< Actuum Apostolorum 11 >

1 Audierunt autem Apostoli, et fratres, qui erant in Iudaea: quoniam et Gentes receperunt verbum Dei.
The apostles and the followers throughout Judea heard that even the Gentiles had welcomed God’s message.
2 Cum autem ascendisset Petrus Ierosolymam, disceptabant adversus illum, qui erant ex circumcisione,
But, when Peter went up to Jerusalem, those who were converts from Judaism began to attack him,
3 dicentes: Quare introisti ad viros praeputium habentes, et manducasti cum illis?
on the ground that he had visited people who were not circumcised, and had taken meals with them.
4 Incipiens autem Petrus exponebat illis ordinem, dicens:
So Peter began to relate the facts to them as they had occurred.
5 Ego eram in civitate Ioppe orans, et vidi in excessu mentis meae visionem, descendens vas quoddam velut linteum magnum quattuor initiis summitti de caelo, et venit usque ad me.
“I was in the town of Joppa,” he said, “and was praying; and, while in a trance, I saw a vision. There was something like a great sail descending, let down by its four corners out of the heavens; and it came right down to me.
6 In quod intuens considerabam, et vidi quadrupedia terrae, et bestias, et reptilia, et volatilia caeli.
Looking intently at it, I began to distinguish quadrupeds, wild beasts, reptiles, and birds;
7 Audivi autem et vocem dicentem mihi: Surge Petre, occide, et manduca.
and I also heard a voice saying to me – ‘Stand up, Peter, kill something and eat.’
8 Dixi autem: Nequaquam Domine: quia commune aut immundum numquam introivit in os meum.
‘No, Lord, I cannot,’ I answered, ‘for nothing defiled or unclean has ever passed my lips.’
9 Respondit autem vox secundo de caelo: Quae Deus mundavit, tu ne commune dixeris.
Then a second time there came a voice from the heavens. ‘What God has pronounced clean’, it said, ‘you must not call defiled.’
10 Hoc autem factum est per ter: et recepta sunt omnia rursum in caelum.
This happened three times, and then all was drawn up again into the heavens.
11 Et ecce viri tres confestim astiterunt in domo, in qua eram, missi a Caesarea ad me.
At that moment three men, who had been sent from Caesarea to see me, came up to the house in which we were.
12 Dixit autem Spiritus mihi ut irem cum illis, nihil haesitans. Venerunt autem mecum et sex fratres isti, et ingressi sumus in domum viri.
The Spirit told me to go with them without hesitation. These six companions also went with me. And, when we came into the man’s house,
13 Narravit autem nobis, quomodo vidisset Angelum in domo sua, stantem et dicentem sibi: Mitte in Ioppen, et accersi Simonem, qui cognominatur Petrus,
he told us how he had seen the angel standing in his house, and how the angel had said to him – ‘Send to Joppa and fetch the Simon, who is also known as Peter;
14 qui loquetur tibi verba, in quibus salvus eris tu, et universa domus tua.
for he will tell you truths, which will prove the means of salvation to you and all your household.’
15 Cum autem coepissem loqui, cecidit Spiritus sanctus super eos, sicut et in nos in initio.
I had but just begun to speak,” continued Peter, “when the Holy Spirit fell on them, exactly as on us at the first;
16 Recordatus sum autem verbi Domini, sicut dicebat: Ioannes quidem baptizavit aqua, vos autem baptizabimini Spiritu sancto.
and I recalled the saying of the Master – ‘John baptized with water, but you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit.’
17 Si ergo eandem gratiam dedit illis Deus, sicut et nobis, qui credidimus in Dominum Iesum Christum: ego quis eram, qui possem prohibere Deum?
Since then, God had given them the very same gift as he gave us when we became believers in Jesus Christ the Master – who was I that I could thwart God?”
18 His auditis, tacuerunt: et glorificaverunt Deum, dicentes: Ergo et Gentibus poenitentiam dedit Deus ad vitam.
On hearing this statement, they said no more, but broke out into praise of God. “So even to the Gentiles,” they exclaimed, “God has granted the repentance which leads to life!”
19 Et illi quidem, qui dispersi fuerant a tribulatione, quae facta fuerat sub Stephano, perambulaverunt usque Phoenicen, et Cyprum, et Antiochiam, nemini loquentes verbum, nisi solis Iudaeis.
Now those who had been scattered in different directions, in consequence of the persecution that followed the death of Stephen, went as far as Phoenicia, Cyprus, and Antioch, telling the message – but only to Jews.
20 Erant autem quidam ex eis viri Cyprii, et Cyrenaei, qui cum introissent Antiochiam, loquebantur et ad Graecos, annunciantes Dominum Iesum.
Some of them, however, who were men of Cyprus and Cyrene, on coming to Antioch, addressed themselves also to the Jews of foreign birth, telling them the good news about that Lord Jesus.
21 Et erat manus Domini cum eis: multusque numerus credentium conversus est ad Dominum.
The power of the Lord was with them, so that a great number who had learned to believe came over to the Lord’s side.
22 Pervenit autem sermo ad aures ecclesiae, quae erat Ierosolymis super istis: et miserunt Barnabam usque ad Antiochiam.
The news about them reached the ears of the church at Jerusalem, and they sent Barnabas to Antioch.
23 Qui cum pervenisset, et vidisset gratiam Dei, gavisus est: et hortabatur omnes in proposito cordis permanere in Domino:
On coming there he saw to his great joy these tokens of the loving kindness of God, and encouraged them all to make up their minds to be faithful to the Lord –
24 quia erat vir bonus, et plenus Spiritu sancto, et fide. Et apposita est multa turba Domino.
For Barnabas was a good man and full of the Holy Spirit and of faith – and a large number of people took their stand on the Lord’s side.
25 Profectus est autem Barnabas Tarsum, ut quaereret Saulum: quem cum invenisset, perduxit Antiochiam.
Afterward Barnabas left for Tarsus to look for Saul;
26 Et annum totum conversati sunt ibi in Ecclesia: et docuerunt turbam multam, ita ut cognominarentur primum Antiochiae discipuli, Christiani.
and, when he had found him, he brought him to Antioch. And so it came about that, for a whole year, they attended the meetings of the church there, and taught a large number of people; and it was in Antioch that the disciples were first called ‘Christians.’
27 In his autem diebus supervenerunt ab Ierosolymis prophetae Antiochiam:
During this time, some prophets came to Antioch from Jerusalem.
28 et surgens unus ex eis nomine Agabus, significabat per spiritum famem magnam futuram in universo orbe terrarum, quae facta est sub Claudio.
One of them, named Agabus, came forward and, under the influence of the Spirit, foretold a great famine that was to spread over all the world – a famine which occurred in the reign of Claudius.
29 Discipuli autem, prout quis habebat, proposuerunt singuli in ministerium mittere habitantibus in Iudaea fratribus:
So the disciples, without exception, determined, in proportion to their means, to send something to help the followers living in Judea.
30 quod et fecerunt, mittentes ad seniores per manus Barnabae, et Sauli.
And this they did, sending it to the church elders by Barnabas and Saul.

< Actuum Apostolorum 11 >