< Ii Regum 8 >
1 Eliseus autem locutus est ad mulierem, cuius vivere fecerat filium, dicens: Surge, vade tu et domus tua, et peregrinare ubicumque repereris: vocavit enim Dominus famem, et veniet super terram septem annis.
Now Elisha spoke to the woman, whose son he had caused to live, saying: “Rise up. Go, you and your household, and sojourn in whatever place you can find. For the Lord has called forth a famine, and it shall overwhelm the land for seven years.”
2 Quae surrexit, et fecit iuxta verbum hominis Dei: et vadens cum domo sua, peregrinata est in Terra Philisthiim diebus multis.
And she rose up, and she acted in accord with the word of the man of God. And going with her household, she sojourned in the land of the Philistines for many days.
3 Cumque finiti essent anni septem, reversa est mulier de Terra Philisthiim: et egressa est ut interpellaret regem pro domo sua, et pro agris suis.
And when the seven years had ended, the woman returned from the land of the Philistines. And she departed, so that she might petition the king on behalf of her house and on behalf of her fields.
4 Rex autem loquebatur cum Giezi puero viri Dei, dicens: Narra mihi omnia magnalia quae fecit Eliseus.
Now the king was speaking with Gehazi, the servant of the man of God, saying, “Describe for me all the great deeds that Elisha has done.”
5 Cumque ille narraret regi quo modo mortuum suscitasset, apparuit mulier, cuius vivificaverat filium, clamans ad regem pro domo sua, et pro agris suis. Dixitque Giezi: Domine mi rex, haec est mulier, et hic est filius eius, quem suscitavit Eliseus.
And as he was describing for the king the manner in which he had raised the dead, the woman appeared, whose son he had restored to life, crying out to the king on behalf of her house and on behalf of her fields. And Gehazi said, “My lord the king, this is the woman, and this is her son, whom Elisha raised up.”
6 Et interrogavit rex mulierem: quae narravit ei. Deditque ei rex eunuchum unum, dicens: Restitue ei omnia quae sua sunt, et universos reditus agrorum a die, qua reliquit terram usque ad praesens.
And the king questioned the woman. And she explained it to him. And the king appointed a eunuch to her, saying, “Restore to her all that is hers, with all the proceeds of the fields, from the day that she left the land until the present.”
7 Venit quoque Eliseus Damascum, et Benadad rex Syriae aegrotabat: nunciaveruntque ei, dicentes: Venit vir Dei huc.
Also, Elisha arrived in Damascus, and Benhadad, the king of Syria, was ill. And they reported to him, saying, “The man of God has arrived here.”
8 Et ait rex ad Hazael: Tolle tecum munera, et vade in occursum viri Dei, et consule Dominum per eum, dicens: Si evadere potero de infirmitate mea hac?
And the king said to Hazael: “Take with you gifts. And go to meet the man of God. And consult the Lord through him, saying: ‘Will I be able to escape from this, my infirmity?’”
9 Ivit igitur Hazael in occursum eius, habens secum munera, et omnia bona Damasci, onera quadraginta camelorum. Cumque stetisset coram eo, ait: Filius tuus Benadad rex Syriae misit me ad te, dicens: Si sanari potero de infirmitate mea hac?
And so, Hazael went to meet him, having with him gifts, and all the goods of Damascus, the burdens of forty camels. And when he had stood before him, he said: “Your son, Benhadad, the king of Syria, sent me to you, saying: ‘Will I be able to be healed from this, my infirmity?’”
10 Dixitque ei Eliseus: Vade, dic ei: Sanaberis: porro ostendit mihi Dominus quia morte morietur.
And Elisha said to him: “Go, tell him: ‘You will be healed.’ But the Lord has revealed to me that, dying he shall die.”
11 Stetique cum eo, et conturbatus est usque ad suffusionem vultus: flevitque vir Dei.
And he stood beside him, and he was so troubled that his face became flushed. And the man of God wept.
12 Cui Hazael ait: Quare dominus meus flet? At ille dixit: Quia scio quae facturus sis filiis Israel mala. Civitates eorum munitas igne succendes, et iuvenes eorum interficies gladio, et parvulos eorum elides, et praegnantes divides.
And Hazael said to him, “Why is my lord weeping?” And he said: “Because I know the evil that you will do to the sons of Israel. Their fortified cities you will burn with fire. And their young men you will kill with the sword. And you will destroy their little ones, and tear open the pregnant women.”
13 Dixitque Hazael: Quid enim sum servus tuus canis, ut faciam rem istam magnam? Et ait Eliseus: Ostendit mihi Dominus te regem Syriae fore.
And Hazael said, “But what am I, your servant, a dog, that I would do this great thing?” And Elisha said, “The Lord has revealed to me that you will be the king of Syria.”
14 Qui cum recessisset ab Eliseo, venit ad dominum suum. Qui ait ei: Quid dixit tibi Eliseus? At ille respondit: Dixit mihi: Recipies sanitatem.
And when he had departed from Elisha, he went to his lord, who said to him, “What did Elisha say to you?” And he responded: “He said to me, ‘You shall receive health.’”
15 Cumque venisset dies altera, tulit stragulum, et infudit aquam, et expandit super faciem eius: quo mortuo, regnavit Hazael pro eo.
And when the next day had arrived, he took a small covering, and poured water on it, and he spread it over his face. And when he died, Hazael reigned in his place.
16 Anno quinto Ioram filii Achab regis Israel, et Iosaphat regis Iuda, regnavit Ioram filius Iosaphat rex Iuda.
In the fifth year of Joram, the son of Ahab, the king of Israel, and of Jehoshaphat, the king of Judah: Jehoram, the son of Jehoshaphat, reigned as the king of Judah.
17 Triginta duorum annorum erat cum regnare coepisset, et octo annis regnavit in Ierusalem.
He was thirty-two years old when he had begun to reign, and he reigned for eight years in Jerusalem.
18 Ambulavitque in viis regum Israel, sicut ambulaverat domus Achab: filia enim Achab erat uxor eius: et fecit quod malum est in conspectu Domini.
And he walked in the ways of the kings of Israel, just as the house of Ahab had walked. For the daughter of Ahab was his wife. And he did what was evil in the sight of the Lord.
19 Noluit autem Dominus disperdere Iudam, propter David servum suum, sicut promiserat ei, ut daret illi lucernam, et filiis eius cunctis diebus.
But the Lord was not willing to destroy Judah, because of David, his servant, just as he had promised him, so that he might grant a light to him and to his sons, for all days.
20 In diebus eius recessit Edom, ne esset sub Iuda, et constituit sibi regem.
In his days, Idumea drew apart, so as not to be under Judah, and they appointed a king for themselves.
21 Venitque Ioram Seira, et omnes currus cum eo: et surrexit nocte, percussitque Idumaeos, qui eum circumdederant, et principes curruum, populus autem fugit in tabernacula sua.
And so, Jehoram went to Zair, and all the chariots with him. And he rose up in the night, and he struck down the Idumeans who had surrounded him, and the leaders of the chariots. But the people fled to their tents.
22 Recessit ergo Edom ne esset sub Iuda, usque ad diem hanc. Tunc recessit et Lobna in tempore illo.
And Idumea drew apart, so as not to be under Judah, even to this day. Then Libnah also drew apart, at the same time.
23 Reliqua autem sermonum Ioram, et universa, quae fecit, nonne haec scripta sunt in Libro verborum dierum regum Iuda?
Now the rest of the words of Jehoram, and all that he did, have these not been written in the book of the words of the days of the kings of Judah?
24 Et dormivit Ioram cum patribus suis, sepultusque est cum eis in Civitate David, et regnavit Ochozias filius eius pro eo.
And Jehoram slept with his fathers, and he was buried with them in the city of David. And Ahaziah, his son, reigned in his place.
25 Anno duodecimo Ioram filii Achab regis Israel regnavit Ochozias filius Ioram regis Iudae.
In the twelfth year of Joram, the son of Ahab, the king of Israel: Ahaziah, the son of Jehoram, the king of Judah, reigned.
26 Viginti duorum annorum erat Ochozias cum regnare coepisset, et uno anno regnavit in Ierusalem: nomen matris eius Athalia filia Amri regis Israel.
Ahaziah was twenty-two years old when he had begun to reign, and he reigned for one year in Jerusalem. The name of his mother was Athaliah, the daughter of Omri, the king of Israel.
27 Et ambulavit in viis domus Achab: et fecit quod malum est coram Domino, sicut domus Achab: gener enim domus Achab fuit.
And he walked in the ways of the house of Ahab. And he did what is evil before the Lord, just as the house of Ahab did. For he was the son-in-law of the house of Ahab.
28 Abiit quoque cum Ioram filio Achab, ad praeliandum contra Hazael regem Syriae in Ramoth Galaad, et vulneraverunt Syri Ioram:
Also, he went with Joram, the son of Ahab, in order to fight against Hazael, the king of Syria, at Ramoth Gilead. And the Syrians had wounded Joram.
29 qui reversus est ut curaretur, in Iezrahel: quia vulneraverant eum Syri in Ramoth praeliantem contra Hazael regem Syriae. Porro Ochozias filius Ioram rex Iuda, descendit invisere Ioram filium Achab in Iezrahel, quia aegrotabat ibi.
And he turned back, so that he might be cured at Jezreel. For the Syrians had wounded him at Ramoth, fighting against Hazael, the king of Syria. Then Ahaziah, the son of Jehoram, the king of Judah, descended to visit Joram, the son of Ahab, at Jezreel, because he was sick there.