< Deuteronomii 24 >

1 Si acceperit homo uxorem, et habuerit eam, et non invenerit gratiam ante oculos eius propter aliquam foeditatem: scribet libellum repudii, et dabit in manu illius, et dimittet eam de domo sua.
“When a man takes a wife and has married her, and it has been, if she does not find grace in his eyes (for he has found nakedness in her of anything), then he has written a writing of divorce for her, and given [it] into her hand, and sent her out of his house;
2 Cumque egressa alterum maritum duxerit,
when she has gone out of his house, and has gone and been another man’s,
3 et ille quoque oderit eam, dederitque ei libellum repudii, et dimiserit de domo sua, vel certe mortuus fuerit:
and the latter man has hated her, and written a writing of divorce for her, and given [it] into her hand, and sent her out of his house, or when the latter man dies, who has taken her to himself for a wife,
4 non poterit prior maritus recipere eam in uxorem: quia polluta est, et abominabilis facta est coram Domino: ne peccare facias Terram tuam, quam Dominus Deus tuus tradiderit tibi possidendam.
her former husband who sent her away is not able to return to take her to be to him for a wife, after that she has become defiled; for it [is] an abomination before YHWH, and you do not cause the land to sin which your God YHWH is giving to you [for] an inheritance.
5 Cum acceperit homo nuper uxorem, non procedet ad bellum, nec ei quippiam necessitatis iniungetur publicae, sed vacabit absque culpa domui suae, ut uno anno laetetur cum uxore sua.
When a man takes a new wife, he does not go out into the host, and [one] does not pass over to him for anything; he is free at his own house [for] one year, and his wife, whom he has taken, he has made glad.
6 Non accipies loco pignoris inferiorem, et superiorem molam: quia animam suam apposuit tibi.
No one takes millstones and rider in pledge, for it [is one’s] life he is taking in pledge.
7 Si deprehensus fuerit homo solicitans fratrem suum de filiis Israel, et vendito eo acceperit pretium, interficietur, et auferes malum de medio tui.
When a man is found stealing a person from his brothers, from the sons of Israel, and has tyrannized over him and sold him, then that thief has died, and you have put away evil out of your midst.
8 Observa diligenter ne incurras plagam leprae, sed facies quaecumque docuerint te sacerdotes Levitici generis iuxta id, quod praecepi eis, et imple solicite.
Take heed in the plague of leprosy, to watch greatly, and to do according to all that the priests, the Levites, teach you; you observe to do as I have commanded them;
9 Mementote quae fecerit Dominus Deus vester Mariae in via cum egrederemini de Aegypto.
remember that which your God YHWH has done to Miriam in the way, in your coming out of Egypt.
10 Cum repetes a proximo tuo rem aliquam, quam debet tibi, non ingredieris domum eius ut pignus auferas:
When you lift up a debt of anything on your brother, you do not go into his house to obtain his pledge;
11 sed stabis foris, et ille tibi proferet quod habuerit.
you stand at the outside, and the man on whom you are lifting [it] up is bringing out the pledge to you at the outside.
12 sin autem pauper est, non pernoctabit apud te pignus,
And if he is a poor man, you do not lie down with his pledge;
13 sed statim reddes ei ante solis occasum: ut dormiens in vestimento suo, benedicat tibi, et habeas iustitiam coram Domino Deo tuo.
you certainly give back the pledge to him at the going in of the sun, and he has lain down in his own raiment and has blessed you; and it is righteousness to you before your God YHWH.
14 Non negabis mercedem indigentis, et pauperis fratris tui, sive advenae, qui tecum moratur in terra, et intra portas tuas est:
You do not oppress a hired worker, poor and needy, of your brothers or of your sojourner who is in your land within your gates;
15 sed eadem die reddes ei pretium laboris sui ante solis occasum, quia pauper est, et ex eo sustentat animam suam: ne clamet contra te ad Dominum, et reputetur tibi in peccatum.
you give his hire in his day, and the sun does not go in on it, for he [is] poor, and he is supporting his life on it, lest he cries against you to YHWH, and it has been sin in you.
16 Non occidentur patres pro filiis, nec filii pro patribus, sed unusquisque pro peccato suo morietur.
Fathers are not put to death for sons, and sons are not put to death for fathers—they are each put to death for his own sin.
17 Non pervertes iudicium advenae et pupilli, nec auferes pignoris loco viduae vestimentum.
You do not turn aside the judgment of a fatherless sojourner, nor take the garment of a widow in pledge;
18 Memento quod servieris in Aegypto, et eruerit te Dominus Deus tuus inde. Idcirco praecipio tibi ut facias hanc rem.
and you have remembered that you have been a servant in Egypt, and your God YHWH ransoms you from there; therefore I am commanding you to do this thing.
19 Quando messueris segetem in agro tuo, et oblitus manipulum reliqueris, non reverteris ut tollas illum: sed advenam, et pupillum, et viduam auferre patieris, ut benedicat tibi Dominus Deus tuus in omni opere manuum tuarum.
When you reap your harvest in your field, and have forgotten a sheaf in a field, you do not return to take it; it is for the sojourner, for the fatherless, and for the widow, so that your God YHWH blesses you in all the work of your hands.
20 Si fruges collegeris olivarum, quidquid remanserit in arboribus, non reverteris ut colligas: sed relinques advenae, pupillo, ac viduae.
When you beat your olive, you do not examine the branch behind you; it is for the sojourner, for the fatherless, and for the widow.
21 Si vindemiaveris vineam tuam, non colliges remanentes racemos, sed cedent in usus advenae, pupilli, ac viduae.
When you cut your vineyard, you do not glean behind you; it is for the sojourner, for the fatherless, and for the widow;
22 Memento quod et tu servieris in Aegypto, et idcirco praecipio tibi ut facias hanc rem.
and you have remembered that you have been a servant in the land of Egypt; therefore I am commanding you to do this thing.”

< Deuteronomii 24 >