< Isaiæ 26 >
1 In die illa cantabitur canticum istud in terra Iuda: Urbs fortitudinis nostrae Sion salvator, ponetur in ea murus et antemurale.
Some day, [people in] Judah will sing this song: Our city [of Jerusalem] is strong! Yahweh protects our city; He is like [MET] a wall that surrounds it.
2 Aperite portas, et ingrediatur gens iusta, custodiens veritatem.
Open the gates of the city for people who are righteous; allow people who faithfully [obey Yahweh] to enter the city.
3 Vetus error abiit: servabis pacem: pacem, quia in te speravimus.
Yahweh, those who trust in you, those who firmly resolve to never doubt you, you will enable them to feel perfectly peaceful.
4 Sperastis in Domino in saeculis aeternis, in Domino Deo forti in perpetuum.
[So] always trust in Yahweh, because Yahweh, [our God], is forever [like] [MET] a huge rock [under which we are sheltered/protected/safe].
5 Quia incurvabit habitantes in excelso, civitatem sublimem humiliabit. Humiliabit eam usque ad terram, detrahet eam usque ad pulverem.
He humbles proud people and destroys cities whose people are arrogant. He causes those cities to collapse into the dust/dirt.
6 Conculcabit eam pes, pedes pauperis, gressus egenorum.
[When that happens], poor and oppressed people will trample on the ruins.
7 Semita iusti recta est, rectus callis iusti ad ambulandum.
[But as for] righteous people, Yahweh, you do what is right; [it is as though] you cause the paths where they walk to be level and smooth.
8 Et in semita iudiciorum tuorum Domine sustinuimus te: nomen tuum, et memoriale tuum in desiderio animae.
Yahweh, by obeying your laws we show that we trust you to help us; and what we desire is that you will be honored/praised/exalted.
9 Anima mea desideravit te in nocte: sed et spiritu meo in praecordiis meis de mane vigilabo ad te. Cum feceris iudicia tua in terra, iustitiam discent habitatores orbis.
[All] through the night I [SYN] desire to know you better, and each morning I still want to be with you. [Only] when you come to judge [and punish] people who live on the earth will they learn to do what is right.
10 Misereamur impio, et non discet iustitiam: in terra sanctorum iniqua gessit, et non videbit gloriam Domini.
[But] your acting kindly toward wicked people does not cause them to do what is good. [Even] in places where people do what is right, the wicked people continue to do what is evil, and they do not realize that you, Yahweh, are great.
11 Domine exaltetur manus tua, et non videant: videant, et confundantur zelantes populi: et ignis hostes tuos devoret.
Yahweh, [it is as though] your fist is raised up [ready to strike them], but they do not realize that. Show them that you are very eager to help your people. If your enemies would realize that, they would be ashamed; allow your fire to burn them up [because they are] your enemies.
12 Domine dabis pacem nobis: omnia enim opera nostra operatus es nobis.
Yahweh, [we desire that] you will allow things to go well for us; everything that we have done is what you have enabled us to do.
13 Domine Deus noster, possederunt nos domini absque te, tantum in te recordemur nominis tui.
Yahweh, our God, others have ruled over us, but you [MTY] are the only one whom we honor.
14 Morientes non vivant, gigantes non resurgant: propterea visitasti et contrivisti eos, et perdidisti omnem memoriam eorum.
Those who ruled us are [now] gone; they are dead; their spirits have left this earth, and they will not become alive [again]. You punished those rulers and got rid of them, and people do not even remember them any more.
15 Indulsisti genti Domine, indulsisti genti: numquid glorificatus es? elongasti omnes terminos terrae.
Yahweh, you have enabled our nation to become great; we are more in [now], and we have more land, [so we] thank/praise you.
16 Domine in angustia requisierunt te, in tribulatiene murmuris doctrina tua eis.
Yahweh, when we were distressed, we asked you [to help us]; when you disciplined/punished us, we were able only to whisper when we prayed to you.
17 Sicut quae concipit, cum appropinquaverit ad partum, dolens clamat in doloribus suis: sic facti sumus a facie tua Domine.
Like pregnant women writhe and cry out when they are giving birth, we suffered very much, too.
18 Concepimus, et quasi parturivimus, et peperimus spiritum: salutes non fecimus in terra, ideo non ceciderunt habitatores terrae.
We had severe pain, but nothing good resulted [MET] from it. We have not rescued our people [from being conquered by our enemies], and we have not given birth to children [who will rule the world correctly] (OR, not defeated the armies [that have attacked other nations].
19 Vivent mortui tui, interfecti mei resurgent: expergiscimini, et laudate qui habitatis in pulvere: quia ros lucis ros tuus, et terram gigantum detrahes in ruinam.
But Yahweh’s people who have died will become alive [again], their corpses will become alive! Those whose bodies lie in graves will rise and shout joyfully! His light will be [like] dew that falls on his people who have died, who are [now] in the place where the dead people are, [and will cause them to become alive again].
20 Vade populus meus, intra in cubicula tua, claude ostia tua super te, abscondere modicum ad momentum, donec pertranseat indignatio.
But now, my people/fellow-citizens, go home and lock your doors! Hide for a short time, until [Yahweh] is no longer angry.
21 Ecce enim Dominus egredietur de loco suo, ut visitet iniquitatem habitatoris terrae contra eum: et revelabit terra sanguinem suum, et non operiet ultra interfectos suos.
Listen to this: Yahweh will come from heaven to punish [all] the people on the earth for the sins that they have committed. People will be able to see [PRS] the (blood of those/the people) who have been murdered; their murderers will no longer be able to hide.