< Psalmorum 18 >

1 In finem puero Domini David, qui locutus est Domino verba cantici huius, in die, qua eripuit eum Dominus de manu omnium inimicorum eius, et de manu Saul, et dixit: Diligam te Domine fortitudo mea:
Yahweh, I love you, the one who enables me to be strong.
2 Dominus firmamentum meum, et refugium meum, et liberator meus. Deus meus adiutor meus, et sperabo in eum. Protector meus, et cornu salutis meæ, et susceptor meus.
Yahweh is like an [overhanging] rock [DOU, MET] [under which I can hide from my enemies]; he is like a strong fortress, the one who protects me; he protects me like a shield [MET] [protects a soldier]; he is the one to whom I go (for refuge/to be protected/safe), and he defends me by his great power [IDM].
3 Laudans invocabo Dominum: et ab inimicis meis salvus ero.
I called out to Yahweh, who deserves to be praised, and he rescued me from my enemies.
4 Circumdederunt me dolores mortis: et torrentes iniquitatis conturbaverunt me.
All around me were dangerous situations in which I might be killed [PRS]; it was as though there were huge waves [MET] that almost crashed on me and killed me.
5 Dolores inferni circumdederunt me: præoccupaverunt me laquei mortis. (Sheol h7585)
[It was as though] the place where dead people are had ropes that were wrapped around me, or [it was as though] there was a trap [MET] that would [seize and] kill me. (Sheol h7585)
6 In tribulatione mea invocavi Dominum, et ad Deum meum clamavi: et exaudivit de templo sancto suo vocem meam: et clamor meus in conspectu eius, introivit in aures eius.
But when I was very distressed, I called out to Yahweh, and from his temple he heard me. He listened to me when I cried out [for help].
7 Commota est, et contremuit terra: fundamenta montium conturbata sunt, et commota sun, quoniam iratus est eis.
Then the earth quaked/shook strongly [DOU]; the mountains shook very strongly from their centers [DOU] because Yahweh was angry.
8 Ascendit fumus in ira eius: et ignis a facie eius exarsit: carbones succensi sunt ab eo.
[It was as though] smoke poured out from his nostrils, and [as though] burning coals came out of his mouth.
9 Inclinavit cælos, et descendit: et caligo sub pedibus eius.
He opened the sky and came down with a black cloud under his feet.
10 Et ascendit super cherubim, et volavit: volavit super pennas ventorum.
He flew, riding on the back of a creature that had wings, traveling [fast], blown along by the wind.
11 Et posuit tenebras latibulum suum, in circuitu eius tabernaculum eius: tenebrosa aqua in nubibus aeris.
Darkness was all around him [like a blanket] [MET]; dark clouds, full of moisture, covered him [MET].
12 Præ fulgore in conspectu eius nubes transierunt, grando et carbones ignis.
Hailstones and flashes of lightning were around him; hail and burning coals fell from the sky.
13 Et intonuit de cælo Dominus, et Altissimus dedit vocem suam: grando et carbones ignis.
Then Yahweh [spoke in a loud voice] from the sky, and [his enemies] heard his voice that sounded like thunder.
14 Et misit sagittas suas, et dissipavit eos: fulgura multiplicavit, et conturbavit eos.
He shot his arrows at them and caused them to scatter; His flashes of lightning caused them to become very confused (OR, to run away).
15 Et apparuerunt fontes aquarum, et revelata sunt fundamenta orbis terrarum: Ab increpatione tua Domine, ab inspiratione spiritus iræ tuæ.
The bottom of the ocean became visible, and the foundations of the earth were uncovered, when Yahweh rebuked his enemies when he snorted.
16 Misit de summo, et accepit me: et assumpsit me de aquis multis.
[It was as though] he reached down from heaven and grabbed me and pulled me up out of the deep ocean.
17 Eripuit me de inimicis meis fortissimis, et ab his qui oderunt me: quoniam confortati sunt super me.
He rescued me from my strong enemies who hated me; they were very strong, with the result that I [could not defeat them].
18 Prævenerunt me in die afflictionis meæ: et factus est Dominus protector meus.
When I (was distressed/had troubles), they attacked me, but Yahweh defended/protected me.
19 Et eduxit me in latitudinem: salvum me fecit, quoniam voluit me.
He led me to a place where I was safe; he rescued me because he was pleased with me.
20 Et retribuet mihi Dominus secundum iustitiam meam, et secundum puritatem manuum mearum retribuet mihi:
Yahweh has rewarded me because I do what is right; he has blessed me because I (am innocent/have not done things that are wrong).
21 Quia custodivi vias Domini, nec impie gessi a Deo meo.
I have obeyed Yahweh’s laws; I have not abandoned him.
22 Quoniam omnia iudicia eius in conspectu meo: et iustitias eius non repuli a me.
My behavior was directed by his rules; I have not stopped obeying them.
23 Et ero immaculatus cum eo: et observabo me ab iniquitate mea.
He knows that I have not done what is wrong; I have kept myself from sinning.
24 Et retribuet mihi Dominus secundum iustitiam meam: et secundum puritatem manuum mearum in conspectu oculorum eius.
So he rewards me because I do what is right; he knows that I [SYN] have not committed sins.
25 Cum sancto sanctus eris, et cum viro innocente innocens eris:
Yahweh, you are faithful to those who faithfully [do what you tell them to do]; you always do what is good/right to those who do what you want them to do.
26 et cum electo electus eris: et cum perverso perverteris.
You are kind to those who are kind to others, but you act wisely toward those who (act perversely/do bad things).
27 Quoniam tu populum humilem salvum facies: et oculos superborum humiliabis.
You save those who are humble, but you cause those who are proud to be humiliated/ashamed.
28 Quoniam tu illuminas lucernam meam Domine: Deus meus illumina tenebras meas.
You give light to my [soul/spirit]; you take away the darkness of my soul.
29 Quoniam in te eripiar a tentatione, et in Deo meo transgrediar murum.
You enable me to be strong, with the result that I can run and attack a line of enemy soldiers; with your help I can (scale/climb up) the walls [that surround my enemies’ cities].
30 Deus meus impolluta via eius: eloquia Domini igne examinata: protector est omnium sperantium in se.
Everything that Yahweh my God does is perfect. We can depend on him to do what he promises. He is like a shield [MET] to protect all those who go to him for refuge.
31 Quoniam quis deus præter Dominum? aut quis Deus præter Deum nostrum?
Yahweh is [RHQ] the only one who is God; only he is like an [overhanging] rock [under which we can be safe].
32 Deus qui præcinxit me virtute: et posuit immaculatam viam meam.
God is the one who enables me to be strong and who keeps me safe on the roads that I walk on.
33 Qui perfecit pedes meos tamquam cervorum, et super excelsa statuens me.
He enables me to [walk swiftly without stumbling], like a deer walks/runs in the mountains.
34 Qui docet manus meas ad prælium: et posuisti, ut arcum æreum, brachia mea.
He teaches me how to use a strong/metal bow in order that I can use it to fight in battles.
35 Et dedisti mihi protectionem salutis tuæ: et dextera tua suscepit me: Et disciplina tua correxit me in finem: et disciplina tua ipsa me docebit.
Yahweh, you protect and save me with your shield; you have made me safe by your power [MTY]. I have become (strong/a great [king]) because you have helped me.
36 Dilatasti gressus meos subtus me: et non sunt infirmata vestigia mea:
You have cleared the road for me, with the result that now I do not slip/stumble.
37 Persequar inimicos meos, et comprehendam illos: et non convertar donec deficiant.
I have pursued my enemies and caught them; I did not stop until I had defeated/killed them all.
38 Confringam illos, nec poterunt stare: cadent subtus pedes meos.
When I strike them, they are not able to get up again; they lie on the ground, defeated.
39 Et præcinxisti me virtute ad bellum: et supplantasti insurgentes in me subtus me.
You have enabled me to be strong in order that I can fight battles and defeat my enemies.
40 Et inimicos meos dedisti mihi dorsum, et odientes me disperdidisti.
You caused my enemies to run away (OR, you enabled me to put my foot on my enemies’ necks [after I captured them and forced them to lie on the ground]); I have gotten rid of all those who hated me.
41 Clamaverunt, nec erat qui salvos faceret, ad Dominum: nec exaudivit eos.
They called out for someone to help them, but no one saved them.
42 Et comminuam eos, ut pulverem ante faciem venti: ut lutum platearum delebo eos.
I pulverize them, with the result that they become like [MET] the dust that the wind [blows away]; I throw them out like [SIM] [people throw] dirt out into the streets.
43 Eripies me de contradictionibus populi: constitues me in caput Gentium.
You enabled me to defeat those who fought against me, and appointed me to be the ruler of [many]; people whom I did not know about previously are now slaves [in my kingdom].
44 Populus, quem non cognovi, servivit mihi: in auditu auris obedivit mihi.
When foreigners hear about me, they (cringe/bow low before me) and they obey me.
45 Filii alieni mentiti sunt mihi, filii alieni inveterati sunt, et claudicaverunt a semitis suis.
They are no longer courageous, and from their forts [where they were hiding] they come [to me] trembling.
46 Vivit Dominus, et benedictus Deus meus, et exaltetur Deus salutis meæ.
Yahweh is alive! Praise the one who is like an [overhanging] rock [MET] [under which I am safe] Exalt the God who saves me!
47 Deus qui das vindictas mihi, et subdis populos sub me, liberator meus de inimicis meis iracundis.
He enables me to get revenge on my enemies; he causes me to defeat nations and to rule over them,
48 Et ab insurgentibus in me exaltabis me: a viro iniquo eripies me.
and he rescues me from my enemies. He has lifted me up high so that violent men could not reach me [and harm me].
49 Propterea confitebor tibi in nationibus Domine: et nomini tuo psalmum dicam,
So I praise him [and I tell] the nations [the great things that he has done].
50 Magnificans salutes regis eius, et faciens misericordiam christo suo David, et semini eius usque in sæculum.
He has enabled me, his king, to powerfully defeat my enemies; he faithfully loves me, David, the one he has chosen [to be king], and he will faithfully love my descendants forever.

< Psalmorum 18 >