< I Regum 16 >

1 Factus est autem sermo Domini ad Iehu filium Hanani contra Baasa, dicens:
Then the word of the Lord came to Iehu the sonne of Hanani against Baasha, saying,
2 Pro eo quod exaltavi te de pulvere, et posui te ducem super populum meum Israel, tu autem ambulasti in via Ieroboam, et peccare fecisti populum meum Israel, ut me irritares in peccatis eorum:
Forasmuch as I exalted thee out of the dust, and made thee captaine ouer my people Israel, and thou hast walked in the way of Ieroboam, and hast made my people Israel to sinne, to prouoke me with their sinnes,
3 ecce, ego demetam posteriora Baasa, et posteriora domus eius: et faciam domum tuam sicut domum Ieroboam filii Nabat.
Beholde, I will take away the posteritie of Baasha, and the posteritie of his house, and will make thine house like the house of Ieroboam the sonne of Nebat.
4 Qui mortuus fuerit de Baasa in civitate, comedent eum canes: et qui mortuus fuerit ex eo in regione, comedent eum volucres caeli.
He that dyeth of Baashas stocke in the citie, him shall the dogs eate: and that man of him which dyeth in the fieldes, shall the foules of the ayre eate.
5 Reliqua autem sermonum Baasa, et quaecumque fecit, et praelia eius, nonne haec scripta sunt in Libro verborum dierum regum Israel?
And the rest of the actes of Baasha and what he did, and his power, are they not written in the booke of the Chronicles of the kings of Israel?
6 Dormivit ergo Baasa cum patribus suis, sepultusque est in Thersa: et regnavit Ela filius eius pro eo.
So Baasha slept with his fathers, and was buryed in Tirzah, and Elah his sonne reigned in his steade.
7 Cum autem in manu Iehu filii Hanani prophetae verbum Domini factum esset contra Baasa, et contra domum eius, et contra omne malum, quod fecerat coram Domino, ad irritandum eum in operibus manuum suarum, ut fieret sicut domus Ieroboam: ob hanc causam occidit eum, hoc est, Iehu filium Hanani, prophetam.
And also by the hande of Iehu the sonne of Hanani the Prophet, came the worde of the Lord to Baasha, and to his house, that he shoulde be like the house of Ieroboam, euen for all the wickednes that he did in the sight of the Lord, in prouoking him with the worke of his hands, and because he killed him.
8 Anno vigesimo sexto Asa regis Iuda, regnavit Ela filius Baasa super Israel in Thersa duobus annis.
In the sixe and twentie yeere of Asa king of Iudah began Elah ye sonne of Baasha to reigne ouer Israel in Tirzah, and reigned two yeere.
9 Et rebellavit contra eum servus suus Zambri, dux mediae partis equitum: erat autem Ela in Thersa bibens, et temulentus in domo Arsa praefecti Thersa.
And his seruant Zimri, captaine of halfe his charets, conspired against him, as he was in Tirzah drinking, til he was drunken in the house of Arza steward of his house in Tirzah.
10 Irruens ergo Zambri, percussit, et occidit eum anno vigesimo septimo Asa regis Iuda, et regnavit pro eo.
And Zimri came and smote him and killed him, in the seuen and twentie yeere of Asa king of Iudah, and reigned in his stead.
11 Cumque regnasset, et sedisset super solium eius, percussit omnem domum Baasa, et non dereliquit ex ea mingentem ad parietem, et propinquos et amicos eius.
And when he was King, and sate on his throne, he slew al the house of Baasha, not leauing thereof one to pisse against a wall, neither of his kinsfolkes nor of his friendes.
12 Delevitque Zambri omnem domum Baasa, iuxta verbum Domini, quod locutus fuerat ad Baasa in manu Iehu prophetae,
So did Zimri destroy all the house of Baasha, according to the word of the Lord which he spake against Baasha by the hande of Iehu the Prophet,
13 propter universa peccata Baasa, et peccata Ela filii eius, qui peccaverunt, et peccare fecerunt Israel provocantes Dominum Deum Israel in vanitatibus suis.
For all the sinnes of Baasha, and sinnes of Elah his sonne, which they sinned and made Israel to sinne, and prouoked the Lord God of Israel with their vanities.
14 Reliqua autem sermonum Ela, et omnia quae fecit, nonne haec scripta sunt in Libro verborum dierum regum Israel?
And the rest of the actes of Elah, and all that he did, are they not written in the booke of the Chronicles of the Kings of Israel?
15 Anno vigesimo septimo Asa regis Iuda, regnavit Zambri septem diebus in Thersa: porro exercitus obsidebat Gebbethon urbem Philisthinorum.
In the seuen and twentie yeere of Asa King of Iudah did Zimri reigne seuen dayes in Tirzah, and the people was then in campe against Gibbethon, which belonged to the Philistims.
16 Cumque audisset rebellasse Zambri, et occidisse regem, fecit sibi regem omnis Israel Amri, qui erat princeps militiae super Israel in die illa in castris.
And the people of the hoste heard saye, Zimri hath conspired, and hath also slayne the King. Wherefore all Israel made Omri the captaine of the hoste, king ouer Israel that same day, euen in the hoste.
17 Ascendit ergo Amri, et omnis Israel cum eo de Gebbethon, et obsidebant Thersa.
Then Omri went vp from Gibbethon, and all Israel with him, and they besieged Tirzah.
18 Videns autem Zambri quod expugnanda esset civitas, ingressus est palatium, et succendit se cum domo regia: et mortuus est
And when Zimri saw, that the citie was taken, he went into the palace of the Kings house, and burnt himselfe, and the Kings house with fire, and so dyed,
19 in peccatis suis, quae peccaverat faciens malum coram Domino, et ambulans in via Ieroboam, et in peccato eius, quo fecit peccare Israel.
For his sinnes which hee sinned, in doing that which is euil in the sight of the Lord, in walking in the way of Ieroboam, and in his sinnes which he did, causing Israel to sinne.
20 Reliqua autem sermonum Zambri, et insidiarum eius, et tyrannidis, nonne haec scripta sunt in Libro verborum dierum regum Israel?
And the rest of the actes of Zimri, and his treason that hee wrought, are they not written in the booke of the Chronicles of the Kinges of Israel?
21 Tunc divisus est populus Israel in duas partes: media pars populi sequebatur Thebni filium Gineth, ut constitueret eum regem: et media pars Amri.
Then were the people of Israel deuided into two partes: for halfe the people followed Tibni the sonne of Ginath to make him King, and the other halfe followed Omri.
22 Praevaluit autem populus, qui erat cum Amri, populo qui sequebatur Thebni filium Gineth: mortuusque est Thebni, et regnavit Amri.
But the people that folowed Omri, preuayled against the people that followed Tibni the sonne of Ginath: so Tibni dyed, and Omri reigned.
23 Anno trigesimo primo Asa regis Iuda regnavit Amri super Israel, duodecim annis: in Thersa regnavit sex annis.
In the one and thirtie yeere of Asa King of Iudah bega Omri to reigne ouer Israel, and reigned twelue yeere. Sixe yeere reigned he in Tirzah.
24 Emitque montem Samariae a Somer duobus talentis argenti: et aedificavit eum, et vocavit nomen civitatis, quam extruxerat, nomine Semer Domini montis Samariae.
And he bought the mountaine Samaria of one Shemer for two talents of siluer, and buylt in the mountaine, and called the name of the citie, which he buylt, after the name of Shemer lord of the mountaine, Samaria.
25 Fecit autem Amri malum in conspectu Domini, et operatus est nequiter super omnes, qui fuerunt ante eum.
But Omri did euil in the eyes of the Lord, and did worse then all that were before him.
26 Ambulavitque in omni via Ieroboam filii Nabat, et in peccatis eius quibus peccare fecerat Israel: ut irritaret Dominum Deum Israel in vanitatibus suis.
For he walked in all the way of Ieroboam the sonne of Nebat, and in his sinnes wherewith he made Israel to sinne in prouoking the Lord God of Israel with their vanities.
27 Reliqua autem sermonum Amri, et praelia eius, quae gessit, nonne haec scripta sunt in Libro verborum dierum regum Israel?
And the rest of the actes of Omri, that hee did, and his strength that he shewed, are they not written in the booke of the Chronicles of the Kings of Israel?
28 Dormivitque Amri cum patribus suis, et sepultus est in Samaria: regnavitque Achab filius eius pro eo.
And Omri slept with his fathers, and was buryed in Samaria: and Ahab his sonne reigned in his stead.
29 Achab vero filius Amri regnavit super Israel anno trigesimo octavo Asa regis Iuda. Et regnavit Achab filius Amri super Israel in Samaria viginti et duobus annis.
Nowe Ahab the sonne of Omri began to reigne ouer Israel, in the eyght and thirtie yeere of Asa king of Iudah: and Ahab the sonne of Omri reigned ouer Israel in Samaria two and twenty yere.
30 Et fecit Achab filius Amri malum in conspectu Domini super omnes, qui fuerunt ante eum.
And Ahab the sonne of Omri did worse in ye sight of the Lord then al that were before him.
31 Nec suffecit ei ut ambularet in peccatis Ieroboam, filii Nabat: insuper duxit uxorem Iezabel filiam Ethbaal regis Sidoniorum. Et abiit, et servivit Baal, et adoravit eum.
For was it a light thing for him to walke in the sinnes of Ieroboam the sonne of Nebat, except hee tooke Iezebel also the daughter of Ethbaal King of the Zidonians to wife, and went and serued Baal, and worshipped him?
32 Et posuit aram Baal in templo Baal, quod aedificaverat in Samaria,
Also he reared vp an altar to Baal in the house of Baal, which he had buylt in Samaria.
33 et plantavit lucum: et addidit Achab in opere suo, irritans Dominum Deum Israel super omnes reges Israel, qui fuerunt ante eum.
And Ahab made a groue, and Ahab proceeded, and did prouoke the Lord God of Israel more then all the kings of Israel that were before him.
34 In diebus eius aedificavit Hiel de Bethel, Iericho: in Abiram primitivo suo fundavit eam, et in Segub novissimo suo posuit portas eius: iuxta verbum Domini, quod locutus fuerat in manu Iosue filii Nun.
In his dayes did Hiel the Bethelite buylde Iericho: he layed the foundation thereof in Abiram his eldest sonne, and set vp the gates thereof in his yongest sonne Segub, according to the worde of the Lord which he spake by Ioshua the sonne of Nun.

< I Regum 16 >