< Hiezechielis Prophetæ 46 >
1 Haec dicit Dominus Deus: Porta atrii interioris, quae respicit ad Orientem, erit clausa sex diebus, in quibus opus fit: die autem Sabbati aperietur, sed et in die Calendarum aperietur.
The Lord God seith these thingis, The yate of the ynnere halle, that biholdith to the eest, schal be closid bi sixe daies, in whiche werk is doon; for it schal be openid in the dai of sabat, but also it schal be openyd in the dai of kalendis.
2 Et intrabit princeps per viam vestibuli portae deforis, et stabit in limine portae: et facient sacerdotes holocaustum eius, et pacifica eius: et adorabit super limen portae, et egredietur: porta autem non claudetur usque ad vesperam.
And the prince schal entre bi the weie of the porche of the yate withoutforth, and he schal stonde in the threisfold of the yate; and preestis schulen make the brent sacrifice of hym, and the pesible sacrifices of hym; and he schal worschipe on the threisfold of the yate, and he schal go out; forsothe the yate schal not be closid til to the euentid.
3 Et adorabit populus terrae ad ostium portae illius in Sabbatis, et in Calendis coram Domino.
And the puple of the lond schal worschipe at the dore of that yate, in sabatis, and in calendis, bifor the Lord.
4 Holocaustum autem hoc offeret princeps Domino: in die Sabbati sex agnos immaculatos, et arietem immaculatum.
Forsothe the prince schal offre this brent sacrifice to the Lord in the dai of sabat, sixe lambren with out wem, and a wether with out wem,
5 Et sacrificium ephi per arietem: in agnis autem sacrificium quod dederit manus eius: et olei hin per singula ephi.
and the sacrifice of ephi bi a wether; but in the lambren he schal offre the sacrifice which his hond schal yiue, and of oile the mesure hyn, bi ech ephi.
6 In die autem Calendarum vitulum de armento immaculatum: et sex agni, et arietes immaculati erunt.
But in the dai of calendis he schal offre a calf with out wem of the droue; and sixe lambren, and wetheris schulen be with out wem,
7 Et ephi per vitulum, ephi quoque per arietem faciet sacrificium: de agnis autem, sicut invenerit manus eius: et olei hin per singula ephi.
and ephi bi a calf. Also he schal make the sacrifice ephi bi a wether; but of lambren as his hond fyndith, and of oile the mesure hyn, bi ech ephi.
8 Cumque ingressurus est princeps, per viam vestibuli portae ingrediatur, et per eamdem viam exeat.
And whanne the prince schal entre, entre he bi the weie of the porche of the yate, and go he out bi the same weie.
9 Et cum intrabit populus terrae in conspectu Domini in sollemnitatibus: qui ingreditur per portam Aquilonis, ut adoret, egrediatur per viam portae Meridianae: porro qui ingreditur per viam portae Meridianae, egrediatur per viam portae Aquilonis: non revertetur per viam portae, per quam ingressus est, sed e regione illius egredietur.
And whanne the puple of the lond schal entre in the siyt of the Lord, in solempnytees, which puple entrith bi the yate of the north, for to worschipe, go it out bi the wei of the south yate. Certis the puple that entrith bi the weie of the south yate, go out bi the weie of the north yate. It schal not turne ayen bi the weie of the yate, bi which it entride, but euene ayens that weie it schal go out.
10 Princeps autem in medio eorum cum ingredientibus ingredietur, et cum egredientibus egredietur.
Forsothe the prince schal be in the myddis of hem; he schal entre with hem that entren, and he schal go out with hem that goen out.
11 Et in nundinis, et in sollemnitatibus erit sacrificium ephi per vitulum, et ephi per arietem: de agnis autem erit sacrificium sicut invenerit manus eius: et olei hin per singula ephi.
And in feiris and in solempnytees, the sacrifice of ephi schal be bi a calf, and ephi bi a wether; in lambren schal be sacrifice as his hond fyndith, and of oile the mesure hyn, bi ech ephi.
12 Cum autem fecerit princeps spontaneum holocaustum, aut pacifica voluntaria Domino: aperietur ei porta, quae respicit ad Orientem, et faciet holocaustum suum, et pacifica sua, sicut fieri solet in die sabbati: et egredietur, claudeturque porta postquam exierit.
Forsothe whanne the prince makith a wilful brent sacrifice, ether wilful pesible sacrifice to the Lord, the yate that biholdith to the eest, schal be openyd to hym; and he schal make his brent sacrifice, and hise pesible sacrifices, as it is wont to be doon in the dai of sabat; and he schal go out, and the yate schal be closid after that he yede out.
13 Et agnum eiusdem anni immaculatum faciet holocaustum quotidie Domino: semper mane faciet illud.
And he schal make brent sacrifice ech day to the Lord, a lomb with out wem of the same yeer; euere he schal make it in the morewtid,
14 Et faciet sacrificium super eo cata mane mane sextam partem ephi, et de oleo tertiam partem hin, ut misceatur similae: sacrificium Domino legitimum, iuge atque perpetuum.
and he schal make sacrifice on it ful eerli; eerli he schal make the sixte part of ephi, and of oile the thridde part of hyn, that it be meddlid with the floure of wheete; it is a lawful sacrifice, contynuel and euerlastinge, to the Lord.
15 Faciet agnum, et sacrificium, et oleum cata mane mane, holocaustum sempiternum.
He schal make a lomb, and sacrifice, and oile, ful eerli; he schal make eerli brent sacrifice euerlastynge.
16 Haec dicit Dominus Deus: Si dederit princeps domum alicui de filiis suis: hereditas eius, filiorum suorum erit, possidebunt eam hereditarie.
The Lord God seith these thingis, If the prince yyueth an hous to ony of hise sones, the eritage of hym schal be of hise sones; thei schulen welde it bi eritage.
17 Si autem dederit legatum de hereditate sua uni servorum suorum, erit illius usque ad annum remissionis, et revertetur ad principem: hereditas autem eius, filiis eius erit.
Forsothe if he yyueth a biquest of his eritage to oon of hise seruauntis, it schal be his `til to the yeer of remyssioun, and it schal turne ayen to the prince; forsothe the eritage of hym schal be to hise sones.
18 Et non accipiet princeps de hereditate populi per violentiam, et de possessione eorum: sed de possessione sua hereditatem dabit filiis suis: ut non dispergatur populus meus unusquisque a possessione sua.
And the prince schal not take bi violence of the eritage of the puple, and of the possessioun of hem; but of his owne possessioun he schal yyue eritage to hise sones, that my puple be not scaterid, ech man fro his possessioun.
19 Et introduxit me per ingressum, qui erat ex latere portae, in gazophylacia sanctuarii ad sacerdotes, quae respiciebant ad Aquilonem: et erat ibi locus vergens ad Occidentem.
And he ledde me in bi the entryng, that was on the side of the yate, in to the treseries of the seyntuarie to the preestis, whiche treseries bihelden to the north; and there was a place goynge to the west.
20 Et dixit ad me: Iste est locus ubi coquent sacerdotes pro peccato, et pro delicto: ubi coquent sacrificium, ut non efferant in atrium exterius, et sanctificetur populus.
And he seide to me, This is the place where prestis schulen sethe, bothe for synne and for trespas; where thei schulen sethe sacrifice, that thei bere not out in to the outermere halle, and the puple be halewid.
21 Et eduxit me in atrium exterius, et circumduxit me per quattuor angulos atrii: et ecce atriolum erat in angulo atrii, atriola singula per angulos atrii.
And he ledde me out in to the outermere halle, and ledde me aboute bi the foure corneris of the halle; and lo! a litil halle was in the corner of the halle, alle litil hallis bi the corneris of the halle;
22 In quattuor angulis atrii atriola disposita, quadraginta cubitorum per longum, et triginta per latum: mensurae unius quattuor erant.
in foure corneris of the halle litle hallis weren disposid, of fourti cubitis bi lengthe, and of thretti bi breede;
23 Et paries per circuitum ambiens quattuor atriola: et culinae fabricatae erant subter porticus per gyrum.
foure weren of o mesure; and a wal bi cumpas yede aboute foure litle hallis; and kychenes weren maad vndur the porchis bi cumpas.
24 Et dixit ad me: Haec est domus culinarum, in qua coquent ministri domus Domini victimas populi.
And he seide to me, This is the hous of kichenes, in which the mynystris of the hous of the Lord schulen sethe the sacrifices of the puple.