< Deuteronomii 1 >
1 Haec sunt verba, quae locutus est Moyses ad omnem Israel trans Iordanem in solitudine campestri, contra Mare rubrum, inter Pharan et Thophel et Laban et Haseroth, ubi auri est plurimum:
These ben the wordis whiche Moyses spak to al Israel ouer Jordan, in the wildirnesse of the feeld, ayens the reed see, bitwix Pharan and Tophel and Laban and Asseroth, where is ful myche gold,
2 undecim diebus de Horeb per viam montis Seir usque ad Cadesbarne.
by enleuene daies fro Oreb bi the weie of the hil of Seir, til to Cades Barne.
3 Quadragesimo anno, undecimo mense, prima die mensis locutus est Moyses ad filios Israel omnia quae praeceperat illi Dominus ut diceret eis:
In the fortithe yeer, in the enleuenth monethe, in the firste dai of the monethe, Moises spak to the sones of Israel alle thingis whiche the Lord commandide to hym that he schulde seie to hem,
4 postquam percussit Sehon regem Amorrhaeorum, qui habitavit in Hesebon: et Og regem Basan, qui mansit in Astaroth, et in Edrai,
after that he smoot Seon, kyng of Ammorreis, that dwellide in Esebon, and Og, the kyng of Basan, that dwelide in Asseroth and in Edray, ouer Jordan, in the lond of Moab.
5 trans Iordanem in Terra Moab. Coepitque Moyses explanare legem, et dicere:
And Moyses bigan to declare the lawe, and to seie,
6 Dominus Deus noster locutus est ad nos in Horeb, dicens: Sufficit vobis quod in hoc monte mansistis:
Oure Lord God spak to vs in Oreb, and seide, It suffisith to you that ye han dwellid in this hil;
7 revertimini, et venite ad montem Amorrhaeorum, et ad cetera quae ei proxima sunt campestria atque montana et humiliora loca contra Meridiem, et iuxta littus maris, Terram Chananaeorum, et Libani usque ad flumen magnum Euphraten.
turne ye ayen, and come ye to the hil of Amorreis, and to othere placis that ben next it; to places of feeldis, and of hillis, and to lowere places ayens the south, and bisidis the brenke of the see, to the lond of Cananeys, and of Liban, `til to the greet flood Eufrates.
8 En, inquit, tradidi vobis: ingredimini et possidete eam, super qua iuravit Dominus patribus vestris Abraham, Isaac, et Iacob, ut daret illam eis, et semini eorum post eos.
Lo, `he seith, Y haue youe to you; entre ye, and `welde ye `that lond on which the Lord swoor to youre fadrys, Abraham, Ysaac, and Jacob, that he schulde yyue it to hem, and to her seed after hem.
9 Dixique vobis illo in tempore:
And Y seide to you in that time, Y may not aloone susteyne you, for youre Lord God hath multiplied you,
10 Non possum solus sustinere vos: quia Dominus Deus vester multiplicavit vos, et estis hodie sicut stellae caeli, plurimi.
and ye ben ful many to dai, as the sterris of heuene;
11 (Dominus Deus patrum vestrorum addat ad hunc numerum multa millia, et benedicat vobis sicut locutus est.)
the Lord God of youre fadris adde to this noumbre many thousyndis, and blesse you, as he spak.
12 Non valeo solus negotia vestra sustinere, et pondus ac iurgia.
Y may not aloone susteyne youre causis, and birthun, and stryues; yyue ye of you men wise `in dyuyn thingis,
13 Date ex vobis viros sapientes et gnaros, et quorum conversatio sit probata in tribubus vestris, ut ponam eos vobis principes.
and witti `in mennus thingis worthi to be don, whose conuersacioun is preued in youre lynagis, that Y sette hem princes to you.
14 Tunc respondistis mihi: Bona res est, quam vis facere.
Thanne ye answeriden to me, The thing is good which thou wolt do.
15 Tulique de tribubus vestris viros sapientes et nobiles, et constitui eos principes, tribunos, et centuriones, et quinquagenarios ac decanos, qui docerent vos singula.
And Y took of youre lynagis men wise and noble, `in vertues and kyn; and Y ordeynede hem princis, tribunes, and centuryouns, and quynquagenaries, and denys, whiche schulden teche you all thingis.
16 Praecepique eis, dicens: Audite illos, et quod iustum est iudicate: sive civis sit ille, sive peregrinus.
And Y comaundide to hem, and seide, Here ye hem, and deme ye that that is iust, whether he be a citeseyn, whether a pilgrym.
17 Nulla erit distantia personarum, ita parvum audietis ut magnum: nec accipietis cuiusquam personam, quia Dei iudicium est. Quod si difficile vobis visum aliquid fuerit, referte ad me, et ego audiam.
No difference schal be of persones; ye schulen here so a litil man, `that is, pore, as a greet man, nether ye schulen take the persoone of ony man, for it is the doom of God. That if ony thing semeth hard to you, telle ye to me, and Y schal here.
18 Praecepique omnia quae facere deberetis.
And Y comaundide alle thingis whiche ye ouyten to do.
19 Profecti autem de Horeb, transivimus per eremum terribilem et maximam solitudinem, quam vidistis, per viam montis Amorrhaei, sicut praeceperat Dominus Deus noster nobis. Cumque venissemus in Cadesbarne,
Forsothe we yeden forth fro Oreb, and passiden bi a feerdful deseert, and grettiste wildirnesse, which ye sien, bi the weye of the hil of Ammorrey, as oure Lord God comaundide to vs. And whanne we hadden come in to Cades Barne,
20 dixi vobis: Venistis ad montem Amorrhaei, quem Dominus Deus noster daturus est nobis.
Y seide to you, Ye ben comen to the hil of Ammorrey, which youre Lord God schal yyue to you;
21 Vide Terram, quam Dominus Deus tuus dat tibi: ascende et posside eam, sicut locutus est Dominus Deus noster patribus tuis: noli timere, nec quidquam paveas.
se thou the lond which thi Lord God schal yyue to thee; `stie thou, and welde it, as oure Lord God spak to thi fadris; `nyle thou drede, nether `drede thou in herte ony thing.
22 Et accessistis ad me omnes, atque dixistis: Mittamus viros qui considerent Terram: et renuncient per quod iter debeamus ascendere, et ad quas pergere civitates.
And alle ye neiyiden to me, and ye seiden, Sende we men, that schulen biholde the lond, and telle to vs bi what weye we owen stie, and to whiche citees we owen to go.
23 Cumque mihi sermo placuisset, misi ex vobis duodecim viros, singulos de tribubus suis.
And whanne the word pleside to me, Y sente of you twelue men, of ech lynage oon.
24 Qui cum perrexissent, et ascendissent in montana, venerunt usque ad Vallem botri: et considerata terra,
And whanne thei hadden go, and hadden stied in to the hilli places, thei camen `til to the valei of Clustre; and whanne thei hadden biholde the lond,
25 sumentes de fructibus eius, ut ostenderent ubertatem, attulerunt ad nos, atque dixerunt: Bona est terra, quam Dominus Deus noster daturus est nobis.
thei token of the fruytis therof, to schewe the plentee, and brouyten `to vs, and seiden, The lond is good which oure Lord God schal yyue to vs.
26 Et noluistis ascendere, sed increduli ad sermonem Domini Dei nostri
And ye `nolden stie, but ye weren vnbileueful to the word of oure Lord God.
27 murmurastis in tabernaculis vestris, atque dixistis: Odit nos Dominus, et idcirco eduxit nos de Terra Aegypti, ut traderet nos in manu Amorrhaei, atque deleret.
And ye grutchiden in youre tabernaclis, and ye seiden, The Lord hatith vs, and herfor he ledde vs out of the lond of Egipt, that he schulde bitake vs in the hond of Ammorey, and schulde do awei vs.
28 Quo ascendemus? nuncii terruerunt cor nostrum, dicentes: Maxima multitudo est, et nobis statura procerior: urbes magnae, et ad caelum usque munitae: filios Enacim vidimus ibi.
Whidur schulen we stie? the messangeris maden aferd oure herte, and seiden, A grettiste multitude is, and largere in stature than we; the citees ben greete, and wallid `til to the heuene; we sien there the sones of Enachym, that is, giauntis.
29 Et dixi vobis: Nolite metuere, nec timeatis eos:
And Y seide to you, `Nyle ye drede `with ynne, nether `drede withoutforth; the Lord God hym silf,
30 Dominus Deus, qui ductor est vester, pro vobis ipse pugnabit, sicut fecit in Aegypto cunctis videntibus.
which is youre ledere, schal fiyte for you, as he dide in Egipt, while alle men sien.
31 Et in solitudine (ipsi vidistis) portavit te Dominus Deus tuus, ut solet homo gestare parvulum filium suum, in omni via, per quam ambulastis, donec veniretis ad locum istum.
And ye sien in the wildirnesse, thi Lord God bar thee, as a man is wont to bere his litil sone, in al the weie bi which ye yeden til ye camen to this place.
32 Et nec sic quidem credidistis Domino Deo vestro,
And sotheli nether so ye bileueden to youre Lord God, that yede bifor you in the weie,
33 qui praecessit vos in via, et metatus est locum, in quo tentoria figere deberetis, nocte ostendens vobis iter per ignem, et die per columnam nubis.
and mesuride the place in which ye ouyten to sette tentis, and schewide in nyyt the weie to you bi fier, and in dai bi a piler of cloude.
34 Cumque audisset Dominus vocem sermonum vestrorum, iratus iuravit et ait:
And whanne the Lord hadde herd the vois of youre wordis, he was wrooth,
35 Non videbit quispiam de hominibus generationis huius pessimae Terram bonam, quam sub iuramento pollicitus sum patribus vestris:
and swoor, and seide, Noon of the men of this werste generacioun schal se the good lond, which Y bihiyte vndur an ooth to youre fadris,
36 praeter Caleb filium Iephone. ipse enim videbit eam, et ipsi dabo Terram, quam calcavit, et filiis eius, quia secutus est Dominum.
outakun Caleph, the sone of Jephone; for he schal se it, and Y schal yyue to hym the lond on which he trad, and to hise sones, for he suede the Lord.
37 Nec miranda indignatio in populum, cum mihi quoque iratus Dominus propter vos dixerit: Nec tu ingredieris illuc:
Nether the indignacioun ayens the puple is wondirful, sithen the Lord was wrooth also to me for you, and seide,
38 sed Iosue filius Nun minister tuus, ipse intrabit pro te. hunc exhortare et robora, et ipse sorte Terram dividet Israeli.
Nether thou schalt entre thidur, but Josue, the sone of Nun, thi mynystre, he schal entre for thee; excyte and strengthe thou him, and he schal departe the lond bi lot to Israel.
39 Parvuli vestri, de quibus dixistis quod captivi ducerentur, et filii qui hodie boni ac mali ignorant distantiam, ipsi ingredientur: et ipsis dabo Terram, et possidebunt eam.
Youre litle children, of whiche ye seiden, that thei schulden be led prisoneris, and the sones that kunnen not to dai the diuersite of good and of yuel, thei schulen entre; and Y schal yyue to hem the lond, and thei schulen welde it.
40 Vos autem revertimini et abite in solitudinem per viam Maris rubri.
Sotheli turne ye ayen, and go ye in to the wildirnesse, bi the weie of the Reed See.
41 Et respondistis mihi: Peccavimus Domino: ascendemus et pugnabimus, sicut praecepit Dominus Deus noster. Cumque instructi armis pergeretis in montem,
And ye answeriden to me, We synneden to the Lord; we schulen stie, and we schulen fiyte, as oure Lord God comaundide. And whanne ye weren arayed with armeris, and yeden `into the hil, the Lord seide to me,
42 ait mihi Dominus: Dic ad eos: Nolite ascendere, neque pugnetis, non enim sum vobiscum: ne cadatis coram inimicis vestris.
Seie thou to hem, `Nyle ye stye, nether fiyte ye, for Y am not with you, lest ye fallen bifor youre enemyes.
43 Locutus sum, et non audistis: sed adversantes imperio Domini, et tumentes superbia ascendistis in montem.
Y spak, and ye herden not; but ye `weren aduersaries to the comaundement of the Lord, and bolnden with prijde, and stieden in to the hil.
44 Itaque egressus Amorrhaeus, qui habitabat in montibus, et obviam veniens persecutus est vos, sicut solent apes persequi: et cecidit de Seir usque Horma.
Therfor Ammorrey yede out, that dwellide in the hillis, and he cam ayens you, and pursuede you, as bees ben wont to pursue, and killide fro Seir til Horma. And whanne ye turneden ayen,
45 Cumque reversi ploraretis coram Domino, non audivit vos, nec voci vestrae voluit acquiescere.
and wepten bifor the Lord, he herde not you, nether wolde asente to youre vois;
46 Sedistis ergo in Cadesbarne multo tempore.
therfor ye saten in Cades Barne bi myche tyme.