< Psalmorum 84 >

1 In finem, pro torcularibus filiis Core. Psalmus. Quam dilecta tabernacula tua, Domine virtutum!
“To the chief musician upon Gittith, by the sons of Korach, a psalm.” How lovely are thy dwelling-places, O Lord of hosts!
2 Concupiscit, et deficit anima mea in atria Domini; cor meum et caro mea exsultaverunt in Deum vivum.
My soul desired, yea, it also longed for the courts of the Lord: my heart and my flesh shout with joy unto the living God.
3 Etenim passer invenit sibi domum, et turtur nidum sibi, ubi ponat pullos suos: altaria tua, Domine virtutum, rex meus, et Deus meus.
Even as the sparrow hath found a house, and the swallow a nest for herself, where she may lay her young: —[have I found] thy altars, O Lord of hosts, my King, and my God.
4 Beati qui habitant in domo tua, Domine; in sæcula sæculorum laudabunt te.
Happy are they who dwell in thy house: they will be continually praising thee. (Selah)
5 Beatus vir cujus est auxilium abs te: ascensiones in corde suo disposuit,
Happy is the man whose strong confidence is in thee, [all] whose heart reflecteth on the paths [of righteousness].
6 in valle lacrimarum, in loco quem posuit.
Passing through the valley of weeping, they will change it into a spring: also the early rain covereth it with blessings.
7 Etenim benedictionem dabit legislator; ibunt de virtute in virtutem: videbitur Deus deorum in Sion.
They go from strength to strength, each of them appeareth before God in Zion.
8 Domine Deus virtutum, exaudi orationem meam; auribus percipe, Deus Jacob.
O Lord God of hosts, hear my prayer: give ear, O God of Jacob. (Selah)
9 Protector noster, aspice, Deus, et respice in faciem christi tui.
[Thou, ] our shield, behold, O God, and look upon the face of thy anointed.
10 Quia melior est dies una in atriis tuis super millia; elegi abjectus esse in domo Dei mei magis quam habitare in tabernaculis peccatorum.
For better is a day in thy courts than a thousand [elsewhere]: I would rather choose to wait at the threshold of the house of my God, than to dwell in the tents of wickedness.
11 Quia misericordiam et veritatem diligit Deus: gratiam et gloriam dabit Dominus.
For a sun and shield is the Lord God; grace and glory will the Lord give; he will not withhold any good from those that walk with integrity.
12 Non privabit bonis eos qui ambulant in innocentia: Domine virtutum, beatus homo qui sperat in te.
O Lord of hosts, happy is the man that trusteth in thee.

< Psalmorum 84 >