< Job 16 >

1 Respondens autem Job, dixit:
Then Job, answering, said:
2 Audivi frequenter talia: consolatores onerosi omnes vos estis.
I have often heard such things; you are all aggravating comforters.
3 Numquid habebunt finem verba ventosa? aut aliquid tibi molestum est, si loquaris?
Will there be no end to windy words? Or is it at all a burden to you, if you speak?
4 Poteram et ego similia vestri loqui, atque utinam esset anima vestra pro anima mea: consolarer et ego vos sermonibus, et moverem caput meum super vos;
I, too, can speak like you; and I also wish that your soul favored my soul. I would also comfort you with speeches and would wag my head over you.
5 roborarem vos ore meo, et moverem labia mea, quasi parcens vobis.
I would strengthen you with my mouth, and would move my lips, as if being lenient to you.
6 Sed quid agam? Si locutus fuero, non quiescet dolor meus, et si tacuero, non recedet a me.
But what can I do? When I am speaking, my grief will not be quiet; and if I am quiet, it will not withdraw from me.
7 Nunc autem oppressit me dolor meus, et in nihilum redacti sunt omnes artus mei.
But now my grief has crushed me, and all my limbs have been reduced to nothing.
8 Rugæ meæ testimonium dicunt contra me, et suscitatur falsiloquus adversus faciem meam, contradicens mihi.
My wrinkles bear witness against me, and a liar rises up against my face, contradicting me.
9 Collegit furorem suum in me, et comminans mihi, infremuit contra me dentibus suis: hostis meus terribilibus oculis me intuitus est.
He has gathered together his fury towards me, and, threatening me, he has roared against me with his teeth; my enemy has beheld me with terrible eyes.
10 Aperuerunt super me ora sua, et exprobrantes percusserunt maxillam meam: satiati sunt pœnis meis.
They have opened their mouths against me, and, reproaching me, they have struck me on the cheek; they are nourished by my sufferings.
11 Conclusit me Deus apud iniquum, et manibus impiorum me tradidit.
God has confined me with the immoral, and he has delivered me into the hands of the impious.
12 Ego ille quondam opulentus, repente contritus sum: tenuit cervicem meam, confregit me, et posuit me sibi quasi in signum.
I, who once was wealthy, am now crushed. He has grabbed me by my neck; he has broken me and has placed me before him as a sign.
13 Circumdedit me lanceis suis; convulneravit lumbos meos: non pepercit, et effudit in terra viscera mea.
He has surrounded me with his lances. He has severely wounded my lower back, he has not been lenient, and he has poured out my organs upon the earth.
14 Concidit me vulnere super vulnus: irruit in me quasi gigas.
He has cut me with wound after wound. He has rushed upon me like a giant.
15 Saccum consui super cutem meam, et operui cinere carnem meam.
I have sewn sackcloth over my skin, and I have covered my body with ashes.
16 Facies mea intumuit a fletu, et palpebræ meæ caligaverunt.
My face is swollen from weeping, and my eyelids have dimmed my vision.
17 Hæc passus sum absque iniquitate manus meæ, cum haberem mundas ad Deum preces.
These things I have endured without iniquity in my hand, while I held pure prayers before God.
18 Terra, ne operias sanguinem meum, neque inveniat in te locum latendi clamor meus:
O earth, do not conceal my blood, nor let my outcry find a hiding place in you.
19 ecce enim in cælo testis meus, et conscius meus in excelsis.
For behold, my witness is in heaven, and my confidante is on high.
20 Verbosi amici mei: ad Deum stillat oculus meus:
My friends are full of words; my eye rains tears upon God.
21 atque utinam sic judicaretur vir cum Deo, quomodo judicatur filius hominis cum collega suo.
And I wish that a man might be so judged before God, just as the son of man is judged with his assistant!
22 Ecce enim breves anni transeunt, et semitam per quam non revertar ambulo.
For behold, a few years pass by, and I am walking a path by which I will not return.

< Job 16 >