< Exodus 21 >

1 Haec sunt iudicia quae propones eis.
These are the judgments which thou shalt set before them.
2 Si emeris servum Hebraeum, sex annis serviet tibi: in septimo egredietur liber gratis.
If thou buy a Hebrew servant, six years shall he serve thee: in the seventh he shall go out free for nothing.
3 Cum quali veste intraverit, cum tali exeat: si habens uxorem, et uxor egredietur simul.
With what raiment he came in, with the like let him go out: if having a wife, his wife also shall go out with him.
4 Sin autem dominus dederit illi uxorem, et pepererit filios et filias: mulier et liberi eius erunt domini sui, ipse vero exibit cum vestitu suo.
But if his master gave him a wife, and she hath borne sons and daughters: the woman and her children shall be her master’s: but he himself shall go out with his raiment.
5 Quod si dixerit servus: Diligo dominum meum et uxorem ac liberos, non egrediar liber:
And if the servant shall say: I love my master and my wife and children, I will not go out free:
6 offeret eum dominus diis, et applicabitur ad ostium et postes, perforabitque aurem eius subula: et erit ei servus in saeculum.
His master shall bring him to the gods, and he shall be set to the door and the posts, and he shall bore his ear through with an awl: and he shall be his servant for ever.
7 Si quis vendiderit filiam suam in famulam, non egredietur sicut ancillae exire consueverunt.
If any man sell his daughter to be a servant, she shall not go out as bondwomen are wont to go out.
8 Si displicuerit oculis domini sui cui tradita fuerat, dimittet eam: populo autem alieno vendendi non habebit potestatem, si spreverit eam.
If she displease the eyes of her master to whom she was delivered, he shall let her go: but he shall have no power to sell her to a foreign nation, if he despise her.
9 Sin autem filio suo desponderit eam, iuxta morem filiarum faciet illi.
But if he have betrothed her to his son, he shall deal with her after the manner of daughters.
10 Quod si alteram ei acceperit, providebit puellae nuptias, et vestimenta, et pretium pudicitiae non negabit.
And if he take another wife for him, he shall provide her a marriage, and raiment, neither shall he refuse the price of her chastity.
11 Si tria ista non fecerit, egredietur gratis absque pecunia.
If he do not these three things, she shall go out free without money.
12 Qui percusserit hominem volens occidere, morte moriatur.
He that striketh a man with a will to kill him, shall be put to death.
13 Qui autem non est insidiatus, sed Deus illum tradidit in manus eius: constituam tibi locum in quem fugere debeat.
But he that did not lie in wait for him, but God delivered him into his hands: I will appoint thee a place to which he must flee.
14 Si quis per industriam occiderit proximum suum, et per insidias: ab altari meo evelles eum, ut moriatur.
If a man kill his neighbour on set purpose and by lying in wait for him: thou shalt take him away from my altar, that he may die.
15 Qui percusserit patrem suum aut matrem, morte moriatur.
He that striketh his father or mother, shall be put to death.
16 Qui furatus fuerit hominem, et vendiderit eum, convictus noxae, morte moriatur.
He that shall steal a man, and sell him, being convicted of guilt, shall be put to death.
17 Qui maledixerit patri suo, vel matri, morte moriatur.
He that curseth his father, or mother, shall die the death.
18 Si rixati fuerint viri, et percusserit alter proximum suum lapide vel pugno, et ille mortuus non fuerit, sed iacuerit in lectulo:
If men quarrel, and the one strike his neighbour with a stone or with his fist, and he die not, but keepeth his bed:
19 si surrexerit, et ambulaverit foris super baculum suum, innocens erit qui percusserit, ita tamen ut operas eius, et impensas in medicos restituat.
If he rise again and walk abroad upon his staff, he that struck him shall be quit, yet so that he make restitution for his work, and for his expenses upon the physicians.
20 Qui percusserit servum suum, vel ancillam virga, et mortui fuerint in manibus eius, criminis reus erit.
He that striketh his bondman or bondwoman with a rod, and they die under his hands, shall be guilty of the crime.
21 Sin autem uno die vel duobus supervixerit, non subiacebit poenae, quia pecunia illius est.
But if the party remain alive a day or two, he shall not be subject to the punishment, because it is his money.
22 Si rixati fuerint viri, et percusserit quis mulierem praegnantem, et abortivum quidem fecerit, sed ipsa vixerit: subiacebit damno quantum maritus mulieris expetierit, et arbitri iudicaverint.
If men quarrel, and one strike a woman with child, and she miscarry indeed, but live herself: he shall be answerable for so much damage as the woman’s husband shall require, and as arbiters shall award.
23 Sin autem mors eius fuerit subsecuta, reddet animam pro anima,
But if her death ensue thereupon, he shall render life for life.
24 oculum pro oculo, dentem pro dente, manum pro manu, pedem pro pede,
Eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot,
25 adustionem pro adustione, vulnus pro vulnere, livorem pro livore.
Burning for burning, wound for wound, stripe for stripe.
26 Si percusserit quispiam oculum servi sui aut ancillae, et luscos eos fecerit, dimittet eos liberos pro oculo quem eruit.
If any man strike the eye of his manservant or maidservant, and leave them but one eye, he shall let them go free for the eye which he put out.
27 Dentem quoque si excusserit servo vel ancillae suae, similiter dimittet eos liberos.
Also if he strike out a tooth of his manservant or maidservant, he shall in like manner make them free.
28 Si bos cornu percusserit virum aut mulierem, et mortui fuerint, lapidibus obruetur: et non comedentur carnes eius, dominus quoque bovis innocens erit.
If an ox gore a man or a woman, and they die, he shall be stoned: and his flesh shall not be eaten, but the owner of the ox shall be quit.
29 Quod si bos cornupeta fuerit ab heri et nudiustertius, et contestati sunt dominum eius, nec recluserit eum, occideritque virum aut mulierem: et bos lapidibus obruetur, et dominum eius occident.
But if the ox was wont to push with his horn yesterday and the day before, and they warned his master, and he did not shut him up, and he shall kill a man or a woman: then the ox shall be stoned, an his owner also shall be put to death.
30 Quod si pretium fuerit ei impositum, dabit pro anima sua quidquid fuerit postulatus.
And if they set a price upon him, he shall give for his life whatsoever is laid upon him.
31 Filium quoque et filiam si cornu percusserit, simili sententiae subiacebit.
If he have gored a son, or a daughter, he shall fall under the like sentence.
32 Si servum, ancillamque invaserit, triginta siclos argenti domino dabit, bos vero lapidibus opprimetur.
If he assault a bondman or a bond woman, he shall give thirty sicles of silver to their master, and the ox shall be stoned.
33 Si quis aperuerit cisternam, et foderit, et non operuerit eam, cecideritque bos aut asinus in eam,
If a man open a pit, and dig one, and cover it not, and an ox or an ass fall into it,
34 reddet dominus cisternae pretium iumentorum: quod autem mortuum est, ipsius erit.
The owner of the pit shall pay the price of the beasts: and that which is dead shall be his own.
35 Si bos alienus bovem alterius vulneraverit, et ille mortuus fuerit: vendent bovem vivum, et divident pretium, cadaver autem mortui inter se dispertient.
If one man’s ox gore another man’s ox, and he die: they shall sell the live ox, and shall divide the price, and the carcass of that which died they shall part between them:
36 Sin autem sciebat quod bos cornupeta esset ab heri et nudiustertius, et non custodivit eum dominus suus: reddet bovem pro bove, et cadaver integrum accipiet.
But if he knew that his ox was wont to push yesterday and the day before, and his master did not keep him in: he shall pay ox for ox, and shall take the whole carcass.

< Exodus 21 >