< Proverbiorum 20 >
1 Luxuriosa res vinum, et tumultuosa ebrietas: quicumque his delectatur non erit sapiens.
Wine is a mocker, and beer is a brawler. Whoever is led astray by them is not wise.
2 Sicut rugitus leonis, ita et terror regis: qui provocat eum peccat in animam suam.
The terror of a king is like the roaring of a lion. He who provokes him to anger forfeits his own life.
3 Honor est homini qui separat se a contentionibus; omnes autem stulti miscentur contumeliis.
It is an honor for a person to keep away from strife, but every fool quarrels.
4 Propter frigus piger arare noluit; mendicabit ergo æstate, et non dabitur illi.
The sluggard will not plow by reason of the winter; therefore he shall beg in harvest, and have nothing.
5 Sicut aqua profunda, sic consilium in corde viri; sed homo sapiens exhauriet illud.
Counsel in the heart of man is like deep water; but a man of understanding will draw it out.
6 Multi homines misericordes vocantur; virum autem fidelem quis inveniet?
Many men claim to be men of unfailing love, but who can find a faithful man?
7 Justus qui ambulat in simplicitate sua beatos post se filios derelinquet.
A righteous man walks in integrity; blessed are his children after him.
8 Rex qui sedet in solio judicii dissipat omne malum intuitu suo.
A king who sits on the throne of judgment scatters away all evil with his eyes.
9 Quis potest dicere: Mundum est cor meum; purus sum a peccato?
Who can say, "I have made my heart pure. I am clean and without sin?"
10 Pondus et pondus, mensura et mensura: utrumque abominabile est apud Deum.
Differing weights and differing measures, both of them alike are an abomination to YHWH.
11 Ex studiis suis intelligitur puer, si munda et recta sint opera ejus.
Even a child makes himself known by his doings, whether his work is pure, and whether it is right.
12 Aurem audientem, et oculum videntem: Dominus fecit utrumque.
The hearing ear, and the seeing eye, YHWH has made even both of them.
13 Noli diligere somnum, ne te egestas opprimat: aperi oculos tuos, et saturare panibus.
Do not love sleep, lest you come to poverty. Open your eyes, and you shall be satisfied with bread.
14 Malum est, malum est, dicit omnis emptor; et cum recesserit, tunc gloriabitur.
"It's no good, it's no good," says the buyer; but when he is gone his way, then he boasts.
15 Est aurum et multitudo gemmarum, et vas pretiosum labia scientiæ.
There is gold and abundance of rubies; but the lips of knowledge are a rare jewel.
16 Tolle vestimentum ejus qui fidejussor extitit alieni, et pro extraneis aufer pignus ab eo.
Take the garment of one who puts up collateral for a stranger; and hold him in pledge for a wayward woman.
17 Suavis est homini panis mendacii, et postea implebitur os ejus calculo.
Fraudulent food is sweet to a man, but afterwards his mouth is filled with gravel.
18 Cogitationes consiliis roborantur, et gubernaculis tractanda sunt bella.
Plans are established by advice; by wise guidance you wage war.
19 Ei qui revelat mysteria, et ambulat fraudulenter, et dilatat labia sua, ne commiscearis.
He who goes about as a tale-bearer reveals secrets; therefore do not keep company with him who opens wide his lips.
20 Qui maledicit patri suo et matri, extinguetur lucerna ejus in mediis tenebris:
Whoever curses his father or his mother, his lamp shall be put out in blackness of darkness.
21 hæreditas ad quam festinatur in principio, in novissimo benedictione carebit.
An inheritance quickly gained at the beginning, won't be blessed in the end.
22 Ne dicas: Reddam malum: exspecta Dominum, et liberabit te.
Do not say, "I will pay back evil." Wait for YHWH, and he will save you.
23 Abominatio est apud Dominum pondus et pondus; statera dolosa non est bona.
YHWH detests differing weights, and dishonest scales are no good.
24 A Domino diriguntur gressus viri: quis autem hominum intelligere potest viam suam?
A man's steps are from YHWH; how then can man understand his way?
25 Ruina est homini devorare sanctos, et post vota retractare.
It is a snare to a man to make a rash dedication, then later to consider his vows.
26 Dissipat impios rex sapiens, et incurvat super eos fornicem.
A wise king winnows out the wicked, and drives the threshing wheel over them.
27 Lucerna Domini spiraculum hominis, quæ investigat omnia secreta ventris.
The spirit of man is YHWH's lamp, searching all his innermost parts.
28 Misericordia et veritas custodiunt regem, et roboratur clementia thronus ejus.
Love and faithfulness keep the king safe. His throne is sustained by love.
29 Exsultatio juvenum fortitudo eorum, et dignitas senum canities.
The glory of young men is their strength. The splendor of old men is their gray hair.
30 Livor vulneris absterget mala, et plagæ in secretioribus ventris.
Wounding blows cleanse away evil, and beatings purge the innermost parts.