< Isaiæ 8 >

1 Et dixit Dominus ad me: Sume tibi librum grandem, et scribe in eo stylo hominis: Velociter spolia detrahe, cito praedare.
Moreover, the Lord sayd vnto me, Take thee a great roll, and write in it with a mans penne, Make speede to the spoyle: haste to the praye.
2 Et adhibui mihi testes fideles, Uriam sacerdotem, et Zachariam filium Barachiae:
Then I tooke vnto me faithfull witnesses to recorde, Vriah the Priest, and Zechariah the sonne of Ieberechiah.
3 et accessi ad prophetissam, et concepit et peperit filium. Et dixit Dominus ad me: Voca nomen eius, Accelera spolia detrahere: Festina praedari.
After, I came vnto the Prophetesse, which conceiued, and bare a sonne. Then sayd the Lord to me, Call his name, Mahershalalhash-baz.
4 Quia antequam sciat puer vocare patrem suum et matrem suam, auferetur fortitudo Damasci, et spolia Samariae coram rege Assyriorum.
For before the childe shall haue knowledge to crye, My father, and my mother, he shall take away the riches of Damascus and the spoyle of Samaria, before the King of Asshur.
5 Et adiecit Dominus loqui ad me adhuc, dicens:
And the Lord spake yet againe vnto me, saying,
6 Pro eo quod abiecit populus iste aquas Siloe, quae vadunt cum silentio, et assumpsit magis Rasin, et filium Romeliae:
Because this people hath refused the waters of Shiloah that runne softly, and reioyce with Rezin, and the sonne of Remaliah,
7 propter hoc ecce Dominus adducet super eos aquas fluminis fortes et multas, regem Assyriorum, et omnem gloriam eius: et ascendet super omnes rivos eius, et fluet super universas ripas eius,
Nowe therefore, beholde, the Lord bringeth vp vpon them the waters of the Riuer mightie and great, euen the King of Asshur with all his glory, and he shall come vp vpon all their riuers, and goe ouer all their banks,
8 et ibit per Iudam, inundans, et transiens usque ad collum veniet. Et erit extensio alarum eius, implens latitudinem terrae tuae o Emmanuel.
And shall breake into Iudah, and shall ouerflowe and passe through, and shall come vp to the necke, and the stretching out of his wings shall fill the breadth of thy land, O Immanu-el.
9 Congregamini populi, et vincimini, et audite universae procul terrae: confortamini et vincimini, accingite vos et vincimini:
Gather together on heapes, O ye people, and ye shalbe broken in pieces, and hearken all ye of farre countreys: gird your selues, and you shalbe broken in pieces: gird your selues, and you shalbe broken in pieces.
10 inite consilium, et dissipabitur: loquimini verbum et non fiet: quia nobiscum Deus.
Take counsell together, yet it shall be brought to nought: pronounce a decree, yet shall it not stand: for God is with vs.
11 Haec enim ait Dominus ad me: Sicut in manu forti erudivit me, ne irem in via populi huius, dicens:
For the Lord spake thus to me in taking of mine hand, and taught me, that I should not walke in the way of this people, saying,
12 Non dicatis, coniuratio: omnia enim quae loquitur populus iste, coniuratio est: et timorem eius ne timeatis, neque paveatis.
Say ye not, A confederacie to all them, to whome this people sayth a confederacie, neither feare you their feare, nor be afrayd of them.
13 Dominum exercituum ipsum sanctificate: ipse pavor vester, et ipse terror vester.
Sanctifie the Lord of hostes, and let him be your feare, and let him be your dread,
14 Et erit vobis in sanctificationem. In lapidem autem offensionis, et in petram scandali duabus domibus Israel, in laqueum et in ruinam habitantibus Ierusalem.
And he shalbe as a Sanctuarie: but as a stumbling stone, and as a rocke to fall vpon, to both the houses of Israel, and as a snare and as a net to the inhabitants of Ierusalem.
15 Et offendent ex eis plurimi, et cadent, et conterentur, et irretientur, et capientur.
And many among them shall stumble, and shall fall and shalbe broken and shalbe snared and shalbe taken.
16 Liga testimonium, signa legem in discipulis meis.
Binde vp the testimonie: seale vp the Law among my disciples.
17 Et expectabo Dominum, qui abscondit faciem suam a domo Iacob, et praestolabor eum.
Therefore I will waite vpon the Lord that hath hid his face from the house of Iaakob, and I wil looke for him.
18 Ecce ego et pueri mei, quos dedit mihi Dominus in signum, et in portentum Israel a Domino exercituum, qui habitat in monte Sion.
Beholde, I and the children whome the Lord hath giuen me, are as signes and as wonders in Israel, by the Lord of hostes, which dwelleth in mount Zion.
19 Et cum dixerint ad vos: Quaerite a pythonibus, et a divinis, qui strident in incantationibus suis: Numquid non populus a Deo suo requiret visionem pro vivis a mortuis?
And when they shall say vnto you, Enquire at them that haue a spirit of diuination, and at the soothsayers, which whisper and murmure, Should not a people enquire at their God? from the liuing to the dead?
20 Ad legem magis, et ad testimonium. Quod si non dixerint iuxta verbum hoc, non erit eis matutina lux.
To the Law, and to the testimonie, if they speake not according to this worde: it is because there is no light in them.
21 Et transibit per eam, corruet, et esuriet: et cum esurierit, irascetur, et maledicet regi suo, et Deo suo, et suscipiet sursum.
Then he that is afflicted and famished, shall go to and from in it: and when he shalbe hungry, he shall euen freat himselfe, and curse his King and his gods, and shall looke vpward.
22 Et ad terram intuebitur, et ecce tribulatio et tenebrae, dissolutio et angustia, et caligo persequens, et non poterit avolare de angustia sua.
And when he shall looke to the earth, beholde trouble, and darkenes, vexation and anguish, and he is driuen to darkenes.

< Isaiæ 8 >