< Isaiæ 16 >

1 Emitte agnum Domine dominatorem terrae, de Petra deserti ad montem filiae Sion.
Send a lamb [the] ruler of [the] land from Sela [the] wilderness towards to [the] mountain of [the] daughter of Zion.
2 Et erit: Sicut avis fugiens, et pulli de nido avolantes, sic erunt filiae Moab in transcensu Arnon.
And it will be like a bird fluttering a nest sent away they will be [the] daughters of Moab [the] fords of Arnon.
3 Ini consilium, coge concilium: pone quasi noctem umbram tuam in meridie. absconde fugientes, et vagos ne prodas.
(Bring *Q(K)*) counsel make a decision make like night shade your in [the] middle of [the] noon hide outcasts a fugitive may not you expose.
4 Habitabunt apud te profugi mei: Moab esto latibulum eorum a facie vastatoris: finitus est enim pulvis, consummatus est miser: defecit qui conculcabat terram.
Let them sojourn among you outcasts my Moab be a shelter of them from before [the] destroyer if he will come to an end the oppressor it will cease devastation they will be finished [the] trampler from the land.
5 Et praeparabitur in misericordia solium, et sedebit super illud in veritate in tabernaculo David, iudicans et quaerens iudicium, et velociter reddens quod iustum est.
And it will be established in covenant loyalty a throne and he will sit on it in faithfulness in [the] tent of David [one who] judges and [one who] seeks justice and [one] prompt of righteousness.
6 Audivimus superbiam Moab, superbus est valde: superbia eius et arrogantia eius, et indignatio eius plusquam fortitudo eius.
We have heard [the] pride of Moab proud very haughtiness its and pride its and arrogance its [are] not right empty boasts its.
7 Idcirco ululabit Moab ad Moab, universus ululabit: his, qui laetantur super muros cocti lateris, loquimini plagas suas.
Therefore it will wail Moab for Moab all of it it will wail for [the] raisin-cakes of Kir Hareseth you will groan only stricken people.
8 Quoniam suburbana Hesebon deserta sunt, et vineam Sabama domini Gentium exciderunt: flagella eius usque ad Iazer pervenerunt: erraverunt in deserto, propagines eius relictae sunt, transierunt mare.
For [the] fields of Heshbon it has withered [the] vine[s] of Sibmah rulers of nations they have struck down choice grapes its to Jazer they reached they wandered [the] wilderness shoots its they were spread out they passed over [the] sea.
9 Super hoc plorabo in fletu Iazer vineam Sabama: inebriabo de lacryma mea Hesebon, et Eleale: quoniam super vindemiam tuam, et super messem tuam vox calcantium irruit.
There-fore I weep with [the] weeping of Jazer [the] vine[s] of Sibmah I water abundantly you tear[s] my O Heshbon and Elealeh for on summer fruit your and on harvest your shouting it has fallen.
10 Et auferetur laetitia et exultatio de Carmelo, et in vineis non exultabit neque iubilabit. vinum in torculari non calcabit qui calcare consueverat: vocem calcantium abstuli.
And it will be removed gladness and rejoicing from the orchard and in the vineyards not anything will be sung not anything will be shouted wine in the wine-presses not he will tread the treader shouting I have made to cease.
11 Super hoc venter meus ad Moab quasi cithara sonabit, et viscera mea ad murum cocti lateris.
There-fore inward parts my for Moab like harp they make a sound and inner being my for Kir Heres.
12 Et erit: cum apparuerit quod laboravit Moab super excelsis suis, ingredietur ad sancta sua ut obsecret, et non valebit.
And it will be that it has presented itself if it has wearied itself Moab on the high place and it will come to sanctuary its to pray and not it will prevail.
13 Hoc verbum, quod locutus est Dominus ad Moab ex tunc:
This [is] the word which he has spoken Yahweh concerning Moab from then.
14 et nunc locutus est Dominus, dicens: In tribus annis quasi anni mercenarii auferetur gloria Moab super omni populo multo, et relinquetur parvus et modicus, nequaquam multus.
And now he says Yahweh saying in three years like [the] years of a hired laborer and it will be lightly esteemed [the] honor of Moab for all the multitude great and a remnant little smallness not [will be] mighty.

< Isaiæ 16 >