without mercy: let a cry for help come to his ears in the morning, and the sound of war in the middle of the day;
17 quia non me interfecit a vulva, ut fieret mihi mater mea sepulchrum, et vulva eius conceptus aeternus.
Because he did not put me to death before my birth took place: so my mother's body would have been my last resting-place, and she would have been with child for ever.
18 Quare de vulva egressus sum, ut viderem laborem et dolorem, et consumerentur in confusione dies mei?
Why did I come from my mother's body to see pain and sorrow, so that my days might be wasted with shame?

< Jeremiæ 20 >