< Isaiæ 41 >
1 Taceant ad me insulae, et Gentes mutent fortitudinem: accedant, et tunc loquantur, simul ad iudicium propinquemus.
Iles, be stille to me, and folkis chaunge strengthe; neiye thei, and thanne speke thei; neiye we togidere to doom.
2 Quis suscitavit ab Oriente iustum, vocavit eum ut sequeretur se? dabit in conspectu eius Gentes, et reges obtinebit: dabit quasi pulverem gladio eius, sicut stipulam vento raptam arcui eius.
Who reiside the iust man fro the eest, and clepide hym to sue hym silf? He schal yyue folkis in his siyt, and he schal welde kyngis; he schal yyue as dust to his swerd, and as stobil `that is rauyschid of the wynd, to his bowe.
3 Persequetur eos, transibit in pace, semita in pedibus eius non apparebit.
He schal pursue hem, he schal go in pees; a path schal not appere in hise feet.
4 Quis haec operatus est, et fecit, vocans generationes ab exordio? Ego Dominus, primus et novissimus ego sum.
Who wrouyte and dide these thingis? clepynge generaciouns at the bigynnyng. Y am the Lord; and Y am the firste and the laste.
5 Viderunt insulae, et timuerunt, extrema terrae obstupuerunt, appropinquaverunt, et accesserunt.
Ilis sien, and dredden; the laste partis of erthe were astonyed; thei camen niy, and neiyiden.
6 Unusquisque proximo suo auxiliabitur, et fratri suo dicet: Confortare.
Ech man schal helpe his neiybore, and schal seie to his brother, Be thou coumfortid.
7 Confortavit faber aerarius percutiens malleo eum, qui cudebat tunc temporis, dicens: Glutino bonum est: et confortavit eum clavis, ut non moveretur.
A smyth of metal smytynge with an hamer coumfortide him that polischyde, ethir made fair, in that tyme, seiynge, It is good, to glu; and he fastenede hym with nailis, that he schulde not be mouyd.
8 Et tu Israel serve meus, Iacob quem elegi, semen Abraham amici mei:
And thou, Israel, my seruaunte, Jacob, whom Y chees, the seed of Abraham, my frend, in whom Y took thee;
9 In quo apprehendi te ab extremis terrae, et a longinquis eius vocavi te, et dixi tibi: Servus meus es tu, elegi te, et non abieci te.
fro the laste partis of erthe, and fro the fer partis therof Y clepide thee; and Y seide to thee, Thou art my seruaunt; Y chees thee, and castide not awei thee.
10 Ne timeas, quia ego tecum sum: ne declines, quia ego Deus tuus: confortavi te, et auxiliatus sum tibi, et suscepit te dextera iusti mei.
Drede thou not, for Y am with thee; boowe thou not awei, for Y am thi God. Y coumfortide thee, and helpide thee; and the riythond of my iust man vp took thee.
11 Ecce confundentur et erubescent omnes, qui pugnant adversum te: erunt quasi non sint, et peribunt viri, qui contradicunt tibi.
Lo! alle men schulen be schent, and schulen be aschamed, that fiyten ayens thee; thei schulen be as if thei ben not, and men schulen perische, that ayen seien thee.
12 Quaeres eos, et non invenies, viros rebelles tuos: erunt quasi non sint: et veluti consumptio homines bellantes adversum te.
Thou schalt seke hem, and thou schalt not fynde thi rebel men; thei schulen be, as if thei ben not, and as the wastyng of a man fiytynge ayens thee.
13 Quia ego Dominus Deus tuus apprehendens manum tuam, dicensque tibi: Ne timeas, ego adiuvi te.
For Y am thi Lord God, takynge thin hond, and seiynge to thee, Drede thou not, Y helpide thee.
14 Noli timere vermis Iacob, qui mortui estis ex Israel: ego auxiliatus sum tibi, dicit Dominus: et redemptor tuus sanctus Israel.
Nyle thou, worm of Jacob, drede, ye that ben deed of Israel. Y helpide thee, seith the Lord, and thin ayen biere, the hooli of Israel.
15 Ego posui te quasi plaustrum triturans novum, habens rostra serrantia: triturabis montes, et comminues: et colles quasi pulverem pones.
Y haue set thee as a newe wayn threischynge, hauynge sawynge bilis; thou schalt threische mounteyns, and schalt make smal, and thou schalt sette litle hillis as dust.
16 Ventilabis eos, et ventus tollet, et turbo disperget eos: et tu exultabis in Domino, in sancto Israel laetaberis.
Thou schalt wyndewe hem, and the wynd schal take hem awei, and a whirlewynd schal scatere hem; and thou schalt make ful out ioie in the Lord, and thou schalt be glad in the hooli of Israel.
17 Egeni, et pauperes quaerunt aquas, et non sunt: lingua eorum siti aruit. Ego Dominus exaudiam eos, Deus Israel non derelinquam eos.
Nedi men and pore seken watris, and tho ben not; the tunge of hem driede for thirst. Y the Lord schal here hem, I God of Israel schal not forsake hem.
18 Aperiam in excelsis collibus flumina, et in medio camporum fontes: ponam desertum in stagna aquarum, et terram inviam in rivos aquarum.
Y schal opene floodis in hiy hillis, and wellis in the myddis of feeldis; Y schal sette the desert in to poondis of watris, and the lond without weie in to ryuers of watris.
19 Dabo in solitudinem cedrum, et spinam, et myrtum, et lignum olivae: ponam in deserto abietem, ulmum, et buxum simul:
Y schal yyue in wildirnesse a cedre, and a thorn, and a myrte tre, and the tre of an olyue; Y schal sette in the desert a fir tre, an elm, and a box tre togidere.
20 Ut videant, et sciant, et recogitent, et intelligant pariter quia manus Domini fecit hoc, et sanctus Israel creavit illud.
That thei se, and knowe, and bithenke, and vndurstonde togidere; that the hond of the Lord dide this thing, and the hooli of Israel made that of nouyt.
21 Prope facite iudicium vestrum, dicit Dominus: afferte, siquid forte habetis, dicit rex Iacob.
Make ye niy youre doom, seith the Lord; brynge ye, if in hap ye han ony thing, seith the kyng of Jacob.
22 Accedant, et nuncient nobis quaecumque ventura sunt: priora quae fuerunt nunciate: et ponemus cor nostrum, et sciemus novissima eorum, et quae ventura sunt indicate nobis.
Neiy tho, and telle to vs, what euer thingis schulen come; telle ye the formere thingis that weren, and we schulen sette oure herte, and schulen wite; schewe ye to vs the laste thingis of hem, and tho thingis that schulen come.
23 Annunciate quae ventura sunt in futurum, et sciemus quia dii estis vos. bene quoque aut male, si potestis, facite: et loquamur, et videamus simul.
Telle ye what thingis schulen come in tyme to comynge, and we schulen wite, that ye ben goddis; al so do ye wel, ethir yuele, if ye moun; and speke we, and see we togidere.
24 Ecce, vos estis ex nihilo, et opus vestrum ex eo, quod non est: abominatio est qui elegit vos.
Lo! ye ben of nouyt, and youre werk is of that that is not; he that chees you, is abhomynacioun.
25 Suscitavi ab Aquilone, et veniet ab Ortu solis: vocabit nomen meum, et adducet magistratus quasi lutum, et velut plastes conculcans humum.
I reiside fro the north, and he schal come fro the risyng of the sunne; he schal clepe my name. And he schal brynge magistratis as cley, and as a pottere defoulynge erthe.
26 Quis annunciavit ab exordio ut sciamus: et a principio ut dicamus: Iustus es? non est neque annuncians, neque praedicens, neque audiens sermones vestros.
Who tolde fro the bigynnyng, that we wite, and fro the bigynnyng, that we seie, Thou art iust? noon is tellynge, nether biforseiynge, nether herynge youre wordis.
27 Primus ad Sion dicet: Ecce adsum, et Ierusalem evangelistam dabo.
The firste schal seie to Sion, Lo! Y am present; and Y schal yyue a gospellere to Jerusalem.
28 Et vidi, et non erat neque ex istis quisquam qui iniret consilium, et interrogatus responderet verbum.
And Y siy, and noon was of these, that token councel, and he that was axid, answeride a word.
29 Ecce omnes iniusti, et vana opera eorum: ventus et inane simulachra eorum.
Lo! alle men ben vniust, and her werkis ben wynd and veyn; the symylacris of hem ben wynd, and voide thing.