< Isaiæ 21 >

1 Onus deserti maris. Sicut turbines ab Aphrico veniunt, de deserto venit, de terra horribili.
The birthun of the forsakun see. As whirlewyndis comen fro the southwest, it cometh fro desert, fro the orible lond.
2 Visio dura nunciata est mihi: qui incredulus est, infideliter agit: et qui depopulator est, vastat. Ascende Aelam, obside Mede: omnem gemitum eius cessare feci.
An hard reuelacioun is teld to me; he that is vnfeithful, doith vnfeithfuli; and he that is a distriere, distrieth. Thou Helam, stie, and thou, Meda, biseche; Y made al the weilyng therof for to ceesse.
3 Propterea repleti sunt lumbi mei dolore, angustia possedit me sicut angustia parturientis: corrui cum audirem, conturbatus sum cum viderem.
Therfor my leendis ben fillid with sorewe; angwische weldide me, as the angwisch of a womman trauelynge of child; Y felle doun, whanne Y herde; Y was disturblid, whanne Y siy.
4 Emarcuit cor meum, tenebrae stupefecerunt me: Babylon dilecta mea posita est mihi in miraculum.
Myn herte fadide, derknessis astonieden me; Babiloyne, my derlyng, is set to me in to myracle.
5 Pone mensam, contemplare in specula comedentes et bibentes: surgite principes, arripite clypeum.
Sette thou a boord, biholde thou in to a toting place; rise, ye princes, etynge and drynkynge, take ye scheeld.
6 Haec enim dixit mihi Dominus: Vade, et pone speculatorem: et quodcumque viderit, annunciet.
For whi the Lord seide these thingis to me, Go thou, and sette a lokere; and telle he, what euer thing he seeth.
7 Et vidit currum duorum equitum, ascensorem asini, et ascensorem cameli: et contemplatus est diligenter multo intuitu.
And he siy the chare of tweyne horse men, the stiere of an asse, and the stiere of a camel; and he bihelde diligentli with myche lokyng,
8 Et clamavit leo: Super speculam Domini ego sum, stans iugiter per diem: et super custodiam meam ego sum, stans totis noctibus.
and criede as a lioun, Y stonde contynueli bi dai on the totyng place of the Lord, and Y stonde bi alle nyytis on my kepyng.
9 Ecce iste venit ascensor vir bigae equitum, et respondit, et dixit: Cecidit, cecidit Babylon, et omnia sculptilia deorum eius contrita sunt in terram.
Lo! this cometh, a man stiere of a carte of horse men. And Isaie criede, and seide, Babiloyne felle doun, felle doun; and alle the grauun ymagis of goddis therof ben al to-brokun in to erthe.
10 Tritura mea, et filia areae meae, quae audivi a Domino exercituum Deo Israel, annunciavi vobis.
Mi threschyng, and the douyter of my cornfloor, Y haue teld to you what thingis Y herde of the Lord of oostis, of God of Israel.
11 Onus Duma ad me clamat ex Seir: Custos quid de nocte? custos quid de nocte?
The birthun of Duma. It crieth fro Seir to me, Kepere, what our of the niyt? `kepere, what our of the niyt?
12 Dixit custos: Venit mane et nox: si quaeritis, quaerite: convertimini, venite.
The kepere seide, Morewtid cometh, and niyt; if ye seken, seke ye, and be ye conuertid, and `come ye.
13 Onus in Arabia. In saltu ad vesperam dormietis, in semitis Dedanim.
The birthun in Arabie. In the forest at euentid ye schulen slepe, in the pathis of Dodanym.
14 Occurrentes sitienti ferte aquam, qui habitatis terram Austri, cum panibus occurrite fugienti.
Ye that dwellen in the lond of the south, renne, and bere watir to the thristi; and renne ye with looues to hym that fleeth.
15 A facie enim gladiorum fugerunt, a facie gladii imminentis, a facie arcus extenti, a facie gravis praelii:
For thei fledden fro the face of swerdis, fro the face of swerd neiyynge, fro the face of bouwe bent, fro the face of greuouse batel.
16 quoniam haec dicit Dominus ad me: Adhuc in uno anno, quasi in anno mercenarii, et auferetur omnis gloria Cedar.
For the Lord seith these thingis to me, Yit in o yeer, as in the yeer of an hirid man, and al the glorie of Cedar schal be takun awei.
17 Et reliquiae numeri sagittariorum fortium de filiis Cedar imminuentur: Dominus enim Deus Israel locutus est.
And the remenauntis of the noumbre of stronge archeris of the sones of Cedar schulen be maad lesse; for whi the Lord God of Israel spak.

< Isaiæ 21 >