< Iohannem 12 >
1 Jesus ergo ante sex dies Paschæ venit Bethaniam, ubi Lazarus fuerat mortuus, quem suscitavit Jesus.
Six days before the Passover [celebration started], Jesus arrived in Bethany [village, along with us]. That was where Lazarus lived. He was the man Jesus [previously] caused to be alive again after he died.
2 Fecerunt autem ei cœnam ibi, et Martha ministrabat, Lazarus vero unus erat ex discumbentibus cum eo.
There they gave a dinner to [honor] Jesus. Martha served the meal. [Her younger brother], Lazarus, was among the people who were eating with Jesus.
3 Maria ergo accepit libram unguenti nardi pistici pretiosi, et unxit pedes Jesu, et extersit pedes ejus capillis suis: et domus impleta est ex odore unguenti.
Then Mary took [a bottle] of expensive perfume [called] nard and poured it on Jesus’ feet [to honor him]. Then she wiped his feet with her hair. The whole house was filled with the [beautiful] smell of the perfume.
4 Dixit ergo unus ex discipulis ejus, Judas Iscariotes, qui erat eum traditurus:
But one of his disciples, Judas Iscariot, (OR, Judas, the man from Kerioth [Town]) objected. He was the one who later enabled Jesus’ enemies to seize him.
5 Quare hoc unguentum non veniit trecentis denariis, et datum est egenis?
He said, “(We should have sold this perfume and given [the money] to poor people!/Why did [we] not sell this perfume and give [the money for it] to the poor people?) [RHQ] We could have gotten 300 days’ wages for it!”
6 Dixit autem hoc, non quia de egenis pertinebat ad eum, sed quia fur erat, et loculos habens, ea quæ mittebantur, portabat.
He said that, not because he cared about the poor people, but instead, because he was a thief. He was the one who kept the bag [of funds that people gave to help Jesus and us his disciples], and he often stole some of the money that was {that [people]} put into it.
7 Dixit ergo Jesus: Sinite illam ut in diem sepulturæ meæ servet illud.
Then Jesus said, “Do not bother her! [She bought this perfume] in order to save it until the day when they will bury me [after I die].
8 Pauperes enim semper habetis vobiscum: me autem non semper habetis.
There will always be poor people among you, [so you can help them whenever you want to]. But I will not be with you much longer, [so it is good that she showed right now how much she appreciates me].”
9 Cognovit ergo turba multa ex Judæis quia illic est, et venerunt, non propter Jesum tantum, sed ut Lazarum viderent, quem suscitavit a mortuis.
A large crowd of Jews heard [people say] that Jesus was there [in Bethany]. So they came, not only [to see] Jesus but also to see Lazarus, the man whom he had caused to become alive again after he died.
10 Cogitaverunt autem principes sacerdotum ut et Lazarum interficerent:
So the chief priests decided to kill Lazarus also,
11 quia multi propter illum abibant ex Judæis, et credebant in Jesum.
because many of the Jews were [deserting them and] going to Jesus and believing in him because of [Jesus causing] Lazarus [to be alive again].
12 In crastinum autem, turba multa quæ venerat ad diem festum, cum audissent quia venit Jesus Jerosolymam,
The next day the huge crowd of people that had come [to Jerusalem] for the [Passover] celebration heard that Jesus was coming to Jerusalem.
13 acceperunt ramos palmarum, et processerunt obviam ei, et clamabant: Hosanna, benedictus qui venit in nomine Domini, rex Israël.
So they [cut] branches from some palm trees and took the branches out [of the city] to [wave them when they] met him. Some of them were shouting things like, “Hooray!” “May the Lord [God] bless the one who is coming with his authority [MTY]!” Some other people were shouting, “[May God bless] the King of Israel!”
14 Et invenit Jesus asellum, et sedit super eum, sicut scriptum est:
When Jesus [came near to Jerusalem], he got a young donkey and sat on it [as he rode into the city]. By doing this, [he fulfilled] what had been written {what [a prophet] had written} [in Scripture],
15 Noli timere, filia Sion: ecce rex tuus venit sedens super pullum asinæ.
You people of Jerusalem, do not be afraid! Look! Your king is coming! He is riding on a donkey’s colt!
16 Hæc non cognoverunt discipuli ejus primum: sed quando glorificatus est Jesus, tunc recordati sunt quia hæc erant scripta de eo, et hæc fecerunt ei.
At first [we] disciples did not understand those things. But after Jesus had returned to heaven, we realized that those things had been written {that [a prophet] had written those things} about him, and that [by] doing those things for him [the people had fulfilled what the prophet prophesied].
17 Testimonium ergo perhibebat turba, quæ erat cum eo quando Lazarum vocavit de monumento, et suscitavit eum a mortuis.
The crowd that was with him continued to tell other people that he called Lazarus to come out of the tomb, [and that Lazarus had then become alive again].
18 Propterea et obviam venit ei turba: quia audierunt fecisse hoc signum.
Because of that, many people, because they heard [others say] that he had performed this miracle, went to meet him.
19 Pharisæi ergo dixerunt ad semetipsos: Videtis quia nihil proficimus? ecce mundus totus post eum abiit.
So the Pharisees said to each other, “It is obvious that we are making no progress [in trying to stop him! It looks like] [HYP] everyone [MTY] is becoming his disciple!”
20 Erant autem quidam gentiles, ex his qui ascenderant ut adorarent in die festo.
Among those who went up [to Jerusalem] to worship [God] during the [Passover] celebration were some Greeks.
21 Hi ergo accesserunt ad Philippum, qui erat a Bethsaida Galilææ, et rogabant eum, dicentes: Domine, volumus Jesum videre.
They came to Philip, who was from Bethsaida [town] in Galilee [province]. They [wanted him] to do something for them. They said, “Sir, we would like to talk with Jesus.”
22 Venit Philippus, et dicit Andreæ; Andreas rursum et Philippus dixerunt Jesu.
So after Philip went and told that to Andrew, they both went and told Jesus.
23 Jesus autem respondit eis, dicens: Venit hora, ut clarificetur Filius hominis.
Then, [to show them that he must die in order to give eternal life to non-Jews like those Greeks], Jesus replied to them, “It is time for [God] to honor me, the one who came from heaven. [That will happen when I die].
24 Amen, amen dico vobis, nisi granum frumenti cadens in terram, mortuum fuerit, ipsum solum manet: si autem mortuum fuerit, multum fructum affert.
Listen to this carefully: [My life is like a seed] [MET]. If [someone] does not plant a kernel of grain in the ground, it does not change. It remains only one [seed]. But if it changes [after it is planted in the ground, it will grow and] produce many seeds.
25 Qui amat animam suam, perdet eam; et qui odit animam suam in hoc mundo, in vitam æternam custodit eam. (aiōnios )
Anyone who strongly wants to keep on living [here on earth] will surely lose his life forever. But anyone who is willing to die [HYP] [for my sake] will surely gain eternal life. (aiōnios )
26 Si quis mihi ministrat, me sequatur, et ubi sum ego, illic et minister meus erit. Si quis mihi ministraverit, honorificabit eum Pater meus.
If [any of these Greeks or] anyone [else] wants to serve me, they must become my disciples. Then, [after they die], they will be where I am, [in heaven]. My Father will honor all those who serve me.
27 Nunc anima mea turbata est. Et quid dicam? Pater, salvifica me ex hac hora. Sed propterea veni in horam hanc:
Now I am deeply disturbed. (I do not know what to say./What shall I say?) [RHQ] Should I say, ‘[My] Father, save me from this time [when I will suffer and die!’]? No, [I should not say that, because] the reason I came ([into this world/from heaven]) was that I would [suffer] [MTY] now.
28 Pater, clarifica nomen tuum. Venit ergo vox de cælo: Et clarificavi, et iterum clarificabo.
My Father, show how great you are!” John 12:28b-36a Then [God] spoke [EUP] from heaven, saying, “I have already shown how great [I am], and I will do it again!”
29 Turba ergo, quæ stabat, et audierat, dicebat tonitruum esse factum. Alii dicebant: Angelus ei locutus est.
The crowd that was there heard [it but they did not understand the words. Some said] it was thunder. Others said an angel had spoken to him.
30 Respondit Jesus, et dixit: Non propter me hæc vox venit, sed propter vos.
Jesus replied to them, “The voice that you heard speaking [was God’s voice, but] it was not for my benefit. It was for your benefit!
31 Nunc judicium est mundi: nunc princeps hujus mundi ejicietur foras.
Now is the time for [God] to judge [the people in] [MTY] the world. Now is the time when [I] will destroy [the power of Satan], the one who rules this world.
32 Et ego, si exaltatus fuero a terra, omnia traham ad meipsum.
But as for me, when I am lifted {when [men] lift me} up from the ground [on a cross, I will make a way for] gathering everyone to myself.”
33 (Hoc autem dicebat, significans qua morte esset moriturus.)
He said this to show us the way in which he was going to die.
34 Respondit ei turba: Nos audivimus ex lege, quia Christus manet in æternum: et quomodo tu dicis: Oportet exaltari Filium hominis? quis est iste Filius hominis? (aiōn )
[Someone in] the crowd answered him, “We understand from the Scriptures that the Messiah will live forever. So why do you say that the one who came from heaven, [who is the Messiah], will be lifted up {that [men] will lift up the one who came from heaven, [who is the Messiah], } on a cross? What kind of man who came from heaven are you [talking about]? (OR, That’s not the [kind] of Messiah [we are expecting]!)” (aiōn )
35 Dixit ergo eis Jesus: Adhuc modicum, lumen in vobis est. Ambulate dum lucem habetis, ut non vos tenebræ comprehendant; et qui ambulat in tenebris, nescit quo vadat.
Then Jesus said to them, “[My message is like] [MET] a light for you. [I] will be with you for only a little while longer. Live and act [as you should] while I am still with you, [because suddenly you will have no more opportunity to hear my message! You do not want to be like] [MET] [someone] who cannot see where he is going any more [when it suddenly] becomes dark!
36 Dum lucem habetis, credite in lucem, ut filii lucis sitis. Hæc locutus est Jesus, et abiit et abscondit se ab eis.
Believe in my message [MET] while you still have an opportunity to do it, in order that you may become people who have accepted my truth [MET]!” John 12:36b-43 After Jesus said those things, he left them and hid from them.
37 Cum autem tanta signa fecisset coram eis, non credebant in eum;
Although he had done many miracles while people were watching, [most of] them refused to believe that he [is] ([the Messiah/from God]).
38 ut sermo Isaiæ prophetæ impleretur, quem dixit: Domine, quis credidit auditui nostro? et brachium Domini cui revelatum est?
[Their stubbornness and refusal to believe was similar to the stubbornness of the people that] the prophet Isaiah wrote about long ago: Lord, (hardly anyone has believed our message!/who has believed our message?) [RHQ] Most people refused to accept it, even though you showed them your power!
39 Propterea non poterant credere, quia iterum dixit Isaias:
That was the reason why they were unable to believe. [It was like] Isaiah wrote somewhere else that God said:
40 Excæcavit oculos eorum, et induravit cor eorum ut non videant oculis, et non intelligant corde, et convertantur, et sanem eos.
They have [refused to understand; they acted as though they were] blind people! They were insensible in their inner beings! As a result, they have not perceived [my truth]! They have not understood it in their inner beings! They have not turned [from their sinful lives], and because of that I cannot help them!
41 Hæc dixit Isaias, quando vidit gloriam ejus, et locutus est de eo.
Isaiah wrote that because [it was as though] he saw [ahead of time] how great Jesus would be, and he prophesied [those things] about him.
42 Verumtamen et ex principibus multi crediderunt in eum: sed propter pharisæos non confitebantur, ut e synagoga non ejicerentur.
Although most of the Jewish [leaders] [SYN] did not believe that Jesus is ([the Messiah/from God]), some of them believed in him. But they would not tell anyone that they believed in him, because [they were afraid that if they said that], the Pharisees would not let them worship in the synagogues.
43 Dilexerunt enim gloriam hominum magis quam gloriam Dei.
They wanted people to praise them more than they wanted God to praise them.
44 Jesus autem clamavit, et dixit: Qui credit in me, non credit in me, sed in eum qui misit me.
[Another day, when] Jesus [was teaching the people, he] shouted, “Those who believe in me, they are not believing in [me alone]. Instead, [it is as though] they also believe in the one who sent me.
45 Et qui videt me, videt eum qui misit me.
When they see me [and what I am doing, it is as though] they are seeing the one who sent me.
46 Ego lux in mundum veni, ut omnis qui credit in me, in tenebris non maneat.
I have come into the world [to show people God’s truth], as a light [shows people what is around them]. I have come in order that people who believe in me will not remain [ignorant of God’s truth] [MET], [as those who are] in the darkness [are ignorant of what is around them].
47 Et si quis audierit verba mea, et non custodierit, ego non judico eum; non enim veni ut judicem mundum, sed ut salvificem mundum.
As for those who hear my message but do not obey [its commands], I am not [the one who] judges them. [The main reason] that I came ([into the world/from heaven]) was not to judge [the people of] [MTY] the world. Instead, I came to save them [from being punished for their sins].
48 Qui spernit me et non accipit verba mea, habet qui judicet eum. Sermo quem locutus sum, ille judicabit eum in novissimo die.
There is something that will judge those who reject me and do not accept my message. On the judgment day [God] will condemn them [because they rejected] the message that I have told them.
49 Quia ego ex meipso non sum locutus, sed qui misit me, Pater, ipse mihi mandatum dedit quid dicam et quid loquar.
I have not said things from my own [authority]. Instead, [my] Father, the one who sent me, instructed me what to say and how I should say it.
50 Et scio quia mandatum ejus vita æterna est: quæ ergo ego loquor, sicut dixit mihi Pater, sic loquor. (aiōnios )
I know that [paying attention to] what he has instructed us [leads to] eternal life. So whatever I say is exactly (OR, only) what [my] Father has told me to say.” (aiōnios )