< Actuum Apostolorum 28 >

1 Et cum evasissemus, tunc cognovimus quia Melita insula vocabatur. Barbari vero praestabant non modicam humanitatem nobis.
And when we were escaped, we ascertained that the island was called Malta.
2 Accensa enim pyra, reficiebant nos omnes propter imbrem, qui imminebat, et frigus.
The foreign-speaking people showed us uncommon kindness, for they lighted a fire and made us all welcome, because of the rain and because of the cold.
3 Cum congregasset autem Paulus sarmentorum aliquantam multitudinem, et imposuisset super ignem, vipera a calore cum processisset, invasit manum eius.
Now when Paul had gathered a bundle of sticks and thrown them on the fire, a viper crawled out because of the heat, and fastened on his hand.
4 Ut vero viderunt Barbari pendentem bestiam de manu eius, ad invicem dicebant: Utique homicida est homo hic, qui cum evaserit de mari, ultio non sinit eum vivere.
When the natives saw the reptile hanging on his hand, they began saying to one another, "No doubt this man is a murderer, whom, though he has escaped from the sea, yet justice does not allow him to live."
5 Et ille quidem excutiens bestiam in ignem, nihil mali passus est.
However, he shook off the reptile into the fire and received no harm.
6 At illi existimabant eum in tumorem convertendum, et subito casurum, et mori. Diu autem illis expectantibus, et videntibus nihil mali in eo fieri, convertentes se, dicebant eum esse Deum.
But they kept expecting him to swell up or fall down dead suddenly. But after waiting a long time, and seeing no harm come to him, they changed their minds, and said over and over that he was a god.
7 In locis autem illis erant praedia principis insulae, nomine Publii, qui nos suscipiens, triduo benigne se exhibuit.
Now in the neighborhood there were estates belonging to the governor of the island, whose name was Publius. He received us and entertained us for three days courteously.
8 Contigit autem, patrem Publii febribus, et dysenteria vexatum iacere. Ad quem Paulus intravit: et cum orasset, et imposuisset ei manus, salvavit eum.
It happened however that the father of Publius was lying ill of fever and dysentery. So Paul went to see him and prayed and laid his hands on him and healed him.
9 Quo facto, omnes qui in insula habebant infirmitates, accedebant, et curabantur:
After this all the other sick people on the island came, and continued to be restored to health.
10 qui etiam multis honoribus nos honoraverunt, et navigantibus imposuerunt quae necessaria erant.
These loaded us with many honors and, when at last we set sail, they put on board such things as we needed.
11 Post menses autem tres navigavimus in navi Alexandrina, quae in insula hiemaverat, cui erat insigne Castorum.
Three months passed before we set sail an Alexandrian ship which had wintered in the island. Its name was "The Twin Brothers."
12 Et cum venissemus Syracusam, mansimus ibi triduo.
And touching at Syracuse, we stayed there three days.
13 Inde circumlegentes devenimus Rhegium: et post unum diem flante Austro, secunda die venimus Puteolos;
From thence, tacking round, we reached Rhegium. Next day a south wind sprang up, which brought us in a day to Puteoli.
14 ubi inventis fratribus rogati sumus manere apud eos dies septem: et sic venimus Romam.
There we found brothers who invited us to stay a week with them. Then we reached Rome.
15 Et inde cum audissent fratres, occurrerunt nobis usque ad Appii forum, ac tres Tabernas. Quos cum vidisset Paulus, gratias agens Deo, accepit fiduciam.
From there the brothers, when they heard about us, came out to meet us as far as the Appian Forum and the Three Taverns. When Paul saw them he thanked God and took courage.
16 Cum autem venissemus Romam, permissum est Paulo manere sibimet cum custodiente se milite.
When we finally entered Rome, Paul was allowed to live by himself with the soldier to guard him.
17 Post tertium autem diem convocavit primos Iudaeorum. Cumque convenissent, dicebat eis: Ego, viri fratres, nihil adversus plebem faciens, aut morem paternum, vinctus ab Ierosolymis traditus sum in manus Romanorum,
Now three days later he called the leading Jews together, and when they were come together he said to them. "Brothers, I was delivered a prisoner from Jerusalem into the hands of the Romans, though I had done nothing against the people or the customs of your fathers.
18 qui cum interrogationem de me habuissent, voluerunt me dimittere, eo quod nulla esset causa mortis in me.
"Then when they had examined me they wanted to set me at liberty because there was no cause of death in me.
19 Contradicentibus autem Iudaeis, coactus sum appellare Caesarem, non quasi gentem meam habens aliquid accusare.
"But when the Jews objected I was forced to appeal to Caesar, not that I had anything to accuse my nation of.
20 Propter hanc igitur causam rogavi vos videre, et alloqui. Propter spem enim Israel catena hac circumdatus sum.
This is the reason why I begged you to see and speak with me. For because of the hope of Israel I am bound with this chain."
21 At illi dixerunt ad eum: Nos neque litteras accepimus de te a Iudaea, neque adveniens aliquis fratrum nunciavit, aut locutus est quid de te malum.
They said to him. "We neither received any letters about you from Judea nor has any brother come hither to report or speak any harm of you.
22 Rogamus autem a te audire quae sentis: nam de secta hac notum est nobis quia ubique ei contradicitur.
"But we are eager to hear from you what it is that you believe; for we all know that as for this sect it is everywhere spoken against."
23 Cum constituissent autem illi diem, venerunt ad eum in hospitium plurimi, quibus exponebat testificans regnum Dei, suadensque eis de Iesu ex Lege Moysi, et Prophetis a mane usque ad vesperam.
So they arranged a day with him and came to him in his lodgings in great numbers. He expounded the matter to them; testifying to the Kingdom of God, and persuading them about Jesus, from morning till evening, both from the Law of Moses and from the Prophets.
24 Et quidam credebant his, quae dicebantur: quidam vero non credebant.
Some began to believe what he said, but some were unbelieving.
25 Cumque invicem non essent consentientes, discedebant dicente Paulo unum verbum: Quia bene Spiritus sanctus locutus est per Isaiam prophetam ad Patres nostros,
Unable to agree among themselves, they began to go, but not before Paul had spoken a word to them, saying. "Right well did the Holy Spirit say to your ancestors, through the prophet Isaiah.
26 dicens: Vade ad populum istum, et dic ad eos: Aure audietis, et non intelligetis: et videntes videbitis, et non perspicietis.
"Go to the people and tell them, You will hear and hear, and by no means understand; And will look, and by no means see.
27 Incrassatum est enim cor populi huius, et auribus graviter audierunt, et oculos suos compresserunt: ne forte videant oculis, et auribus audiant, et corde intelligant, et convertantur, et sanem eos.
For this people’s heart is grown obtuse, Their ears are heavy of hearing, Their eyes have they closed, Lest they should see with their eyes And hear with their ears, Lest they understand with their heart, And turn again, and heal them.
28 Notum ergo sit vobis, quoniam Gentibus missum est hoc salutare Dei, et ipsi audient.
"Be fully assured, therefore, that this salvation of God is now sent unto the Gentiles. They will listen to it."
29 Et cum haec dixisset, exierunt ab eo Iudaei, multam habentes inter se quaestionem.
When he finished speaking, the Jews departed, and reasoned among themselves.
30 Mansit autem biennio toto in suo conducto: et suscipiebat omnes, qui ingrediebantur ad eum,
After this Paul lived for two whole years in his own rented house, and used to receive all who came to see him.
31 praedicans regnum Dei, et docens quae sunt de Domino Iesu Christo cum omni fiducia, sine prohibitione.
He continued to preach the kingdom of God, and to teach about the Lord Jesus Christ with all boldness, quite unmolested.

< Actuum Apostolorum 28 >