< Proverbiorum 17 >

1 Melior est buccella sicca cum gaudio, quam domus plena victimis cum iurgio.
Better to eat a dry scrap in peace than to feast in a house full of people arguing.
2 Servus sapiens dominabitur filiis stultis, et inter fratres hereditatem dividet.
A servant who acts wisely will be put in charge of a disgraced son, and will share the family inheritance with the brothers.
3 Sicut igne probatur argentum, et aurum camino: ita corda probat Dominus.
A crucible tests silver, and a furnace tests gold, but the Lord tests the attitude of mind.
4 Malus obedit linguæ iniquæ: et fallax obtemperat labiis mendacibus.
Evil people listen to spiteful talk, and liars pay attention to malicious words.
5 Qui despicit pauperem, exprobrat factori eius: et qui ruina lætatur alterius, non erit impunitus.
Anyone who oppresses the poor insults their Maker, and anyone who enjoys the suffering of others will be punished.
6 Corona senum filii filiorum: et gloria filiorum patres eorum.
Old people are proud of their grandchildren, and children are proud of their parents.
7 Non decent stultum verba composita: nec principem labium mentiens.
Fine words don't suit stupid people, how much less are lies suited to a ruler.
8 Gemma gratissima, expectatio præstolantis: quocumque se vertit, prudenter intelligit.
Whoever gives a bribe thinks it's a magical stone—that wherever they turn they'll have success!
9 Qui celat delictum, quærit amicitias: qui altero sermone repetit, separat fœderatos.
If you forgive a wrong you encourage friendship, but if you keep talking about it you'll lose your friend.
10 Plus proficit correptio apud prudentem, quam centum plagæ apud stultum.
A reprimand hits a thinking person more than one hundred blows hit someone stupid.
11 Semper iurgia quærit malus: angelus autem crudelis mittetur contra eum.
Evil people are only looking to rebel, so a cruel messenger will be sent to attack them.
12 Expedit magis ursæ occurrere raptis fœtibus, quam fatuo confidenti in stultitia sua.
Better to meet a she-bear robbed of her cubs than a stupid person and their foolishness.
13 Qui reddit mala pro bonis, non recedet malum de domo eius.
If you repay evil for good, evil will never leave your house.
14 Qui dimittit aquam, caput est iurgiorum: et antequam patiatur contumeliam, iudicium deserit.
The beginning of a quarrel is like the first leak in a water dam, so drop it before a major argument bursts out.
15 Qui iustificat impium, et qui condemnat iustum, abominabilis est uterque apud Deum.
The Lord hates it when the wicked are acquitted and the innocent condemned.
16 Quid prodest stulto habere divitias, cum sapientiam emere non possit? Qui altum facit domum suam, quærit ruinam: et qui evitat discere, incidet in mala.
Is there any point in stupid people trying to buy wisdom when they don't want to learn?
17 Omni tempore diligit qui amicus est: et frater in angustiis comprobatur.
A true friend is always there to love you, and family provides help when troubles come.
18 Stultus homo plaudet manibus cum spoponderit pro amico suo.
It's not a wise idea to make a pledge and guarantee a neighbor's debt.
19 Qui meditatur discordias, diligit rixas: et qui exaltat ostium, quærit ruinam.
People who love sin like to argue; those who build high gates invite destruction.
20 Qui perversi cordis est, non inveniet bonum: et qui vertit linguam, incidet in malum.
People with warped minds don't succeed; those who tell lies get into trouble.
21 Natus est stultus in ignominiam suam: sed nec pater in fatuo lætabitur.
A stupid son brings grief to his father; the father of a child who does stupid things has no joy.
22 Animus gaudens ætatem floridam facit: spiritus tristis exiccat ossa.
A cheerful attitude is like good medicine, but discouragement makes you sick.
23 Munera de sinu impius accipit, ut pervertat semitas iudicii.
The wicked take hidden bribes to pervert the course of justice.
24 In facie prudentis lucet sapientia: oculi stultorum in finibus terræ.
Sensible people focus on wisdom, but the eyes of stupid people are always wandering.
25 Ira patris, filius stultus: et dolor matris quæ genuit eum.
A stupid son brings grief to his father and sadness to his mother who gave birth to him.
26 Non est bonum, damnum inferre iusto: nec percutere principem, qui recta iudicat.
It's not right to impose a fine on someone who's innocent or to flog good leaders for their honesty.
27 Qui moderatur sermones suos, doctus et prudens est: et pretiosi spiritus vir eruditus.
If you're wise, you'll be careful what you say; and if you're sensible, you'll keep your temper.
28 Stultus quoque si tacuerit, sapiens reputabitur: et si compresserit labia sua, intelligens.
Even stupid people who keep quiet are considered wise; if they don't say anything they appear intelligent.

< Proverbiorum 17 >