< Genesis 11 >

1 Erat autem terra labii unius, et sermonum eorumdem.
Forsothe the lond was of o langage, and of the same speche.
2 Cumque proficiscerentur de oriente, invenerunt campum in terra Sennaar, et habitaverunt in eo.
And whanne thei yeden forth fro the eest, thei fonden a feeld in the lond of Sennaar, and dwelliden ther ynne.
3 Dixitque alter ad proximum suum: Venite, faciamus lateres, et coquamus eos igni. Habueruntque lateres pro saxis, et bitumen pro cæmento:
And oon seide to his neiybore, Come ye, and make we tiel stonys, and bake we tho with fier; and thei hadden tiel for stonus, and pitche for morter;
4 et dixerunt: Venite, faciamus nobis civitatem et turrim, cujus culmen pertingat ad cælum: et celebremus nomen nostrum antequam dividamur in universas terras.
and seiden, Come ye, and make we to vs a citee and tour, whos hiynesse stretche `til to heuene; and make we solempne oure name bifor that we be departid in to alle londis.
5 Descendit autem Dominus ut videret civitatem et turrim, quam ædificabant filii Adam,
Forsothe the Lord cam down to se the citee and tour, which the sones of Adam bildiden.
6 et dixit: Ecce, unus est populus, et unum labium omnibus: cœperuntque hoc facere, nec desistent a cogitationibus suis, donec eas opere compleant.
And he seide, Lo! the puple is oon, and o langage is to alle, and thei han bigunne to make this, nethir thei schulen ceesse of her thouytis, til thei fillen tho in werk; therfor come ye, go we doun,
7 Venite igitur, descendamus, et confundamus ibi linguam eorum, ut non audiat unusquisque vocem proximi sui.
and scheende we there the tunge of hem, that ech man here not the voys of his neiybore.
8 Atque ita divisit eos Dominus ex illo loco in universas terras, et cessaverunt ædificare civitatem.
And so the Lord departide hem fro that place in to alle londis; and thei cessiden to bielde a cytee.
9 Et idcirco vocatum est nomen ejus Babel, quia ibi confusum est labium universæ terræ: et inde dispersit eos Dominus super faciem cunctarum regionum.
And therfor the name therof was clepid Babel, for the langage of al erthe was confoundide there; and fro thennus the Lord scaterede hem on the face of alle cuntrees.
10 Hæ sunt generationes Sem: Sem erat centum annorum quando genuit Arphaxad, biennio post diluvium.
These ben the generaciouns of Sem. Sem was of an hundrid yeer whanne he gendride Arfaxath, twey yeer aftir the greet flood.
11 Vixitque Sem, postquam genuit Arphaxad, quingentis annis: et genuit filios et filias.
And Sem lyuede aftir that he gendride Arfaxath fyue hundrid yeer, and gendride sones and douytris.
12 Porro Arphaxad vixit triginta quinque annis, et genuit Sale.
Forsothe Arfaxath lyuede fyue and thretti yeer, and gendride Sale;
13 Vixitque Arphaxad, postquam genuit Sale, trecentis tribus annis: et genuit filios et filias.
and Arfaxath lyuede aftir that he gendride Sale thre hundride and thre yeer, and gendride sones and douytris.
14 Sale quoque vixit triginta annis, et genuit Heber.
Also Sale lyuede thretti yeer, and gendride Heber;
15 Vixitque Sale, postquam genuit Heber, quadringentis tribus annis: et genuit filios et filias.
and Sale lyuede after that he gendride Heber foure hundrid and thre yeer, and gendride sones and douytris.
16 Vixit autem Heber triginta quatuor annis, et genuit Phaleg.
Sotheli Heber lyuede foure and thretti yeer, and gendride Falech;
17 Et vixit Heber postquam genuit Phaleg, quadringentis triginta annis: et genuit filios et filias.
and Heber lyuede aftir that he gendride Falech foure hundrid and thretti yeer, and gendride sones and douytris.
18 Vixit quoque Phaleg triginta annis, et genuit Reu.
Also Falech lyuede thretti yeer, and gendride Reu;
19 Vixitque Phaleg, postquam genuit Reu, ducentis novem annis: et genuit filios et filias.
and Falech lyuede aftir that he gendride Reu two hundrid and nyne yeer, and gendride sones and douytris.
20 Vixit autem Reu triginta duobus annis, et genuit Sarug.
And Reu lyuede two and thretti yeer, and gendride Saruch;
21 Vixit quoque Reu, postquam genuit Sarug, ducentis septem annis: et genuit filios et filias.
and Reu lyuede aftir that he gendride Saruch two hundrid and seuene yeer, and gendride sones and douytris.
22 Vixit vero Sarug triginta annis, et genuit Nachor.
Sotheli Saruch lyuede thretti yeer, and gendride Nachor;
23 Vixitque Sarug, postquam genuit Nachor, ducentis annis: et genuit filios et filias.
and Saruch lyuede aftir that he gendride Nacor two hundrid yeer, and gendride sones and douytris.
24 Vixit autem Nachor viginti novem annis, et genuit Thare.
Forsothe Nachor lyuede nyne and twenti yeer, and gendride Thare;
25 Vixitque Nachor, postquam genuit Thare, centum decem et novem annis: et genuit filios et filias.
and Nachor lyuede after that he gendride Thare an hundrid and nynetene yeer, and gendride sones and douytris.
26 Vixitque Thare septuaginta annis, et genuit Abram, et Nachor, et Aran.
And Thare lyuede seuenti yeer, and gendride Abram, and Nachor, and Aran.
27 Hæ sunt autem generationes Thare: Thare genuit Abram, Nachor et Aran. Porro Aran genuit Lot.
Sotheli these ben the generaciouns of Thare. Thare gendride Abram, Nachor, and Aran. Forsothe Aran gendride Loth;
28 Mortuusque est Aran ante Thare patrem suum, in terra nativitatis suæ, in Ur Chaldæorum.
and Aran diede bifore Thare, his fadir, in the lond of his natiuite, in Vr of Caldeis.
29 Duxerunt autem Abram et Nachor uxores: nomen uxoris Abram, Sarai: et nomen uxoris Nachor, Melcha filia Aran, patris Melchæ, et patris Jeschæ.
Forsothe Abram and Nachor weddiden wyues; the name of the wijf of Abram was Saray, and the name of the wiif of Nachor was Melcha, the douyter of Aran, fadir of Melcha and fadir of Jescha.
30 Erat autem Sarai sterilis, nec habebat liberos.
Sotheli Saray was bareyn, and hadde no children.
31 Tulit itaque Thare Abram filium suum, et Lot filium Aran, filium filii sui, et Sarai nurum suam, uxorem Abram filii sui, et eduxit eos de Ur Chaldæorum, ut irent in terram Chanaan: veneruntque usque Haran, et habitaverunt ibi.
And so Thare took Abram, his sone, and Loth, the sone of Aran his sone, and Saray, his douyter in lawe, the wijf of Abram, his sone, and ledde hem out of Vr of Caldeis, that thei schulen go in to the lond of Chanaan; and thei camen `til to Aran, and dwelliden there.
32 Et facti sunt dies Thare ducentorum quinque annorum, et mortuus est in Haran.
And the daies of Thare weren maad two hundrid yeer and fyue, and he was deed in Aran.

< Genesis 11 >