< Proverbiorum 7 >
1 Fili mi, custodi sermones meos, et præcepta mea reconde tibi. Fili,
My son, heed my advice, and guard my instructions [as you would] [MET] [guard] a treasure.
2 serva mandata mea, et vives; et legem meam quasi pupillam oculi tui:
Obey my commands, and [as a result you will] live [a good life]. Consider the things that I teach you [to be very precious]; guard them, [just] like you protect your eyes.
3 liga eam in digitis tuis, scribe illam in tabulis cordis tui.
Tie my commands around your fingers [in order that they will remind you to obey them]. Always keep them in mind [MET].
4 Dic sapientiæ: Soror mea es, et prudentiam voca amicam tuam:
[Love] wisdom [like you love] your sister. Understand what is wise, [and let that be as dear to you as] members of your family.
5 ut custodiant te a muliere extranea, et ab aliena quæ verba sua dulcia facit.
If you are wise and if you understand what is wise [PRS], you will not [sleep with] an immoral woman; you will not listen to a woman who tries to entice you [to sleep with her] by what she says.
6 De fenestra enim domus meæ per cancellos prospexi,
One day, I was standing at the window inside my house, and I looked outside.
7 et video parvulos; considero vecordem juvenem,
I saw some young men who did not have good sense. Among them was a man who was very foolish.
8 qui transit per plateam juxta angulum et prope viam domus illius graditur:
He crossed the street near [the house of] an immoral woman. He was walking along the path toward her house
9 in obscuro, advesperascente die, in noctis tenebris et caligine.
at twilight, when it was getting dark [DOU].
10 Et ecce occurrit illi mulier ornatu meretricio, præparata ad capiendas animas: garrula et vaga,
Suddenly the woman came out to see/meet him. She was dressed (seductively/like a prostitute), wanting to persuade him to sleep with her.
11 quietis impatiens, nec valens in domo consistere pedibus suis;
She was a loud talker, one who was rebellious; she [SYN] never stayed at home.
12 nunc foris, nunc in plateis, nunc juxta angulos insidians.
She often went into the city streets and plazas/markets, waiting to trap some man.
13 Apprehensumque deosculatur juvenem, et procaci vultu blanditur, dicens:
[When she saw that young man], she put her arms around him and kissed him. Then without being a bit ashamed, she said,
14 Victimas pro salute vovi; hodie reddidi vota mea:
“I have [some meat that is left over from] a sacrifice that I made today [to maintain fellowship with Yahweh]; I have fulfilled/done what I promised him that I would do.
15 idcirco egressa sum in occursum tuum, desiderans te videre, et reperi.
And now I have come out to meet/see you. I was searching for you, and [now] I have found you!
16 Intexui funibus lectulum meum; stravi tapetibus pictis ex Ægypto:
I have put on my bed sheets/bedspreads that were made from [very fine] linen [that were imported] {[people brought]} from Egypt.
17 aspersi cubile meum myrrha, et aloë, et cinnamomo.
I have sprinkled [sweet-smelling] perfumes on my bed— myrrh and aloes and cinnamon.
18 Veni, inebriemur uberibus, et fruamur cupitis amplexibus donec illucescat dies.
Come [with me]; let us enjoy having sex until [tomorrow] morning. Let’s enjoy making love.
19 Non est enim vir in domo sua: abiit via longissima:
My husband is not at home; he has gone away on a long journey.
20 sacculum pecuniæ secum tulit; in die plenæ lunæ reversurus est in domum suam.
He is carrying a wallet filled with money, and he will not return until the middle of this month.”
21 Irretivit eum multis sermonibus, et blanditiis labiorum protraxit illum.
[So] she persuaded him by [her] enticing/tempting words. She allured him by her smooth/sweet talk.
22 Statim eam sequitur quasi bos ductus ad victimam, et quasi agnus lasciviens, et ignorans quod ad vincula stultus trahatur:
[And] he went with her immediately, like an ox that was going to where it would be slaughtered, or like a deer (OR, a fool) that is stepping into a noose/trap,
23 donec transfigat sagitta jecur ejus, velut si avis festinet ad laqueum, et nescit quod de periculo animæ illius agitur.
where it will remain/stay until someone shoots an arrow into its liver [and kills it]. [He was] like a bird that flew into a trap. He did not know that (it would cost him his life/he would die as a result).
24 Nunc ergo, fili mi, audi me, et attende verbis oris mei.
My son, listen to what I say; pay [careful] attention to my words.
25 Ne abstrahatur in viis illius mens tua, neque decipiaris semitis ejus;
Do not allow anything to arouse/persuade you to go with an immoral woman like that. Do not go where she goes.
26 multos enim vulneratos dejecit, et fortissimi quique interfecti sunt ab ea.
She has caused many men to be ruined; truly, no one can count the men she has killed.
27 Viæ inferi domus ejus, penetrantes in interiora mortis. (Sheol )
The road to her house is the road to the grave. Those who enter her bedroom [PRS] will die as a result. (Sheol )