< Zaccharias Propheta 10 >

1 Petite a Domino pluviam in tempore serotino, et Dominus faciet nives: et pluviam imbris dabit eis, singulis herbam in agro.
Ask the Lord for rain in springtime, for he makes the rainclouds and sends showers to grow crops for everyone.
2 Quia simulacra locuta sunt inutile, et divini viderunt mendacium: et somniatores locuti sunt frustra, vane consolabantur: idcirco abducti sunt quasi grex: affligentur, quia non est eis pastor.
Household idols give worthless answers, fortune-tellers tell lies, while interpreters of dreams just make things up and offer only false hope. As a result, people wander aimlessly like sheep, suffering because there is no shepherd.
3 Super pastores iratus est furor meus, et super hircos visitabo: quia visitavit Dominus exercituum gregem suum, domum Juda, et posuit eos quasi equum gloriæ suæ in bello.
I am angry with the shepherds, I will punish the leaders. For the Lord Almighty cares for his flock, the people of Judah, and will make them like his splendid warhorse.
4 Ex ipso angulus, ex ipso paxillus, ex ipso arcus prælii, ex ipso egredietur omnis exactor simul.
From the people of Judah will come the cornerstone, from them the tent-peg, the bow used in battle—all their rulers together.
5 Et erunt quasi fortes conculcantes lutum viarum in prælio, et bellabunt, quia Dominus cum eis: et confundentur ascensores equorum.
They will be like warriors going into battle, trampling their enemies in the mud. Because the Lord is with them they will fight and defeat the enemy cavalry.
6 Et confortabo domum Juda, et domum Joseph salvabo: et convertam eos, quia miserebor eorum: et erunt sicut fuerunt quando non projeceram eos: ego enim Dominus Deus eorum, et exaudiam eos.
I will strengthen the people of Judah; I will save the people of Joseph. I will bring them back home because I am concerned for them. It will be like I had never rejected them, for I am the Lord their God and I will answer their cries for help.
7 Et erunt quasi fortes Ephraim, et lætabitur cor eorum quasi a vino: et filii eorum videbunt, et lætabuntur, et exsultabit cor eorum in Domino.
The people of Ephraim will become like warriors, and they will become so happy—as if they had drunk wine. Their children will see what is happening and will be glad too, joyful in the Lord.
8 Sibilabo eis, et congregabo illos, quia redemi eos: et multiplicabo eos sicut ante fuerant multiplicati.
I will whistle to them and they will run to me. I will rescue them, and there will be as many as there were before.
9 Et seminabo eos in populis, et de longe recordabuntur mei: et vivent cum filiis suis, et revertentur.
I have scattered them like seed among the nations, and in distant places they will remember me. They will bring up their children, and together they will return.
10 Et reducam eos de terra Ægypti, et de Assyriis congregabo eos, et ad terram Galaad et Libani adducam eos, et non invenietur eis locus:
I will bring them back from the land of Egypt; I will gather them from Assyria. I will bring them to Gilead and Lebanon, and there won't be enough room for them!
11 et transibit in maris freto, et percutiet in mari fluctus, et confundentur omnia profunda fluminis: et humiliabitur superbia Assur, et sceptrum Ægypti recedet.
They will pass through the sea of trouble and strike the waves of the sea, and the waters of the Nile will dry up. Assyria's pride will be brought down, and Egypt's rule will pass away.
12 Confortabo eos in Domino, et in nomine ejus ambulabunt, dicit Dominus.
I will make them strong in the Lord, and they will follow all he says, declares the Lord.

< Zaccharias Propheta 10 >