< Psalmorum 11 >
1 In finem. Psalmus David. In Domino confido; quomodo dicitis animæ meæ: Transmigra in montem sicut passer?
For the Chief Musician. By David. In the LORD, I take refuge. How can you say to my soul, “Flee as a bird to your mountain”?
2 Quoniam ecce peccatores intenderunt arcum; paraverunt sagittas suas in pharetra, ut sagittent in obscuro rectos corde:
For, behold, the wicked bend their bows. They set their arrows on the strings, that they may shoot in darkness at the upright in heart.
3 quoniam quæ perfecisti destruxerunt; justus autem, quid fecit?
If the foundations are destroyed, what can the righteous do?
4 Dominus in templo sancto suo; Dominus in cælo sedes ejus. Oculi ejus in pauperem respiciunt; palpebræ ejus interrogant filios hominum.
The LORD is in his holy temple. The LORD is on his throne in heaven. His eyes observe. His eyes examine the children of men.
5 Dominus interrogat justum et impium; qui autem diligit iniquitatem, odit animam suam.
The LORD examines the righteous, but his soul hates the wicked and him who loves violence.
6 Pluet super peccatores laqueos; ignis et sulphur, et spiritus procellarum, pars calicis eorum.
On the wicked he will rain blazing coals; fire, sulphur, and scorching wind shall be the portion of their cup.
7 Quoniam justus Dominus, et justitias dilexit: æquitatem vidit vultus ejus.
For the LORD is righteous. He loves righteousness. The upright shall see his face.