< Osee Propheta 8 >
1 In gutture tuo sit tuba quasi aquila super domum Domini, pro eo quod transgressi sunt fœdus meum, et legem meam prævaricati sunt.
Let there be a trumpet in your throat, like an eagle over the house of the Lord, on behalf of those who have transgressed my covenant and violated my law.
2 Me invocabunt: Deus meus, cognovimus te Israël.
They will call on me: “O my God, we, Israel, know you.”
3 Projecit Israël bonum: inimicus persequetur eum.
Israel has thrown away goodness; the enemy will overtake him.
4 Ipsi regnaverunt, et non ex me; principes exstiterunt, et non cognovi: argentum suum et aurum suum fecerunt sibi idola, ut interirent.
They have reigned, but not by me. Leaders have emerged, and I did not recognize them. Their silver and their gold, they have made into idols for themselves, so that they might cross over.
5 Projectus est vitulus tuus, Samaria; iratus est furor meus in eos. Usquequo non poterunt emundari?
Your calf, Samaria, has been rejected. My fury has been enraged against them. How long will they be incapable of being cleansed?
6 Quia ex Israël et ipse est: artifex fecit illum, et non est deus; quoniam in aranearum telas erit vitulus Samariæ.
For it is itself also from Israel: a workman made it, and it is not God. For the calf of Samaria will be used for the webs of spiders.
7 Quia ventum seminabunt, et turbinem metent: culmus stans non est in eo; germen non faciet farinam: quod etsi fecerit, alieni comedent eam.
For they will sow wind and reap a whirlwind. It does not have a firm stalk; the bud will yield no grain. But if it does yield, strangers will eat it.
8 Devoratus est Israël; nunc factus est in nationibus quasi vas immundum.
Israel has been devoured. Now, among the nations, it has become like an unclean vessel.
9 Quia ipsi ascenderunt ad Assur, onager solitarius sibi; Ephraim munera dederunt amatoribus.
For they have gone up to Assur, a wild ass alone by himself. Ephraim has given presents to his lovers.
10 Sed et cum mercede conduxerint nationes, nunc congregabo eos, et quiescent paulisper ab onere regis et principum.
But even when they will have brought the nations together for the sake of money, now I will assemble them. And they will rest for a little while from the burden of the king and the leaders.
11 Quia multiplicavit Ephraim altaria ad peccandum; factæ sunt ei aræ in delictum.
For Ephraim multiplied altars to sin, and sanctuaries have become an offense for him.
12 Scribam ei multiplices leges meas, quæ velut alienæ computatæ sunt.
I will write to him my intricate laws, which have been treated like strangers.
13 Hostias offerent, immolabunt carnes et comedent, et Dominus non suscipiet eas: nunc recordabitur iniquitatis eorum, et visitabit peccata eorum: ipsi in Ægyptum convertentur.
They will offer victims, they will immolate flesh and will eat, and the Lord will not accept them. For now he will remember their iniquity, and he will repay their sins: they will be turned back to Egypt.
14 Et oblitus est Israël factoris sui, et ædificavit delubra; et Judas multiplicavit urbes munitas; et mittam ignem in civitates ejus, et devorabit ædes illius.
And Israel has forgotten his Maker and has built shrines. And Judah has increased its fortified cities. And I will send fire upon his cities, and it will devour its structures.