< Deuteronomii 7 >
1 Cum introduxerit te Dominus Deus tuus in terram, quam possessurus ingredieris, et deleverit Gentes multas coram te, Hethaeum, et Gergezaeum, et Amorrhaeum, Chananaeum, et Pherezaeum, et Hevaeum, et Iebusaeum, septem gentes multo maioris numeri quam tu es, et robustiores te:
The Lord your God is going to lead you into the land that you are taking over in order to own it, and will drive out ahead of you many other nations: the Hittites, Girgashites, Amorites, Canaanites, Perizzites, Hivites, and Jebusites, seven nations that are larger and stronger than you.
2 tradideritque eas Dominus Deus tuus tibi, percuties eas usque ad internecionem. Non inibis cum eis foedus, nec misereberis earum,
When the Lord your God has handed them over to you to defeat them, then you must set them apart for destruction. Don't make any peace treaty with them and don't show them any mercy.
3 neque sociabis cum eis coniugia. Filiam tuam non dabis filio eius, nec filiam illius accipies filio tuo:
Don't intermarry with them. Don't let your daughters marry their sons or have their daughters marry your sons,
4 quia seducet filium tuum, ne sequatur me, et ut magis serviat diis alienis. irasceturque furor Domini, et delebit te cito.
because they will lead your children away from following me to worship other gods. Then the Lord will be angry with you, and he will quickly come and kill you.
5 Quin potius haec facietis eis: Aras eorum subvertite, et confringite statuas, lucosque succidite, et sculptilia comburite.
On the contrary, this is what you are to do to them: tear down their altars, knock down their idolatrous pillars, cut down their Asherah poles, and burn down their idols.
6 Quia populus sanctus es Domino Deo tuo. Te elegit Dominus Deus tuus, ut sis ei populus peculiaris de cunctis populis, qui sunt super terram.
For you are the Lord your God's holy people. The Lord your God has chosen you to be his own special people, valued above all other peoples on the earth.
7 Non quia cunctas gentes numero vincebatis, vobis iunctus est Dominus, et elegit vos, cum omnibus sitis populis pauciores:
It wasn't because there were so many of you that the Lord loved you more than any other nation, in fact he chose you though there were so few of you.
8 sed quia dilexit vos Dominus, et custodivit iuramentum, quod iuravit patribus vestris: eduxitque vos in manu forti, et redemit de domo servitutis, de manu Pharaonis regis Aegypti.
However, because the Lord loved you and kept the promise he gave to your forefathers, He led you out by his power and rescued you from the prison-house of slavery, from the rule of Pharaoh, king of Egypt.
9 Et scies quia Dominus Deus tuus, ipse est Deus fortis et fidelis, custodiens pactum et misericordiam diligentibus se, et his qui custodiunt praecepta eius in mille generationes:
That's why you can be sure that the Lord your God is the true God, the faithful God who keeps his agreement based on trustworthy love to a thousand generations of those who love him and keep his commandments.
10 et reddens odientibus se statim, ita ut disperdat eos, et ultra non differat, protinus eis restituens quod merentur.
But he doesn't hesitate to pay back those who hate him by destroying them.
11 Custodi ergo praecepta et ceremonias atque iudicia, quae ego mando tibi hodie ut facias.
So keep the commandments and rules and regulations that I'm giving you to follow today.
12 Si postquam audieris haec iudicia, custodieris ea et feceris, custodiet et Dominus Deus tuus pactum tibi, et misericordiam quam iuravit patribus tuis:
If you listen to these regulations and are careful to observe them, then the Lord your God will keep his agreement and the trustworthy love that he promised to your forefathers.
13 et diliget te ac multiplicabit, benedicetque fructui ventris tui, et fructui terrae tuae, frumento tuo, atque vindemiae, oleo, et armentis, gregibus ovium tuarum super Terram, pro qua iuravit patribus tuis ut daret eam tibi.
He will love you and bless you and give you many descendants. He will bless your children and the crops your land produces—your grain, new wine, and olive oil, the calves of your cattle herds and the lambs of your flocks—in the land that he promised your forefathers to give you.
14 Benedictus eris inter omnes populos. Non erit apud te sterilis utriusque sexus, tam in hominibus quam in gregibus tuis.
You will be blessed more than any other nation; none of you will be childless, and none of your livestock will fail to have young.
15 Auferet Dominus a te omnem languorem: et infirmitates Aegypti pessimas, quas novisti, non inferet tibi, sed cunctis hostibus tuis.
The Lord will keep you from having any kind of sickness. He will not let you have any of the terrible diseases you saw in Egypt, but he will let all who hate you suffer from them.
16 Devorabis omnes populos, quos Dominus Deus tuus daturus est tibi. Non parcet eis oculus tuus, nec servies diis eorum, ne sint in ruinam tui.
You are to destroy all the nations the Lord your God hands over to you. Don't look on them with sympathy. Don't worship their gods, for that will end up being a trap to you.
17 Si dixeris in corde tuo: Plures sunt gentes istae quam ego, quo modo potero delere eas?
You may say to yourselves, “These nations are stronger than us. How on earth can we drive them out?”
18 noli metuere, sed recordare quae fecerit Dominus Deus tuus Pharaoni, et cunctis Aegyptiis,
But don't be afraid of them. Make sure you remember what the Lord your God did to Pharaoh and the whole of Egypt:
19 plagas maximas, quas viderunt oculi tui, et signa atque portenta, manumque robustam, et extentum brachium, ut educeret te Dominus Deus tuus. sic faciet cunctis populis, quos metuis.
the amazing tests you witnessed, the signs and miracles, the great power and incredible strength the Lord your God used to lead you out. The Lord your God is going to deal with all the nations you're currently afraid of in the same way.
20 Insuper et crabrones mittet Dominus Deus tuus in eos, donec deleat omnes atque disperdat qui te fugerint, et latere potuerint.
On top of this, the Lord your God will send the hornet against them until anyone who has survived and anyone hiding from you have been killed.
21 Non timebis eos, quia Dominus Deus tuus in medio tui est, Deus magnus et terribilis:
Don't be frightened of these nations, for the Lord your God, who is with you, is a powerful and awesome God.
22 ipse consumet nationes has in conspectu tuo paulatim atque per partes. Non poteris eas delere pariter: ne forte multiplicentur contra te bestiae terrae.
The Lord your God will drive out these nations ahead of you in stages. You won't be able to get rid of them all at the same time, or you'd be overwhelmed by wild animals.
23 Dabitque eos Dominus Deus tuus in conspectu tuo: et interficiet illos donec penitus deleantur.
But the Lord your God will hand them over to you and throw them into a terrible panic, until they are wiped out.
24 Tradetque reges eorum in manus tuas, et disperdes nomina eorum sub caelo: nullus poterit resistere tibi, donec conteras eos.
He will give their defeated kings to you to be killed, and even their names will be forgotten. No one will be able to withstand you; you will completely destroy them.
25 Sculptilia eorum igne combures: non concupisces argentum et aurum, de quibus facta sunt, neque assumes ex eis tibi quidquam, ne offendas, propterea quia abominatio est Domini tui.
You must burn the idols of their god. Don't desire the silver and gold that covers them. Don't take it or otherwise it will be a trap for you because the Lord your God detests anything to do with idols.
26 Nec inferes quippiam ex idolo in domum tuam, ne fias anathema, sicut et illud est. Quasi spurcitiam detestaberis, et velut inquinamentum ac sordes abominationi habebis, quia anathema est.
Don't bring any detestable idol into your house, otherwise you will treated just like it—by being set apart for destruction. You are to treat idols as totally despicable, and stay far away from them, because they are set apart for destruction.