< Ephesios 6 >
1 Filii, obedite parentibus vestris in Domino: hoc enim justum est.
You children, because you (belong to/have a close relationship with) the Lord [Jesus], obey your parents, because it is right [for you to do] that.
2 Honora patrem tuum, et matrem tuam, quod est mandatum primum in promissione:
God commanded [in the Scriptures], [Greatly] respect your father and mother. That is the first law [that God] commanded in [which he also] promised [something]. [He promised],
3 ut bene sit tibi, et sis longævus super terram.
[If you do] that, you will prosper, and you will live a long time.
4 Et vos patres, nolite ad iracundiam provocare filios vestros: sed educate illos in disciplina et correptione Domini.
You parents (OR, You fathers), do not treat your children so severely that they become angry. Instead, bring them up well by instructing them and by disciplining them in [the manner that] the Lord [Jesus wants you to do].
5 Servi, obedite dominis carnalibus cum timore et tremore, in simplicitate cordis vestri, sicut Christo:
You slaves, obey those who are [your masters]. Obey them very respectfully and sincerely [DOU], just like you obey Christ.
6 non ad oculum servientes, quasi hominibus placentes, sed ut servi Christi, facientes voluntatem Dei ex animo,
Obey them, not only when they are watching [MTY] you, and not only to cause them to think highly/well of you. Instead, obey them as [though you were] [MET] slaves of Christ, [not slaves of your masters]. Do enthusiastically what God wants [you to do].
7 cum bona voluntate servientes, sicut Domino, et non hominibus:
Serve [your masters] zealously/wholeheartedly, as you would serve the Lord [Jesus], not as you would serve [ordinary] people.
8 scientes quoniam unusquisque quodcumque fecerit bonum, hoc recipiet a Domino, sive servus, sive liber.
[Do this because] you know that [some day] the Lord Jesus will reward each person for whatever good [deeds] that person has done. He will reward people who are slaves and people who are not slaves.
9 Et vos domini, eadem facite illis, remittentes minas: scientes quia et illorum et vester Dominus est in cælis: et personarum acceptio non est apud eum.
You masters, just like your slaves [should serve you well], you similarly must treat them well. Stop threatening [to beat] them [if they do not do their work well]. Do not forget you and they have the same Lord who is in heaven. [So he is the one who will say to you and your slaves whether he approves of what you and they have done], and [when he judges people], he does not act more favorably [toward some than he acts toward others].
10 De cetero, fratres, confortamini in Domino, et in potentia virtutis ejus.
Finally, at all times rely/depend completely on the Lord [Jesus] to strengthen you [spiritually] by his own mighty power.
11 Induite vos armaturam Dei, ut possitis stare adversus insidias diaboli:
[Just like a soldier] puts on all his (armor/things [to help him fight]) [MET], you should [use every spiritual resource/help that God provides for you], in order that you may successfully resist the devil when he cleverly tries [to oppose you].
12 quoniam non est nobis colluctatio adversus carnem et sanguinem, sed adversus principes, et potestates, adversus mundi rectores tenebrarum harum, contra spiritualia nequitiæ, in cælestibus. (aiōn )
You must do this because the fighting that we [believers] do is not only against human beings [SYN]. Instead, we are also fighting against evil spirits who rule and have authority over all that is evil [MET] in the world. And we are fighting against evil spirits who are in heavenly places (OR, everywhere). (aiōn )
13 Propterea accipite armaturam Dei, ut possitis resistere in die malo, et in omnibus perfecti stare.
Therefore, [just like a soldier] puts on all his (armor/things to help him fight) [MET], [use well all the spiritual resources/helps that God provides for you]. Do that in order that you may be able to resist successfully the devil and all his powerful evil spirits [MTY] every time they (attack you/tempt you to sin or cause something bad to happen to you). [Do it also in order that] when you have done all that you can to resist them [when they attack you], you will still be ready to resist them [when they attack you the next time].
14 State ergo succincti lumbos vestros in veritate, et induti loricam justitiæ,
You must be ready to firmly [resist the devil and his evil spirits] [MET], [just like soldiers must be ready to resist the enemy. Prepare for doing that by doing these things]: [To be strong spiritually], hold firmly to [God’s] truth, just like soldiers prepare (to stand firm against/to firmly resist) their enemies by fastening their belts around their waists [MET]. Act righteously [in order to protect yourself against demonic attacks, just like soldiers] put on breastplates [to protect their chests against their enemies’ attacks] [MET].
15 et calceati pedes in præparatione Evangelii pacis,
Hold fast the good message [that gives us] peace [with God, just like soldiers] put on their boots firmly [MET] (to stand firm [against/] firmly [resist]) [their enemies].
16 in omnibus sumentes scutum fidei, in quo possitis omnia tela nequissimi ignea extinguere:
In addition, keep trusting firmly [in the Lord. That will enable you to protect yourselves from anything that Satan], the evil one, [may do to harm you spiritually, just like soldiers] carry shields [to protect themselves against] the arrows that have flaming tips [that their enemies shoot at them] [MET].
17 et galeam salutis assumite, et gladium spiritus (quod est verbum Dei),
And [rely/depend on the fact that God] has saved you, [in order to protect yourselves against demonic attacks, just like soldiers] put on a helmet [to protect] their [heads from attacks by] their [enemies] [MET]. And be ready to use [the weapon that God’s] Spirit [has given you], which is the message of God, [in order to fight against] ([demonic powers/Satan]), [just like soldiers] use their swords [to fight against their enemies] [MET].
18 per omnem orationem et obsecrationem orantes omni tempore in spiritu: et in ipso vigilantes in omni instantia et obsecratione pro omnibus sanctis:
As you are doing that, keep praying [to God] at all times, and requesting him [to do things for you and others; ] and let God’s Spirit [direct what you pray]. For this purpose, always be [spiritually] alert/watchful, and (always be persistent in/never quit) praying for all God’s people.
19 et pro me, ut detur mihi sermo in apertione oris mei cum fiducia, notum facere mysterium Evangelii:
And [specifically], pray for me. Pray that God will tell me what I should say [MTY] whenever I speak, in order that I may boldly tell others the good message about Christ. People did not know that message before, [but God has now revealed it to me].
20 pro quo legatione fungor in catena, ita ut in ipso audeam, prout oportet me loqui.
I am (a representative [of Christ]/one who speaks on behalf [of Christ]) [as I tell this message to others, and] I am in prison [MTY] [because of that]. Pray that when I tell [others about Christ], I may speak without being afraid, because that is how I ought to speak.
21 Ut autem et vos sciatis quæ circa me sunt, quid agam, omnia vobis nota faciet Tychicus, carissimus frater, et fidelis minister in Domino:
In order that you may know about [what is happening] to me and what I am doing, I am sending Tychicus [to you with this letter]. He will tell you everything [that is happening here]. He is a fellow believer whom we all [(inc)] love very much, and he serves the Lord [Jesus] faithfully.
22 quem misi ad vos in hoc ipsum, ut cognoscatis quæ circa nos sunt, et consoletur corda vestra.
That is the reason that I am sending him [to you]; I want you to know (how my companions and I are/what is happening to my companions and me), and I want him to encourage you [SYN].
23 Pax fratribus, et caritas cum fide a Deo Patre et Domino Jesu Christo.
[I pray that] God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ will cause all of you fellow believers to have [inner] peace, and [enable you to] love [each other] and to continue trusting [in Christ].
24 Gratia cum omnibus qui diligunt Dominum nostrum Jesum Christum in incorruptione. Amen.
I pray that God will continue to act kindly to [you and] to all [others] who love our Lord Jesus Christ and will never quit loving him.