< Esdræ 2 >

1 Hi sunt autem provinciæ filii, qui ascenderunt de captivitate, quam transtulerat Nabuchodonosor rex Babylonis in Babylonem, et reversi sunt in Jerusalem et Judam, unusquisque in civitatem suam.
Now, these, are the sons of the province, who came up from among the captives of the exile, whom Nebuchadnezzar the king of Babylon exiled to Babylon, —who came back unto Jerusalem and Judah, every one unto his own city;
2 Qui venerunt cum Zorobabel, Josue, Nehemia, Saraia, Rahelaia, Mardochai, Belsan, Mesphar, Beguai, Rehum, Baana. Numerus virorum populi Israël:
who came in with Zerubbabel, Jeshua, Nehemiah, Seraiah, Reelaiah, Mordecai, Bilshan, Mispar, Bigvai Rehum, Baanah, —the number of the men of the people of Israel: —
3 filii Pharos duo millia centum septuaginta duo.
The sons of Parosh, two thousand one hundred and seventy-two;
4 Filii Sephatia, trecenti septuaginta duo.
The sons of Shephatiah, three hundred and seventy-two;
5 Filii Area, septingenti septuaginta quinque.
The sons of Arah, seven hundred and seventy-five;
6 Filii Phahath Moab, filiorum Josue: Joab, duo millia octingenti duodecim.
The sons of Pahath-moab, belonging to the sons of Jeshua, Joab, two thousand eight hundred and twelve;
7 Filii Ælam, mille ducenti quinquaginta quatuor.
The sons of Elam, a thousand two hundred and fifty-four;
8 Filii Zethua, nongenti quadraginta quinque.
The sons of Zattu, nine hundred and forty-five;
9 Filii Zachai, septingenti sexaginta.
The sons of Zaccai, seven hundred and sixty;
10 Filii Bani, sexcenti quadraginta duo.
The sons of Bani, six hundred and forty-two;
11 Filii Bebai, sexcenti viginti tres.
The sons of Bebai, six hundred and twenty-three;
12 Filii Azgad, mille ducenti viginti duo.
The sons of Azgad, a thousand two hundred and twenty-two;
13 Filii Adonicam, sexcenti sexaginta sex.
The sons of Adonikam, six hundred and sixty-six;
14 Filii Beguai, duo millia quinquaginta sex.
The sons of Bigvai, two thousand and fifty-six;
15 Filii Adin, quadringenti quinquaginta quatuor.
The sons of Adin, four hundred and fifty-four;
16 Filii Ather, qui erant ex Ezechia, nonaginta octo.
The sons of Ater pertaining to Hezekiah, ninety-eight;
17 Filii Besai, trecenti viginti tres.
The sons of Bezai, three hundred and twenty-three;
18 Filii Jora, centum duodecim.
The sons of Jorah, a hundred and twelve;
19 Filii Hasum, ducenti viginti tres.
The sons of Hashum, two hundred and twenty-three:
20 Filii Gebbar, nonaginta quinque.
The sons of Gibbar, ninety-five;
21 Filii Bethlehem, centum viginti tres.
The sons of Bethlehem, a hundred and twenty-three;
22 Viri Netupha, quinquaginta sex.
The men of Netophah, fifty-six;
23 Viri Anathoth, centum viginti octo.
The men of Anathoth, a hundred and twenty-eight;
24 Filii Azmaveth, quadraginta duo.
The sons of Azmaveth, forty-two;
25 Filii Cariathiarim, Cephira et Beroth, septingenti quadraginta tres.
The sons of Kiriath-arim, Chephirah and Beeroth, seven hundred and forty-three;
26 Filii Rama et Gabaa, sexcenti viginti unus.
The sons of Ramah and Geba, six hundred and twenty-one;
27 Viri Machmas, centum viginti duo.
The men of Michmas, a hundred and twenty-two:
28 Viri Bethel et Hai, ducenti viginti tres.
The men of Bethel and Ai, two hundred and twenty-three;
29 Filii Nebo, quinquaginta duo.
The sons of Nebo, fifty-two;
30 Filii Megbis, centum quinquaginta sex.
The sons of Magbish, a hundred and fifty-six;
31 Filii Ælam alterius, mille ducenti quinquaginta quatuor.
The sons of the other Elam, a thousand two hundred and fifty-four;
32 Filii Harim, trecenti viginti.
The sons of Harim, three hundred and twenty;
33 Filii Lod Hadid, et Ono, septingenti viginti quinque.
The sons of Lod, Hadid and Ono, seven hundred and twenty-five;
34 Filii Jericho, trecenti quadraginta quinque.
The sons of Jericho, three hundred and forty-five;
35 Filii Senaa, tria millia sexcenti triginta.
The sons of Senaah, three thousand and six hundred and thirty!
36 Sacerdotes: filii Jadaia in domo Josue, nongenti septuaginta tres.
The priests, The sons of Jedaiah of the house of Jeshua, nine hundred and seventy-three;
37 Filii Emmer, mille quinquaginta duo.
The sons of Immer, a thousand and fifty-two;
38 Filii Pheshur, mille ducenti quadraginta septem.
The sons of Pashhur, a thousand two hundred and forty-seven;
39 Filii Harim, mille decem et septem.
The sons of Harim, a thousand and seventeen,
40 Levitæ: filii Josue et Cedmihel filiorum Odoviæ, septuaginta quatuor.
The Levites, The sons of Jeshua, and Kadmiel of the sons of Hodaviah, seventy-four.
41 Cantores: filii Asaph, centum viginti octo.
The singers, The sons of Asaph, a hundred and twenty-eight.
42 Filii janitorum: filii Sellum, filii Ater, filii Telmon, filii Accub, filii Hatitha, filii Sobai: universi centum triginta novem.
The sons of the door-keepers, The sons of Shallum, the sons of Ater, the sons of Talmon, the sons of Akkub, the sons of Hatita, the sons of Shobai, —in all, a hundred and thirty-nine.
43 Nathinæi: filii Siha, filii Hasupha, filii Tabbaoth,
The Nethinim, The sons of Ziha, the sons of Hasupha, the sons of Tabbaoth;
44 filii Ceros, filii Siaa, filii Phadon,
the sons of Keros, the sons of Siaha, the sons of Padon;
45 filii Lebana, filii Hagaba, filii Accub,
the sons of Lebanah, the sons of Hagabah, the sons of Akkub;
46 filii Hagab, filii Semlai, filii Hanan,
the sons of Hagab, the sons of Shamlai, the sons of Hanan;
47 filii Gaddel, filii Gaher, filii Raaia,
the sons of Giddel, the sons of Gahar, the sons of Reaiah;
48 filii Rasin, filii Necoda, filii Gazam,
the sons of Rezin, the sons of Nekoda, the sons of Gazzam;
49 filii Aza, filii Phasea, filii Besee,
the sons of Uzza, the sons of Paseah, the sons of Besai;
50 filii Asena, filii Munim, filii Nephusim,
the sons of Asnah, the sons of Meunim, the sons of Nephisim;
51 filii Bacbuc, filii Hacupha, filii Harhur,
the sons of Bakbuk, the sons of Hakupha, the sons of Harhur;
52 filii Besluth, filii Mahida, filii Harsa,
the sons of Bazluth, the sons of Mehida, the sons of Harsha;
53 filii Bercos, filii Sisara, filii Thema,
the sons of Barkos, the sons of Sisera, the sons of Temah;
54 filii Nasia, filii Hatipha,
the sons of Neziah, the sons of Hatipha.
55 filii servorum Salomonis, filii Sotai, filii Sophereth, filii Pharuda,
The Sons of the Servants of Solomon. The sons of Sotai, the sons of Hasso-phereth, the sons of Peruda;
56 filii Jala, filii Dercon, filii Geddel,
the sons of Jaalah, the sons of Darkon, the sons of Giddel;
57 filii Saphatia, filii Hatil, filii Phochereth, qui erant de Asebaim, filii Ami:
the sons of Shephatiah, the sons of Hattil, the sons of Pochereth-hazzebaim, the sons of Ami.
58 omnes Nathinæi, et filii servorum Salomonis, trecenti nonaginta duo.
All the Nethinim, and the Sons of the Servants of Solomon, were three hundred and ninety-two.
59 Et hi qui ascenderunt de Thelmala, Thelharsa, Cherub, et Adon, et Emer: et non potuerunt indicare domum patrum suorum et semen suum, utrum ex Israël essent.
And, these, were they who came up from Tel-melah, Tel-harsha, Cherub, Addan, Immer; but they could not tell their ancestral house, nor their seed, whether, of Israel, they were:
60 Filii Dalaia, filii Tobia, filii Necoda, sexcenti quinquaginta duo.
the sons of Delaiah, the sons of Tobiah, the sons of Nekoda, —six hundred and fifty-two.
61 Et de filiis sacerdotum: filii Hobia, filii Accos, filii Berzellai, qui accepit de filiabus Berzellai Galaaditis, uxorem, et vocatus est nomine eorum:
And, of the sons of the priests, the sons of Habaiah, the sons of Hakkoz, —the sons of Barzillai, who took of the daughters of Barzillai the Gileadite to wife, and was called after their name.
62 hi quæsierunt scripturam genealogiæ suæ, et non invenerunt, et ejecti sunt de sacerdotio.
These, sought their writing wherein they were registered, but they were not found, —so they were desecrated out of the priesthood;
63 Et dixit Athersatha eis ut non comederent de Sancto sanctorum, donec surgeret sacerdos doctus atque perfectus.
and the governor told them, that they must not eat of the most holy things, —until there should stand up a priest, with Lights and Perfections.
64 Omnis multitudo quasi unus, quadraginta duo millia trecenti sexaginta:
All the gathered host together, was forty-two thousand three hundred and sixty;
65 exceptis servis eorum, et ancillis, qui erant septem millia trecenti triginta septem: et in ipsis cantores atque cantatrices ducenti.
besides, their men-servants and their maid-servants who were these, seven thousand three hundred and thirty-seven, —and there pertained to them, singing men and singing women, two hundred:
66 Equi eorum septingenti triginta sex, muli eorum, ducenti quadraginta quinque,
their horses, were seven hundred and thirty-six, —their mules, two hundred and forty-five;
67 cameli eorum, quadringenti triginta quinque, asini eorum, sex millia septingenti viginti.
their camels, four hundred and thirty-five, —asses, six thousand seven hundred and twenty.
68 Et de principibus patrum, cum ingrederentur templum Domini, quod est in Jerusalem, sponte obtulerunt in domum Dei ad exstruendam eam in loco suo.
And, a portion of the ancestral chiefs, when they came to the house of Yahweh which was in Jerusalem, offered voluntarily for the house of God, to set it up on its basis.
69 Secundum vires suas dederunt impensas operis, auri solidos sexaginta millia et mille, argenti mnas quinque millia, et vestes sacerdotales centum.
According to their ability, gave they unto the treasury of the work, of gold, sixty-one thousand drams, and, of silver, five thousand manehs, —and, tunics for priests, one hundred.
70 Habitaverunt ergo sacerdotes, et Levitæ, et de populo, et cantores, et janitores, et Nathinæi, in urbibus suis, universusque Israël in civitatibus suis.
So the priests and the Levites, and some of the people, and the singers and the doorkeepers and the Nethinim, took up their abode, in their cities, —and, all Israel, in their cities.

< Esdræ 2 >