< Liber Numeri 32 >

1 Filii autem Ruben et Gad habebant pecora multa, et erat illis in jumentis infinita substantia. Cumque vidissent Jazer et Galaad aptas animalibus alendis terras,
The people of the tribes of Reuben and Gad had much livestock. They saw that the land near Jazer [city] and the Gilead [region east of the Jordan River] had good [grass] for the animals [to graze on].
2 venerunt ad Moysen, et ad Elezarum sacerdotem, et principes multitudinis, atque dixerunt:
So their leaders came to Eleazar and the other leaders of the people and Moses/me. They said,
3 Ataroth, et Dibon, et Jazer, et Nemra, Hesebon, et Eleale, et Saban, et Nebo, et Beon,
“We have a great amount of livestock.
4 terra, quam percussit Dominus in conspectu filiorum Israël, regio uberrima est ad pastum animalium: et nos servi tui habemus jumenta plurima,
Yahweh has enabled us Israelis to capture some land that is very good for animals [to graze on]—the land near Ataroth, Dibon, Jazer, Nimrah, Heshbon, Elealeh, Sebam, Nebo, and Beon [towns].
5 precamurque si invenimus gratiam coram te, ut des nobis famulis tuis eam in possessionem, nec facias nos transire Jordanem.
If it pleases you, we would like this land to be ours, instead of land on the other side of the Jordan River.”
6 Quibus respondit Moyses: Numquid fratres vestri ibunt ad pugnam, et vos hic sedebitis?
Moses/I replied to the leaders of the tribes of Gad and Reuben, “It is not right for [RHQ] your fellow Israelis to go to fight in wars and you stay here!
7 cur subvertitis mentes filiorum Israël, ne transire audeant in locum, quem eis daturus est Dominus?
[If you do that], you will cause the other Israelis to be discouraged, with the result that they will not cross [the Jordan River] to the land that Yahweh is giving to them [RHQ].
8 Nonne ita egerunt patres vestri, quando misi de Cadesbarne ad explorandam terram?
Your ancestors did the same kind of thing. I sent them from Kadesh-Barnea to see what the land [of Canaan] was like.
9 cumque venissent usque ad Vallem botri, lustrata omni regione, subverterunt cor filiorum Israël, ut non intrarent fines, quos eis Dominus dedit.
They went as far as Eshcol Valley, but when they saw [the huge people in] the land, [they returned and] caused the Israeli people to be discouraged, saying ‘We should not try to enter the land that Yahweh said that he is giving to us.’
10 Qui iratus juravit, dicens:
So Yahweh became very angry with them, and he solemnly declared this:
11 Si videbunt homines isti, qui ascenderunt ex Ægypto a viginti annis et supra, terram, quam sub juramento pollicitus sum Abraham, Isaac, et Jacob: et noluerunt sequi me,
‘From all the people who came out of Egypt, the only ones who are at least 20 years old who will see the land that I promised to give to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, are Jephunneh’s son Caleb and Nun’s son Joshua, because they trusted me completely. None of the other people who came out of Egypt will even see that land, because they have not completely believed in my [power].’
12 præter Caleb filium Jephone Cenezæum, et Josue filium Nun: isti impleverunt voluntatem meam.
13 Iratusque Dominus adversum Israël, circumduxit eum per desertum quadraginta annis, donec consumeretur universa generatio, quæ fecerat malum in conspectu ejus.
So Yahweh was angry with the Israeli people, and [as a result] he has caused us to wander in this desert for 40 years. Finally, all the people who had sinned against Yahweh [by refusing to trust him] died, [one by one].
14 Et ecce, inquit, vos surrexistis pro patribus vestris, incrementa et alumni hominum peccatorum, ut augeretis furorem Domini contra Israël.
And you are acting like your ancestors did! You sinful Israeli people are going to cause Yahweh to be more angry with you [than he was with our ancestors]
15 Quod si nolueritis sequi eum, in solitudine populum derelinquet, et vos causa eritis necis omnium.
If you stop trusting him, he will cause you and all your fellow Israelis to stay longer in the desert, and he will get rid of all of you!”
16 At illi prope accedentes, dixerunt: Caulas ovium fabricabimus, et stabula jumentorum, parvulis quoque nostris urbes munitas:
Then the [leaders of the tribes of Reuben and Gad] said to Moses/me, “First we will build pens for our animals and build cities for our families here.
17 nos autem ipsi armati et accincti pergemus ad prælium ante filios Israël, donec introducamus eos ad loca sua. Parvuli nostri, et quidquid habere possumus, erunt in urbibus muratis, propter habitatorum insidias.
Then our families will live in strong cities with walls around them, and they will be safe from the people who live in this land. Then we will get ready to fight battles. We will help the other Israelis to get land [on the other side of the river].
18 Non revertemur in domos nostras, usque dum possideant filii Israël hæreditatem suam:
We will not return to our homes until every Israeli has received some land.
19 nec quidquam quæremus trans Jordanem, quia jam habemus nostram possessionem in orientali ejus plaga.
We will not take any land on the west side of the Jordan [River]; our land will be here on the east side.”
20 Quibus Moyses ait: Si facitis quod promittitis, expediti pergite coram Domino ad pugnam:
So Moses/I told them, “[Okay, I will tell you] what you all must do. You must get ready to fight battles for Yahweh.
21 et omnis vir bellator armatus Jordanem transeat, donec subvertat Dominus inimicos suos,
You all must cross the Jordan [River] carrying your weapons.
22 et subjiciatur ei omnis terra: tunc eritis inculpabiles apud Dominum et apud Israël, et obtinebitis regiones, quas vultis, coram Domino.
After Yahweh helps us to take that land [from the people who live there], you will be permitted to return to your homes. You will have done what you have promised Yahweh and the Israeli people that you would do, and you may keep this land to be your own, given to you by Yahweh.
23 Sin autem quod dicitis, non feceritis, nulli dubium est quin peccetis in Deum: et scitote quoniam peccatum vestrum apprehendet vos.
“But if you do not do these things, you will be sinning against Yahweh, and he will punish you for [that] sin.
24 Ædificate ergo urbes parvulis vestris, et caulas, et stabula ovibus ac jumentis: et quod polliciti estis, implete.
Now you can build cities for your families and pens for your animals, but after doing that, you must do what you have promised.”
25 Dixeruntque filii Gad et Ruben ad Moysen: Servi tui sumus: faciemus quod jubet dominus noster.
The leaders of the tribes of Gad and Reuben replied, “We will do what you have asked us to do [MTY], because you are our leader.
26 Parvulos nostros, et mulieres, et pecora, ac jumenta relinquemus in urbibus Galaad:
Our wives and children and our cattle and sheep and goats will stay here in the cities in the Gilead area,
27 nos autem famuli tui omnes expediti pergemus ad bellum, sicut tu, domine, loqueris.
but we will prepare to go to battle. We will take our weapons and go across [the Jordan River] and fight for Yahweh, just as you, our leader, have said.”
28 Præcepit ergo Moyses Eleazaro sacerdoti, et Josue filio Nun, et principibus familiarum per tribus Israël, et dixit ad eos:
So Moses/I gave instructions about them to Eleazar, Joshua, and the leaders of the Israeli tribes.
29 Si transierint filii Gad et filii Ruben vobiscum Jordanem omnes armati ad bellum coram Domino, et vobis fuerit terra subjecta, date eis Galaad in possessionem.
Moses/I said to them, “If the men from the tribes of Gad and Reuben prepare for battle and cross the Jordan [River] with you, in order to do what Yahweh desires and help you to take that land, give them the Gilead area to belong to them.
30 Sin autem noluerint transire armati vobiscum in terram Chanaan, inter vos habitandi accipiant loca.
But if they do not take their weapons and go with you prepared to fight, they will not receive this land. They will need to accept some land in Canaan, like the rest of you will do.”
31 Responderuntque filii Gad et filii Ruben: Sicut locutus est Dominus servis suis, ita faciemus:
The [leaders of the tribes of Gad and Reuben] replied, “We will do what you have said and what Yahweh has said.
32 ipsi armati pergemus coram Domino in terram Chanaan, et possessionem jam suscepisse nos confitemur trans Jordanem.
We will cross the river into Canaan land, and we will do what Yahweh desires and be prepared for battle. But our land will be [here] on the east side of the Jordan [River].”
33 Dedit itaque Moyses filiis Gad et Ruben, et dimidiæ tribui Manasse filii Joseph, regnum Sehon regis Amorrhæi, et regnum Og regis Basan, et terram eorum cum urbibus suis per circuitum.
So Moses/I agreed to give that land to the tribes of Gad and Reuben and to half of the tribe of Joseph’s son Manasseh. That land was previously the land where Sihon, the king of the Amor people-group, ruled, and the land where Og, the king of Bashan [region], ruled, including its cities and surrounding land.
34 Igitur exstruxerunt filii Gad, Dibon, et Ataroth, et Aroër,
The people of the tribe of Gad rebuilt Dibon, Ataroth, Aroer,
35 et Etroth, et Sophan, et Jazer, et Jegbaa,
Atroth-Shophan, Jazer, Jogbehah,
36 et Bethnemra, et Betharan, urbes munitas, et caulas pecoribus suis.
Beth-Nimrah, and Beth-Haran cities. Those were cities with strong walls around them. And they also built pens for their sheep.
37 Filii vero Ruben ædificaverunt Hesebon, et Eleale, et Cariathaim,
The people of the tribe of Reuben rebuilt Heshbon, Elealeh, Kiriathaim,
38 et Nabo, et Baalmeon versis nominibus, Sabama quoque: imponentes vocabula urbibus, quas exstruxerunt.
Nebo, Baal-Meon, and Sibmah cities. When they rebuilt Nebo and Baal-Meon, they gave new names to those cities.
39 Porro filii Machir filii Manasse, perrexerunt in Galaad, et vastaverunt eam interfecto Amorrhæo habitatore ejus.
The descendants of Manasseh’s son Makir went to the Gilead [region] and compelled the people of the Amor people-group to leave that area.
40 Dedit ergo Moyses terram Galaad Machir filio Manasse, qui habitavit in ea.
So Moses/I gave Gilead to the family of Makir, and they started to live there.
41 Jair autem filius Manasse abiit, et occupavit vicos ejus, quos appellavit Havoth Jair, id est, Villas Jair.
Jair, who was also a descendant of Manasseh, went and captured the small towns in that region, and he named them the Towns of Jair.
42 Nobe quoque perrexit, et apprehendit Chanath cum viculis suis: vocavitque eam ex nomine suo Nobe.
A man named Nobah went and captured Kenath [city] and the nearby towns, and then he put his own name to be the new name of that area.

< Liber Numeri 32 >