< Psalmorum 133 >

1 Canticum graduum David. Ecce quam bonum et quam jucundum, habitare fratres in unum!
Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity!
2 Sicut unguentum in capite, quod descendit in barbam, barbam Aaron, quod descendit in oram vestimenti ejus;
It is like the precious ointment upon the head, that ran down upon the beard, even Aaron’s beard: that went down to the skirts of his garments;
3 sicut ros Hermon, qui descendit in montem Sion. Quoniam illic mandavit Dominus benedictionem, et vitam usque in sæculum.
As the dew of Hermon, and as the dew that descended upon the mountains of Zion: for there Yhwh commanded the blessing, even life for evermore.

< Psalmorum 133 >