< Genesis 13 >

1 Ascendit ergo Abram de Aegypto, ipse et uxor eius, et omnia quae habebat, et Lot cum eo ad australem plagam.
Then Abram went vp from Egypt, he, and his wife, and all that he had, and Lot with him toward the South.
2 Erat autem dives valde in possessione auri et argenti.
And Abram was very rich in cattell, in siluer and in golde.
3 Reversusque est per iter, quo venerat, a meridie in Bethel usque ad locum ubi prius fixerat tabernaculum inter Bethel et Hai:
And he went on his iourney from ye South toward Beth-el, to the place where his tent had bene at ye beginning, betweene Beth-el and Haai,
4 in loco altaris quod fecerat prius, et invocavit ibi nomen Domini.
Vnto the place of the altar, which he had made there at the first: and there Abram called on the Name of the Lord.
5 Sed et Lot qui erat cum Abram, fuerunt greges ovium, et armenta, et tabernacula.
And Lot also, who went with Abram, had sheepe, and cattell and tentes,
6 Nec poterat eos capere terra, ut habitarent simul: erat quippe substantia eorum multa, et nequibant habitare communiter.
So that the land coulde not beare them, that they might dwell together: for their substance was great, so that they coulde not dwell together.
7 Unde et facta est rixa inter pastores gregum Abram et Lot. Eo autem tempore Chananaeus et Pherezaeus habitabant in terra illa.
Also there was debate betweene ye heardmen of Abrams cattell, and the heardmen of Lots cattell. (and the Canaanites and the Perizzites dwelled at that time in the land.)
8 Dixit ergo Abram ad Lot: Ne quaeso sit iurgium inter me et te, et inter pastores meos, et pastores tuos: fratres enim sumus.
Then saide Abram vnto Lot, Let there be no strife, I pray thee, betweene thee and me, neither betweene mine heardmen and thine heardmen: for we be brethren.
9 Ecce universa terra coram te est: recede a me, obsecro: si ad sinistram ieris, ego dexteram tenebo: si tu dexteram elegeris, ego ad sinistram pergam.
Is not the whole land before thee? depart I pray thee from me: if thou wilt take the left hand, then I will goe to the right: or if thou goe to the right hand, then I will take the left.
10 Elevatis itaque Lot oculis, vidit omnem circa regionem Iordanis, quae universa irrigabatur antequam subverteret Dominus Sodomam et Gomorrham, sicut paradisus Domini, et sicut Aegyptus venientibus in Segor.
So when Lot lifted vp his eyes, he saw that all the plaine of Iorden was watered euery where: (for before the Lord destroyed Sodom and Gomorah, it was as the garden of the Lord, like the land of Egypt, as thou goest vnto Zoar)
11 Elegitque sibi Lot regionem circa Iordanem, et recessit ab Oriente: divisique sunt alterutrum a fratre suo.
Then Lot chose vnto him all the plaine of Iorden, and tooke his iourney from the East: and they departed the one from the other.
12 Abram habitavit in terra Chanaan: Lot vero moratus est in oppidis, quae erant circa Iordanem, et habitavit in Sodomis.
Abram dwelled in the lande of Canaan, and Lot abode in the cities of the plaine, and pitched his tent euen to Sodom.
13 Homines autem Sodomitae pessimi erant, et peccatores coram Domino nimis.
Now the men of Sodom were wicked and exceeding sinners against the Lord.
14 Dixitque Dominus ad Abram, postquam divisus est ab eo Lot: Leva oculos tuos in directum, et vide a loco, in quo nunc es, ad aquilonem et meridiem, ad orientem et occidentem.
Then the Lord saide vnto Abram, (after that Lot was departed from him) Lift vp thine eyes nowe, and looke from the place where thou art, Northward, and Southward, and Eastwarde, and Westward:
15 Omnem terram, quam conspicis, tibi dabo, et semini tuo usque in sempiternum.
For all the land, which thou seest, will I giue vnto thee and to thy seede for euer,
16 Faciamque semen tuum sicut pulverem terrae: si quis potest hominum numerare pulverem terrae, semen quoque tuum numerare poterit.
And I will make thy seede, as the dust of the earth: so that if a man can number the dust of the earth, then shall thy seede be numbred.
17 Surge ergo, et perambula terram in longitudine, et in latitudine sua: quia tibi daturus sum eam.
Arise, walke through the land, in ye length thereof, and breadth thereof: for I will giue it vnto thee.
18 Movens igitur tabernaculum suum Abram, venit et habitavit iuxta convallem Mambre, quae est in Hebron: aedificavitque ibi altare Domino.
Then Abram remoued his tent, and came and dwelled in the plaine of Mamre, which is in Hebron, and builded there an altar vnto ye Lord.

< Genesis 13 >