< I Paralipomenon 17 >

1 Cum autem habitaret David in domo sua, dixit ad Nathan prophetam: Ecce ego habito in domo cedrina: arca autem foederis Domini sub pellibus est.
After David had settled into his palace, he said to Nathan the prophet, “Here I am, living in a house of cedar, while the ark of the covenant of the LORD is under a tent.”
2 Et ait Nathan ad David: Omnia, quae in corde tuo sunt, fac: Deus enim tecum est.
And Nathan replied to David, “Do all that is in your heart, for God is with you.”
3 Igitur nocte illa factus est sermo Domini ad Nathan, dicens:
But that night the word of God came to Nathan, saying,
4 Vade, et loquere David servo meo: Haec dicit Dominus: Non aedificabis tu mihi domum ad habitandum.
“Go and tell My servant David that this is what the LORD says: You are not the one to build Me a house in which to dwell.
5 Neque enim mansi in domo ex eo tempore, quo eduxi Israel, usque ad diem hanc: sed fui semper mutans loca tabernaculi, et in tentorio
For I have not dwelt in a house from the day I brought Israel up out of Egypt until this day, but I have moved from tent to tent and dwelling to dwelling.
6 manens cum omni Israel. Numquid locutus sum saltem uni Iudicum Israel, quibus praeceperam, ut pascerent populum meum, et dixi: Quare non aedificastis mihi domum cedrinam?
In all My journeys with all the Israelites, have I ever asked any of the leaders I appointed to shepherd My people, ‘Why haven’t you built Me a house of cedar?’
7 Nunc itaque sic loqueris ad servum meum David: Haec dicit Dominus exercituum: Ego tuli te, cum in pascuis sequereris gregem, ut esses dux populi mei Israel.
Now then, you are to tell My servant David that this is what the LORD of Hosts says: I took you from the pasture, from following the flock, to be the ruler over My people Israel.
8 Et fui tecum quocumque perrexisti: et interfeci omnes inimicos tuos coram te, fecique tibi nomen quasi unius magnorum, qui celebrantur in terra.
I have been with you wherever you have gone, and I have cut off all your enemies from before you. Now I will make for you a name like the greatest in the land.
9 Et dedi locum populo meo Israel: plantabitur, et habitabit in eo, et ultra non commovebitur: nec filii iniquitatis atterent eos, sicut a principio,
And I will provide a place for My people Israel and will plant them so that they may dwell in a place of their own and be disturbed no more. No longer will the sons of wickedness oppress them as they did at the beginning
10 ex diebus quibus dedi iudices populo meo Israel, et humiliavi universos inimicos tuos. Annuncio ergo tibi, quod aedificaturus sit tibi Dominus domum.
and have done since the day I appointed judges over My people Israel. And I will subdue all your enemies. Moreover, I declare to you that the LORD will build a house for you.
11 Cumque impleveris dies tuos ut vadas ad patres tuos, suscitabo semen tuum post te, quod erit de filiis tuis: et stabiliam regnum eius.
And when your days are fulfilled and you go to be with your fathers, I will raise up your descendant after you, one of your own sons, and I will establish his kingdom.
12 Ipse aedificabit mihi domum, et firmabo solium eius usque in aeternum.
He will build a house for Me, and I will establish his throne forever.
13 Ego ero ei in patrem, et ipse erit mihi in filium: et misericordiam meam non auferam ab eo, sicut abstuli ab eo, qui ante te fuit.
I will be his Father, and he will be My son. And I will never remove My loving devotion from him as I removed it from your predecessor.
14 Et statuam eum in domo mea, et in regno meo usque in sempiternum: et thronus eius erit firmissimus in perpetuum.
But I will set him over My house and My kingdom forever, and his throne will be established forever.”
15 Iuxta omnia verba haec, et iuxta universam visionem istam, sic locutus est Nathan ad David.
So Nathan relayed to David all the words of this entire vision.
16 Cumque venisset rex David, et sedisset coram Domino, dixit: Quis ego sum Domine Deus, et quae domus mea, ut praestares mihi talia?
Then King David went in, sat before the LORD, and said, “Who am I, O LORD God, and what is my house, that You have brought me this far?
17 Sed et hoc parum visum est in conspectu tuo, ideoque locutus es super domum servi tui etiam in futurum: et fecisti me spectabilem super omnes homines Domine Deus.
And as if this was a small thing in Your eyes, O God, You have spoken about the future of the house of Your servant and have regarded me as a man of great distinction, O LORD God.
18 Quid ultra addere potest David, cum ita glorificaveris servum tuum, et cognoveris eum?
What more can David say to You for so honoring Your servant? For You know Your servant,
19 Domine propter famulum tuum iuxta cor tuum fecisti omnem magnificentiam hanc, et nota esse voluisti universa magnalia.
O LORD. For the sake of Your servant and according to Your own heart, You have accomplished this great thing and revealed all Your greatness.
20 Domine, non est similis tui: et non est alius Deus absque te, ex omnibus, quos audivimus auribus nostris.
O LORD, there is none like You, and there is no God but You, according to everything we have heard with our own ears.
21 Quis enim est alius, ut populus tuus Israel, gens una in terra, ad quam perrexit Deus, ut liberaret, et faceret populum sibi, et magnitudine sua atque terroribus eiiceret nationes a facie eius, quem de Aegypto liberarat?
And who is like Your people Israel—the one nation on earth whom God went out to redeem as a people for Himself? You made a name for Yourself through great and awesome wonders by driving out nations from before Your people, whom You redeemed from Egypt.
22 Et posuisti populum tuum Israel tibi in populum usque in aeternum, et tu Domine factus es Deus eius.
For You have made Your people Israel Your very own forever, and You, O LORD, have become their God.
23 Nunc igitur Domine, sermo, quem locutus es famulo tuo, et super domum eius, confirmetur in perpetuum, et fac sicut locutus es.
And now, O LORD, let the word You have spoken concerning Your servant and his house be established forever. Do as You have promised,
24 Permaneatque et magnificetur nomen tuum usque in sempiternum: et dicatur: Dominus exercituum Deus Israel, et domus David servi eius permanens coram eo.
so that Your name will be established and magnified forever when it is said, ‘The LORD of Hosts, the God of Israel, is God over Israel.’ And may the house of Your servant David be established before You.
25 Tu enim Domine Deus meus revelasti auriculam servi tui, ut aedificares ei domum: et idcirco invenit servus tuus fiduciam, ut oret coram te.
For You, my God, have revealed to Your servant that You will build a house for him. Therefore Your servant has found the courage to pray before You.
26 Nunc ergo Domine tu es Deus: et locutus es ad servum tuum tanta beneficia.
And now, O LORD, You are God! And You have promised this goodness to Your servant.
27 Et coepisti benedicere domui servi tui, ut sit semper coram te: te enim Domine benedicente, benedicta erit in perpetuum.
So now You have been pleased to bless the house of Your servant, that it may continue forever before You. For You, O LORD, have blessed it, and it will be blessed forever.”

< I Paralipomenon 17 >