< Jeremiæ 32 >

1 Verbum quod factum est ad Jeremiam a Domino, in anno decimo Sedeciæ regis Juda, ipse est annus decimusoctavus Nabuchodonosor.
After Zedekiah had been ruling Judah for almost ten years, Yahweh gave me another message, during the time that Nebuchadnezzar had been ruling [Babylonia] for almost 18 years.
2 Tunc exercitus regis Babylonis obsidebat Jerusalem, et Jeremias propheta erat clausus in atrio carceris qui erat in domo regis Juda.
His army was surrounding Jerusalem, and I was in a prison area in the courtyard where the guards of the king’s palace stayed.
3 Clauserat enim eum Sedecias rex Juda, dicens: Quare vaticinaris, dicens: Hæc dicit Dominus: Ecce ego dabo civitatem istam in manus regis Babylonis, et capiet eam:
King Zedekiah had put me there. I continued to prophesy there [about what would happen]. I continued to say, “Yahweh says that he is about to allow [the army of] the king of Babylon to capture this city [DOU].
4 et Sedecias rex Juda non effugiet de manu Chaldæorum, sed tradetur in manus regis Babylonis: et loquetur os ejus cum ore illius, et oculi ejus oculos illius videbunt:
And the soldiers of Babylonia will capture King Zedekiah and (take him to/put him in the hands of) the king of Babylon.
5 et in Babylonem ducet Sedeciam, et ibi erit donec visitem eum, ait Dominus: si autem dimicaveritis adversum Chaldæos, nihil prosperum habebitis?
Then his [soldiers] will take Zedekiah to Babylon, and he will remain there until I arrange for him to be punished. And if he tries to fight against the soldiers from Babylonia, he will not succeed.”
6 Et dixit Jeremias: Factum est verbum Domini ad me, dicens:
[At that time], Yahweh gave me another message. He said,
7 Ecce Hanameel filius Sellum, patruelis tuus, veniet ad te, dicens: Eme tibi agrum meum qui est in Anathoth, tibi enim competit ex propinquitate ut emas.
“[Your cousin] Hanamel, the son of Shallum [your uncle], will come to you. He will say to you, ‘Buy my field at Anathoth, [your hometown]. [Because you are my closest relative], [it is written in our laws that] you have the right to buy it [before I ask if anyone else wants to buy it].’”
8 Et venit ad me Hanameel filius patrui mei, secundum verbum Domini, ad vestibulum carceris, et ait ad me: Posside agrum meum qui est in Anathoth, in terra Benjamin, quia tibi competit hæreditas, et tu propinquus es ut possideas. Intellexi autem quod verbum Domini esset:
And just as Yahweh had predicted, my cousin Hanamel came to see me in the courtyard of the palace. He said, “[Please] buy my field at Anathoth in the area [where the descendants of] Benjamin live. It is written in our laws that you have the right to buy it [before I ask if anyone else wants to buy it.]” When he said that, I knew that the message that I had received was [truly] from Yahweh.
9 et emi agrum ab Hanameel filio patrui mei, qui est in Anathoth, et appendi ei argentum: septem stateres, et decem argenteos.
[So], I bought the field at Anathoth. I paid Hanamel 17 pieces of silver for it.
10 Et scripsi in libro, et signavi, et adhibui testes, et appendi argentum in statera.
I signed the paper/papyrus on which it was written that I was buying it, while others were watching/witnessing it. Then I weighed the silver [and gave it to him].
11 Et accepi librum possessionis signatum, et stipulationes, et rata, et signa forinsecus:
Then I took two copies of the paper/papyrus. One was sealed and the other was not sealed. On both of them was written the price and conditions of the purchase. I took both copies
12 et dedi librum possessionis Baruch filio Neri filii Maasiæ, in oculis Hanameel patruelis mei, in oculis testium qui scripti erant in libro emptionis, et in oculis omnium Judæorum qui sedebant in atrio carceris.
and I gave them to Baruch, who was the son of Neraiah and the grandson of Mahseiah. I did this while my cousin Hanamel, the [other] witnesses who had signed the paper/papyrus, and other men of Judah who were there in the courtyard, were watching.
13 Et præcepi Baruch coram eis, dicens:
[Then], while they were [all] listening, I said to Baruch,
14 Hæc dicit Dominus exercituum, Deus Israël: Sume libros istos, librum emptionis hunc signatum, et librum hunc qui apertus est, et pone illos in vase fictili, ut permanere possint diebus multis:
“This is what the Commander of the armies of angels, the God whom [we] Israelis [worship], says: ‘Take both copies of this paper/papyrus and put them in a clay jar, to preserve them for a long time.
15 hæc enim dicit Dominus exercituum, Deus Israël: Adhuc possidebuntur domus, et agri, et vineæ in terra ista.
[Do that] because this is what [I], the Commander of the armies of angels, the God whom [you] Israelis [worship], say: “[Some day people will again own property] in this land, and they will buy and sell houses and vineyards and fields.’”
16 Et oravi ad Dominum, postquam tradidi librum possessionis Baruch filio Neri, dicens:
After I had given the papers/papyri to Baruch, I prayed to Yahweh, saying this:
17 Heu! heu! heu! Domine Deus, ecce tu fecisti cælum et terram in fortitudine tua magna, et in brachio tuo extento: non erit tibi difficile omne verbum:
“Yahweh, [you are my] Lord! You made the sky and the earth by your very great power. [MTY, DOU] Nothing is too difficult for you [to do].
18 qui facis misericordiam in millibus, et reddis iniquitatem patrum in sinum filiorum eorum post eos: fortissime, magne, et potens, Dominus exercituum nomen tibi.
You show thousands of people that you faithfully love them, but you punish people for the sins that their parents have committed. [You are the] great and powerful God, the Commander of the armies of angels.
19 Magnus consilio, et incomprehensibilis cogitatu: cujus oculi aperti sunt super omnes vias filiorum Adam, ut reddas unicuique secundum vias suas, et secundum fructum adinventionum ejus.
You make wise plans and you do mighty deeds. You see how all people behave [DOU], and you do to them what they deserve.
20 Qui posuisti signa et portenta in terra Ægypti usque ad diem hanc, et in Israël, et in hominibus, et fecisti tibi nomen sicut est dies hæc.
You performed many miracles [DOU] in Egypt, and you continue [to perform miracles here] in Israel and everywhere else in the world. [Because of that], you have (become very famous/caused many people to know that you are very great/powerful).
21 Et eduxisti populum tuum Israël de terra Ægypti, in signis et in portentis, et in manu robusta et in brachio extento, et in terrore magno:
You brought our Israeli ancestors out of Egypt by performing many great miracles [DOU], using your very great power [DOU], causing [our enemies to be] terrified.
22 et dedisti eis terram hanc, quam jurasti patribus eorum ut dares eis, terram fluentem lacte et melle.
You gave to us Israeli people this land that you solemnly promised to give to our ancestors, a land that is very fertile [IDM].
23 Et ingressi sunt, et possederunt eam, et non obedierunt voci tuæ, et in lege tua non ambulaverunt: omnia quæ mandasti eis ut facerent non fecerunt, et evenerunt eis omnia mala hæc.
Our ancestors came here and conquered this land and started to live in it, but they refused to obey you or to do what you commanded them to do. Because of that, you have caused us to experience all these disasters.
24 Ecce munitiones exstructæ sunt adversum civitatem ut capiatur, et urbs data est in manus Chaldæorum qui præliantur adversus eam, a facie gladii, et famis, et pestilentiæ: et quæcumque locutus es, acciderunt, ut tu ipse cernis.
And now, [the army] of Babylonia has built ramps up against our city [walls] in order to attack our city. Because of [our enemies’] swords and because of famines and diseases, they will be able to conquer it [easily]. The things that you said would happen have [now] happened.
25 Et tu dicis mihi, Domine Deus: Eme agrum argento, et adhibe testes, cum urbs data sit in manus Chaldæorum?
[And it is evident that] the Babylonian army will soon conquer this city. So now, Yahweh my Lord, [I do not understand] why you told me to buy this field with my silver, while others were watching. [It seems that I have just been wasting my money by doing that]!”
26 Et factum est verbum Domini ad Jeremiam, dicens:
[Then] Yahweh gave me this message:
27 Ecce ego Dominus Deus universæ carnis: numquid mihi difficile erit omne verbum?
“I am Yahweh, the God [who rules] all the people [in the world]. There is absolutely nothing [RHQ] that is too difficult for me [to do].
28 Propterea hæc dicit Dominus: Ecce ego tradam civitatem istam in manus Chaldæorum, et in manus regis Babylonis, et capient eam.
So, this is what I say: [It is true that] I will enable the Babylonian army and King Nebuchadnezzar to capture this city.
29 Et venient Chaldæi præliantes adversum urbem hanc, et succendent eam igni, et comburent eam, et domos in quarum domatibus sacrificabant Baal, et libabant diis alienis libamina ad irritandum me.
The soldiers of Babylonia who are [now outside the walls] around the city will enter and burn this city. They will burn down [all] the houses where people caused me to become angry by burning incense on [the tops of] their roofs to [honor] Baal and by pouring out offerings of wine to other gods.
30 Erant enim filii Israël et filii Juda jugiter facientes malum in oculis meis ab adolescentia sua: filii Israël, qui usque nunc exacerbant me in opere manuum suarum, dicit Dominus.
The people of Israel and Judah have continually done only evil things from the time that they became a nation. They have caused me to become very angry by all their evil deeds.
31 Quia in furore et in indignatione mea facta est mihi civitas hæc, a die qua ædificaverunt eam usque ad diem istam qua auferetur de conspectu meo,
From the time that this city was built until now, the people of this city have done [only] things that caused me to be very angry [DOU]. So [now] I will destroy it.
32 propter malitiam filiorum Israël et filiorum Juda, quam fecerunt ad iracundiam me provocantes, ipsi et reges eorum, principes eorum, et sacerdotes eorum, et prophetæ eorum, viri Juda et habitatores Jerusalem.
The people of Israel and Judah, [including] their kings, their officials, the priests, the [false] prophets, and all the other people in Jerusalem have committed many sins that have caused me to become angry.
33 Et verterunt ad me terga, et non facies, cum docerem eos diluculo et erudirem, et nollent audire, ut acciperent disciplinam.
My people have turned away from me and have refused to return to me. Even though I taught them things many times, they would not pay attention to what I taught them, and they would not obey me.
34 Et posuerunt idola sua in domo in qua invocatum est nomen meum, ut polluerent eam.
They have set up their detestable idols [even] in my own [MTY] temple and (defiled it/caused it to become a place that is unacceptable for people to worship me).
35 Et ædificaverunt excelsa Baal quæ sunt in valle filii Ennom, ut initiarent filios suos et filias suas Moloch, quod non mandavi eis, nec ascendit in cor meum ut facerent abominationem hanc: et in peccatum deducerent Judam.
They have built shrines to [honor] Baal in Ben-Hinnom Valley [outside Jerusalem], and there they sacrifice their sons and daughters to [their god] Molech. I never commanded them to do such horrible things. I never even thought that anyone might do such a terrible thing. And by doing it they have caused [all the people of] Judah to [be guilty of having] sinned.”
36 Et nunc propter ista, hæc dicit Dominus Deus Israël ad civitatem hanc, de qua vos dicitis quod tradetur in manus regis Babylonis, in gladio, et in fame, et in peste:
“But now [I will say something more] about this city. You [people of Jerusalem] have been saying, ‘[The army of] the King of Babylon will conquer it, either by their swords or because of famines or diseases.’ But this is what [I], Yahweh, the God whom you Israeli people [say you belong to], say:
37 Ecce ego congregabo eos de universis terris ad quas ejeci eos in furore meo, et in ira mea, et in indignatione grandi: et reducam eos ad locum istum, et habitare eos faciam confidenter:
‘I will certainly bring my people back here again, from all the countries to which I will force them to go because I am extremely angry [DOU] with them. I will bring them back to this city and allow them to live here safely.
38 et erunt mihi in populum, et ego ero eis in Deum.
They will be my people, and I will be their God.
39 Et dabo eis cor unum, et viam unam, ut timeant me universis diebus, et bene sit eis, et filiis eorum post eos.
I will cause them to have one way of thinking [IDM] and behaving, in order that they may revere me, for their good and for the good of their descendants.
40 Et feriam eis pactum sempiternum, et non desinam eis benefacere: et timorem meum dabo in corde eorum, ut non recedant a me.
I will make an agreement with them that will last forever: I will never stop doing good things for them, and I will encourage them to revere me and never turn away from me.
41 Et lætabor super eis, cum bene eis fecero: et plantabo eos in terra ista in veritate, in toto corde meo et in tota anima mea.
I will be happy to do good things for them, and I will surely enable them to return to this land and remain here [MET]; I will do that with all my inner being and all my strength.’
42 Quia hæc dicit Dominus: Sicut adduxi super populum istum omne malum hoc grande, sic adducam super eos omne bonum quod ego loquor ad eos.
And this is [also] what [I], Yahweh, say: ‘I have caused them to experience all these disasters. Similarly, [some day] I will do for them all the good things that I have promised.
43 Et possidebuntur agri in terra ista, de qua vos dicitis quod deserta sit, eo quod non remanserit homo et jumentum, et data sit in manus Chaldæorum.
[By buying land you, Jeremiah, have predicted that some day] people will buy and sell fields in this land about which you [people of Jerusalem] now say, “The Babylonian soldiers have destroyed it. It is [now] desolate. [It is a land where] there are no longer any people or animals.”
44 Agri ementur pecunia, et scribentur in libro, et imprimetur signum, et testis adhibebitur, in terra Benjamin et in circuitu Jerusalem, in civitatibus Juda, et in civitatibus montanis, et in civitatibus campestribus, et in civitatibus quæ ad austrum sunt, quia convertam captivitatem eorum, ait Dominus.
[But some day] people will [again] buy [and sell] fields here. People will sign documents [about buying those fields], and [other people] will witness them doing that. [That will happen] in the land where [the descendants of] Benjamin live and [here] in the villages near Jerusalem, in [other] towns in Judah, in the hilly areas and in the foothills [to the west], and in the southern desert area, [too. Some day] I will cause them to prosper again. [That will surely happen because I], Yahweh, have said it.’”

< Jeremiæ 32 >