< Isaiæ 23 >

1 Onus Tyri. Ululate naves maris: quia vastata est domus, unde venire consueverant: de Terra Cethim revelatum est eis.
The burden of Tyrus. Howle, yee shippes of Tarshish: for it is destroied, so that there is none house: none shall come from the lande of Chittim: it is reueiled vnto them.
2 Tacete qui habitatis in insula: negotiatores Sidonis transfretantes mare, repleverunt te.
Be still, yee that dwell in the yles: the marchantes of Zidon, and such as passe ouer the sea, haue replenished thee.
3 In aquis multis semen Nili, messis fluminis fruges eius: et facta est negotiatio gentium.
The seede of Nilus growing by the abundance of waters, and the haruest of the riuer was her reuenues, and she was a marte of the nations.
4 Erubesce Sidon: ait enim mare: fortitudo maris dicit: Non parturivi, et non peperi, et non enutrivi iuvenes, nec ad incrementum perduxi virgines.
Be ashamed, thou Zidon: for the sea hath spoken, euen the strength of the sea, saying, I haue not trauailed, nor brought forth children, neither nourished yong men, nor brought vp virgins.
5 Cum auditum fuerit in Aegypto, dolebunt cum audierint de Tiro:
When the fame commeth to the Egyptians, they shall be sorie, concerning the rumour of Tyrus.
6 Transite maria, ululate qui habitatis in insula:
Goe you ouer to Tarshish: howle, yee that dwell in the yles.
7 Numquid non vestra haec est, quae gloriabatur a diebus pristinis in antiquitate sua? ducent eam pedes sui longe ad peregrinandum.
Is not this that your glorious citie? her antiquitie is of ancient daies: her owne feete shall leade her afarre off to be a soiourner.
8 Quis cogitavit hoc super Tyrum quondam coronatam, cuius negotiatores principes, institores eius inclyti terrae?
Who hath decreed this against Tyrus (that crowneth men) whose marchantes are princes? whose chapmen are the nobles of the worlde?
9 Dominus exercituum cogitavit hoc, ut detraheret superbiam omnis gloriae, et ad ignominiam deduceret universos inclytos terrae.
The Lord of hostes hath decreed this, to staine the pride of all glorie, and to bring to contempt all them that be glorious in the earth.
10 Transi terram tuam quasi flumen filia maris, non est cingulum ultra tibi.
Passe through thy lande like a flood to the daughter of Tarshish: there is no more strength.
11 Manum suam extendit super mare, conturbavit regna: Dominus mandavit adversus Chanaan, ut contereret fortes eius,
He stretched out his hand vpon the sea: he shooke the kingdomes: the Lord hath giuen a commandement concerning the place of marchandise, to destroy the power thereof.
12 et dixit: Non adiicies ultra ut glorieris, calumniam sustinens virgo filia Sidonis: in Cethim consurgens transfreta, ibi quoque non erit requies tibi.
And he saide, Thou shalt no more reioyce when thou art oppressed: O virgin daughter of Zidon: rise vp, goe ouer vnto Chittim: yet there thou shalt haue no rest.
13 Ecce terra Chaldaeorum talis populus non fuit, Assur fundavit eam: in captivitatem traduxerunt robustos eius, suffoderunt domos eius, posuerunt eam in ruinam.
Behold the lande of the Caldeans: this was no people: Asshur founded it by the inhabitantes of the wildernesse: they set vp the towers thereof: they raised the palaces thereof and hee brought it to ruine.
14 Ululate naves maris, quia devastata est fortitudo vestra.
Howle yee shippes of Tarshish, for your strength is destroyed.
15 Et erit in die illa: In oblivione eris o Tyre septuaginta annis, sicut dies regis unius: post septuaginta autem annos erit Tyro quasi canticum meretricis.
And in that day shall Tyrus bee forgotten seuentie yeeres, (according to the yeeres of one King) at the ende of seuentie yeeres shall Tyrus sing as an harlot.
16 Sume citharam, circui civitatem meretrix oblivioni tradita: bene cane, frequenta canticum ut memoria tui sit.
Take an harpe and go about the citie: (thou harlot thou hast beene forgotten) make sweete melodie, sing moe songes that thou maiest be remembred.
17 Et erit post septuaginta annos: Visitabit Dominus Tyrum, et reducet eam ad merces suas: et rursum fornicabitur cum universis regnis terrae super faciem terrae.
And at the ende of seuentie yeres shall the Lord visite Tyrus, and shee shall returne to her wages, and shall commit fornication with all the kingdomes of the earth, that are in the world.
18 Et erunt negotiationes eius, et merces eius sanctificatae Domino: non condentur, neque reponentur: quia his, qui habitaverint coram Domino, erit negotiatio eius, ut manducent in saturitatem, et vestiantur usque ad vetustatem.
Yet her occupying and her wages shall bee holy vnto the Lord: it shall not be laied vp nor kept in store, but her marchandise shalbe for them that dwell before the Lord, to eate sufficiently, and to haue durable clothing.

< Isaiæ 23 >