< Exodus 38 >

1 Fecit et altare holocausti de lignis setim, quinque cubitorum per quadrum, et trium in altitudine:
And Beseleel made the ark,
2 cuius cornua de angulis procedebant, operuitque illum laminis aeneis.
and overlaid it with pure gold within and without;
3 Et in usus eius paravit ex aere vasa diversa, lebetes, forcipes, fuscinulas, uncinos, et ignium receptacula.
and he cast for it four golden rings, two on the one side, and two on the other,
4 Craticulamque eius in modum retis fecit aeneam, et subter eam in altaris medio arulam,
wide [enough] for the staves, so that men should bear the ark with them.
5 fusis quattuor annulis per totidem retiaculi summitates, ad immittendos vectes ad portandum:
And he made the propitiatory over the ark of pure gold,
6 quos et ipsos fecit de lignis setim, et operuit laminis aeneis:
and the two cherubs of gold;
7 induxitque in circulos, qui in lateribus altaris eminebant. Ipsum autem altare non erat solidum, sed cavum ex tabulatis, et intus vacuum.
one cherub on the one end of the propitiatory, and another cherub on the other end of the propitiatory,
8 Fecit et labrum aeneum cum basi sua de speculis mulierum, quae excubabant in ostio tabernaculi.
overshadowing the propitiatory with their wings.
9 Fecit et atrium, in cuius australi plaga erant tentoria de bysso retorta, cubitorum centum,
And he made the set table of pure gold,
10 columnae aeneae viginti cum basibus suis, capita columnarum, et tota operis caelatura, argentea.
and cast for it four rings: two on the one side and two on the other side, broad, so that [men] should lift it with the staves in them.
11 Aeque ad septentrionalem plagam tentoria, columnae, basesque et capita columnarum eiusdem mensurae, et operis ac metalli, erant.
And he made the staves of the ark and of the table, and gilded them with gold.
12 In ea vero plaga, quae ad Occidentem respicit, fuerunt tentoria cubitorum quinquaginta, columnae decem cum basibus suis aeneae, et capita columnarum, et tota operis caelatura, argentea.
And he made the furniture of the table, both the dishes, and the censers, and the cups, and the bowls with which he should offer drink-offerings, of gold.
13 Porro contra orientem quinquaginta cubitorum paravit tentoria:
And he made the candlestick which gives light, of gold;
14 e quibus, quindecim cubitos columnarum trium, cum basibus suis unum tenebant latus:
the stem solid, and the branches from both its sides;
15 et in parte altera (quia inter utraque introitum tabernaculi fecit) quindecim aeque cubitorum erant tentoria, columnaeque tres, et bases totidem.
and blossoms proceeding from its branches, three on this side, and three on the other, made equal to each other.
16 Cuncta atrii tentoria byssus retorta texuerat.
And [as to] their lamps, which are on the ends, knops [proceeded] from them; and sockets proceeding from them, that the lamps might be upon them; and the seventh socket, on the top of the candlestick, on the summit above, entirely of solid gold.
17 Bases columnarum fuere aeneae, capita autem earum cum cunctis caelaturis suis argentea: sed et ipsas columnas atrii vestivit argento.
And on the candlestick seven golden lamps, and its snuffers gold, and its funnels gold.
18 Et in introitu eius opere plumario fecit tentorium ex hyacintho, purpura, vermiculo, ac bysso retorta, quod habebat viginti cubitos in longitudine, altitudo vero quinque cubitorum erat iuxta mensuram, quam cuncta atrii tentoria habebant.
He overlaid the posts [with silver], and cast for each post golden rings, and gilded the bars with gold; and he gilded the posts of the veil with gold, and made the hooks of gold.
19 Columnae autem in ingressu fuere quattuor cum basibus aeneis, capitaque earum et caelaturae argenteae.
He made also the rings of the tabernacle of gold; and the rings of the court, and the rings for drawing out the veil above of brass.
20 Paxillos quoque tabernaculi et atrii per gyrum fecit aeneos.
He cast the silver chapiters of the tabernacle, and the brazen chapiters of the door of the tabernacle, and the gate of the court; and he made silver hooks for the posts, he overlaid them with silver on the posts.
21 Haec sunt instrumenta tabernaculi testimonii, quae enumerata sunt iuxta praeceptum Moysi in ceremoniis Levitarum per manum Ithamar filii Aaron sacerdotis:
He made the pins of the tabernacle and the pins of the court of brass.
22 quae Beseleel filius Uri filii Hur de tribu Iuda, Domino per Moysen iubente, compleverat,
He made the brazen altar of the brazen censers, which belonged to the men engaged in sedition with the gathering of Core.
23 iuncto sibi socio Ooliab filio Achisamech de tribu Dan: qui et ipse artifex lignorum egregius fuit, et polymitarius atque plumarius ex hyacintho, purpura, vermiculo, et bysso.
He made all the vessels of the altar and its grate, and its base, and its bowls, and the brazen flesh-hooks.
24 Omne aurum quod expensum est in opere Sanctuarii, et quod oblatum est in donariis, viginti novem talentorum fuit, et septingentorum triginta siclorum ad mensuram Sanctuarii.
He made an appendage for the altar of network under the grate, beneath it as far as the middle of it; and he fastened to it four brazen rings on the four parts of the appendage of the altar, wide [enough] for the bars, so as to bear the altar with them.
25 Oblatum est autem ab his qui transierunt ad numerum a viginti annis et supra, de sexcentis tribus millibus, et quingentis quinquaginta, armatorum.
He made the holy anointing oil and the composition of the incense, the pure work of the perfumer.
26 Fuerunt praeterea centum talenta argenti, e quibus conflatae sunt bases Sanctuarii, et introitus ubi velum pendet.
He made the brazen laver, and the brazen base of it of the mirrors of the women that fasted, who fasted by the doors of the tabernacle of witness, in the day in which he set it up.
27 Centum bases factae sunt de talentis centum, singulis talentis per bases singulas supputatis.
And he made the laver, that at it Moses and Aaron and his sons might wash their hands and their feet: when they went into the tabernacle of witness, or whensoever they should advance to the altar to do service, they washed at it, as the Lord commanded Moses.
28 De mille autem septingentis, et septuaginta quinque fecit capita columnarum, quas et ipsas vestivit argento.
29 Aeris quoque oblata sunt talenta septuaginta duo millia, et quadringenti supra sicli,
30 ex quibus fusae sunt bases in introitu tabernaculi testimonii, et altare aeneum cum craticula sua, omniaque vasa, quae ad usum eius pertinent,
31 et bases atrii tam in circuitu quam in ingressu eius, et paxilli tabernaculi atque atrii, per gyrum.

< Exodus 38 >