< Zaccharias Propheta 9 >
1 Onus verbi Domini in terra Hadrach et Damasci requiei ejus, quia Domini est oculus hominis et omnium tribuum Israël.
The burden of a word of Jehovah against the land of Hadrach, and Demmeseh — his place of rest: (When to Jehovah [is] the eye of man, And of all the tribes of Israel.)
2 Emath quoque in terminis ejus, et Tyrus, et Sidon: assumpserunt quippe sibi sapientiam valde.
And also Hamath doth border thereon, Tyre and Zidon, for — very wise!
3 Et ædificavit Tyrus munitionem suam, et coacervavit argentum quasi humum, et aurum ut lutum platearum.
And Tyre doth build a bulwark to herself, And doth heap silver as dust, And gold as mire of out-places.
4 Ecce Dominus possidebit eam: et percutiet in mari fortitudinem ejus, et hæc igni devorabitur.
Lo, the Lord doth dispossess her, And He hath smitten in the sea her force, And she with fire is consumed.
5 Videbit Ascalon, et timebit, et Gaza, et dolebit nimis, et Accaron, quoniam confusa est spes ejus: et peribit rex de Gaza, et Ascalon non habitabitur.
See doth Ashkelon and fear, Also Gaza, and she is exceedingly pained, Also Ekron — for her expectation dried up, And perished hath a king from Gaza, And Ashkelon doth not remain,
6 Et sedebit separator in Azoto, et disperdam superbiam Philisthinorum.
And dwelt hath a foreigner in Ashdod, And I have cut off the excellency of the Philistines.
7 Et auferam sanguinem ejus de ore ejus, et abominationes ejus de medio dentium ejus: et relinquetur etiam ipse Deo nostro, et erit quasi dux in Juda, et Accaron quasi Jebusæus.
And turned aside his blood from his mouth, His abominations from between his teeth, And he hath remained, even he, to our God, And he hath been as a leader in Judah, And Ekron as a Jebusite.
8 Et circumdabo domum meam ex his qui militant mihi euntes et revertentes: et non transibit super eos ultra exactor, quia nunc vidi in oculis meis.
And I have pitched for My house a camp, Because of the passer through, and of the returner, And pass not through against them again doth an exactor, For, now, I have seen with My eyes.
9 Exsulta satis, filia Sion; jubila, filia Jerusalem: ecce rex tuus veniet tibi justus, et salvator: ipse pauper, et ascendens super asinam et super pullum filium asinæ.
Rejoice exceedingly, O daughter of Zion, Shout, O daughter of Jerusalem, Lo, thy King doth come to thee, Righteous — and saved is He, Afflicted — and riding on an ass, And on a colt — a son of she-asses.
10 Et disperdam quadrigam ex Ephraim, et equum de Jerusalem, et dissipabitur arcus belli: et loquetur pacem gentibus, et potestas ejus a mari usque ad mare, et a fluminibus usque ad fines terræ.
And I have cut off the chariot from Ephraim, And the horse from Jerusalem, Yea, cut off hath been the bow of battle, And he hath spoken peace to nations, And his rule [is] from sea unto sea, And from the river unto the ends of earth.
11 Tu quoque in sanguine testamenti tui emisisti vinctos tuos de lacu in quo non est aqua.
Also thou — by the blood of thy covenant, I have sent thy prisoners out of the pit, There is no water in it.
12 Convertimini ad munitionem, vincti spei: hodie quoque annuntians duplicia reddam tibi.
Turn back to a fenced place, Ye prisoners of the hope, Even to-day a second announcer I restore to thee.
13 Quoniam extendi mihi Judam quasi arcum: implevi Ephraim: et suscitabo filios tuos, Sion, super filios tuos, Græcia: et ponam te quasi gladium fortium.
For I have trodden for Me Judah, A bow I have filled [with] Ephraim, And I have stirred up thy sons, O Zion, Against thy sons, O Javan, And I have set thee as the sword of a hero.
14 Et Dominus Deus super eos videbitur, et exibit ut fulgur jaculum ejus: et Dominus Deus in tuba canet, et vadet in turbine austri.
And Jehovah doth appear for them, And gone forth as lightning hath His arrow, And the Lord Jehovah with a trumpet bloweth, And He hath gone with whirlwinds of the south.
15 Dominus exercituum proteget eos: et devorabunt, et subjicient lapidibus fundæ: et bibentes inebriabuntur quasi a vino, et replebuntur ut phialæ, et quasi cornua altaris.
Jehovah of Hosts doth cover them over, And they consumed, and subdued sling-stones, Yea, they have drunk, They have made a noise as wine, And they have been full as a bowl, As corners of an altar.
16 Et salvabit eos Dominus Deus eorum in die illa, ut gregem populi sui, quia lapides sancti elevabuntur super terram ejus.
And saved them hath Jehovah their God In that day, as a flock of His people, For stones of a crown are displaying themselves over His ground.
17 Quid enim bonum ejus est, et quid pulchrum ejus, nisi frumentum electorum, et vinum germinans virgines?
For what His goodness! and what His beauty! Corn the young men, And new wine the virgins — make fruitful!