< Psalmorum 75 >

1 In finem, ne corrumpas. Psalmus cantici Asaph. Confitebimur tibi, Deus, confitebimur, et invocabimus nomen tuum; narrabimus mirabilia tua.
TO THE OVERSEER. “DO NOT DESTROY.” A PSALM OF ASAPH. A SONG. We have given thanks to You, O God, We have given thanks, and Your Name [is] near, They have recounted Your wonders.
2 Cum accepero tempus, ego justitias judicabo.
When I receive an appointment, I judge uprightly.
3 Liquefacta est terra et omnes qui habitant in ea: ego confirmavi columnas ejus.
The earth and all its inhabitants are melted, I have pondered its pillars. (Selah)
4 Dixi iniquis: Nolite inique agere: et delinquentibus: Nolite exaltare cornu:
I have said to the boastful, “Do not be boastful,” And to the wicked, “Do not raise up a horn.”
5 nolite extollere in altum cornu vestrum; nolite loqui adversus Deum iniquitatem.
Do not raise up your horn on high (You speak with a stiff neck).
6 Quia neque ab oriente, neque ab occidente, neque a desertis montibus:
For not from the east, or from the west, Nor from the wilderness—[is] elevation.
7 quoniam Deus judex est. Hunc humiliat, et hunc exaltat:
But God [is] judging, This He makes low—and this He lifts up.
8 quia calix in manu Domini vini meri, plenus misto. Et inclinavit ex hoc in hoc; verumtamen fæx ejus non est exinanita: bibent omnes peccatores terræ.
For a cup [is] in the hand of YHWH, And the wine has foamed, It is full of mixture, and He pours out of it, Surely wring out its dregs, And all the wicked of the earth drink,
9 Ego autem annuntiabo in sæculum; cantabo Deo Jacob:
And I declare [it] for all time, I sing praise to the God of Jacob.
10 et omnia cornua peccatorum confringam, et exaltabuntur cornua justi.
And I cut off all horns of the wicked, The horns of the righteous are exalted!

< Psalmorum 75 >