< Isaiæ 47 >

1 Descende, sede in pulvere virgo filia Babylon, sede in terra: non est solium filiae Chaldaeorum, quia ultra non vocaberis mollis et tenera.
Come down, sit on the ground, O virgin daughter of Babylon: sit on the ground, O daughter of the Chaldeans: for you shall no more be called tender and luxurious.
2 Tolle molam, et mole farinam: denuda turpitudinem tuam, discooperi humerum, revela crura, transi flumina.
Take a millstone, grind meal: remove your veil, uncover your white hairs, make bare the leg, pass through the rivers.
3 Revelabitur ignominia tua, et videbitur opprobrium tuum: ultionem capiam, et non resistet mihi homo.
Your shame shall be uncovered, your reproaches shall be brought to light: I will exact of you due vengeance, I will no longer deliver you to men.
4 Redemptor noster, Dominus exercituum nomen illius sanctus Israel.
Your deliverer is the Lord of hosts, the Holy One of Israel is his name.
5 Sede tacens, et intra in tenebras filia Chaldaeorum: quia non vocaberis ultra domina regnorum.
Sit you down pierced with woe, go into darkness, O daughter of the Chaldeans: you shall no more be called the strength of a kingdom.
6 Iratus sum super populum meum, contaminavi hereditatem meam, et dedi eos in manu tua: non posuisti eis misericordias: super senem aggravasti iugum tuum valde.
I have been provoked with my people; you have defiled mine inheritance: I gave them into your hand, but you did not extend mercy to them: you made the yoke of the aged man very heavy,
7 Et dixisti: In sempiternum ero domina: non posuisti haec super cor tuum, neque recordata es novissimi tui.
and said, I shall be a princess for ever: you did not perceive these things in your heart, nor did you remember the latter end.
8 Et nunc audi haec delicata, et habitans confidenter, quae dicis in corde tuo: Ego sum, et non est praeter me amplius: non sedebo vidua, et ignorabo sterilitatem.
But now hear these words, you luxurious one, [who are] the one that sits [at ease], that is secure, that says in her heart, I am, and there is not another; I shall not sit a widow, neither shall I know bereavement.
9 Venient tibi duo haec subito in die una, sterilitas et viduitas. universa venerunt super te, propter multitudinem maleficiorum tuorum, et propter duritiam incantatorum tuorum vehementem.
But now these two things shall come upon you suddenly in one day, the loss of children and widowhood shall come suddenly upon you, for your sorcery, for the strength of your enchantments,
10 Et fiduciam habuisti in malitia tua, et dixisti: Non est qui videat me. sapientia tua et scientia tua haec decepit te. Et dixisti in corde tuo: Ego sum, et praeter me non est altera.
for your trusting in wickedness: for you said, I am, and there is not another: know you, the understanding of these things and your harlotry shall be your shame; for you said in your heart, I am, and there is not another.
11 Veniet super te malum, et nescies ortum eius: irruet super te calamitas, quam non poteris expiare: veniet super te repente miseria, quam nescies.
And destruction shall come upon you, and you shall not be aware; [there shall be a] pit, and you shall fall into it: and grief shall come upon you, and you shall not be able to be clear; and destruction shall come suddenly upon you, and you shall not know.
12 Sta cum incantatoribus tuis, et cum multitudine maleficiorum tuorum, in quibus laborasti ab adolescentia tua, si forte quod prosit tibi, aut si possis fieri fortior.
Stand now with your enchantments, and with the abundance of your sorcery, which you have learned from your youth; if you can be profited.
13 Defecisti in multitudine consiliorum tuorum: stent, et salvent te augures caeli, qui contemplabantur sidera, et supputabant menses, ut ex eis annunciarent ventura tibi.
You are wearied in your counsels. Let now the astrologers of the heaven stand and deliver you, let them that see the stars tell you what is about to come upon you.
14 Ecce facti sunt quasi stipula, ignis combussit eos: non liberabunt animam suam de manu flammae: non sunt prunae, quibus calefiant, nec focus, ut sedeant ad eum.
Behold, they all shall be burnt up as sticks in the fire; neither shall they at all deliver their life from the flame. Because you have coals of fire, sit you upon them;
15 Sic facta sunt tibi in quibuscumque laboraveras: negotiatores tui ab adolescentia tua, unusquisque in via sua erraverunt: non est qui salvet te.
these shall be your help. You have wearied yourself with traffic from your youth: every man has wandered to his own home, but you shall have no deliverance.

< Isaiæ 47 >