< Leviticus 22 >

1 Locutus quoque est Dominus ad Moysen, dicens:
Yahweh also said to Moses/me,
2 Loquere ad Aaron et ad filios eius, ut caveant ab his quæ consecrata sunt filiorum Israel, et non contaminent nomen sanctificatorum mihi, quæ ipsi offerunt. ego Dominus.
“Tell Aaron and his sons to greatly respect the sacred offerings that the Israeli people bring to me; by doing that you will respect me [MTY], Yahweh.
3 Dic ad eos, et ad posteros eorum: Omnis homo, qui accesserit de stirpe vestra ad ea quæ consecrata sunt, et quæ obtulerunt filii Israel Domino, in quo est immunditia, peribit coram Domino. ego sum Dominus.
“Tell them that for all future time, if any of their descendants comes near to the sacred offerings that the Israeli people dedicate to me while he is unfit to work for me, that person will no longer be allowed to work for me. I, Yahweh, [am commanding this].
4 Homo de semine Aaron, qui fuerit leprosus, aut patiens fluxum seminis, non vescetur de his quæ sanctificata sunt mihi donec sanetur. Qui tetigerit immundum super mortuo, et ex quo egreditur semen quasi coitus,
“If any descendant of Aaron has a contagious skin disease or a discharge from his sexual organs, he is not allowed to eat any of the sacred offerings until he is cured. He will also be unfit for his work if he touches anything which has become unacceptable to me because it has touched a corpse, or if he touches anyone who as an emission of semen,
5 et qui tangit reptile, et quodlibet immundum, cuius tactus est sordidus,
or if he touches anything that crawls on the ground, or if he touches any person who causes him to be unfit for his work.
6 immundus erit usque ad vesperum, et non vescetur his quæ sanctificata sunt: sed cum laverit carnem suam aqua,
Any priest who touches such things must bathe, and he must not touch anyone else until that evening.
7 et occubuerit sol, tunc mundatus vescetur de sanctificatis, quia cibus illius est.
After the sun sets, he will be permitted to eat some of the sacred offerings that are for him to eat.
8 Morticinum et captum a bestia non comedent, nec polluentur in eis. ego sum Dominus.
He must not eat anything that is found dead or that has been killed by wild animals, because if he did that, he would be unfit to work for me. I, Yahweh [am commanding those things].
9 Custodiant præcepta mea, ut non subiaceant peccato, et moriantur in Sanctuario, cum polluerint illud. ego Dominus qui sanctifico eos.
“The priests must obey my commandments in order that they will not become guilty and die as a result of (despising/not obeying) them.
10 Omnis alienigena non comedet de sanctificatis, inquilinus sacerdotis, et mercenarius non vescentur ex eis.
“Anyone who is not a member of a priest’s family is not permitted to eat any of a sacred offering, and no one who is visiting the priest or whom the priest has hired is permitted to eat it.
11 Quem autem sacerdos emerit, et qui vernaculus domus eius fuerit, his comedent ex eis.
But if a priest buys a slave, or if a slave is born in his house, that slave is permitted to eat such food.
12 Si filia sacerdotis cuilibet ex populo nupta fuerit: de his quæ sanctificata sunt, et de primitiis non vescetur.
If a priest’s daughter marries a man who is not a priest, she no longer is permitted to eat the sacred food.
13 sin autem vidua, vel repudiata, et absque liberis reversa fuerit ad domum patris sui: sicut puella consueverat, aletur cibis patris sui. Omnis alienigena comedendi ex eis non habet potestatem.
But if a priest’s daughter who has no children becomes a widow or becomes divorced, if she returns to her father’s house to live there like she did when she was young, she may eat the same food that her father eats. But no other person is permitted to eat any of it.
14 Qui comederit de sanctificatis per ignorantiam, addet quintam partem cum eo quod comedit, et dabit sacerdoti in Sanctuarium.
“If anyone who is not permitted to eat a sacred offering eats it without realizing that it is sacred, he must pay the priest for the offering, and pay him an extra one-fifth of its value.
15 Nec contaminabunt sanctificata filiorum Israel, quæ offerunt Domino:
When the priests bring offerings to me, the sacred offerings that the Israeli people bring to them, they must not treat those offerings as though they are not sacred
16 ne forte sustineant iniquitatem delicti sui, cum sanctificata comederint. ego Dominus qui sanctifico eos.
by allowing those who are not priests to eat any of those offerings. If they did that, they would become guilty and must make a payment. I am Yahweh, the one who causes those offerings to be sacred.”
17 Locutusque est Dominus ad Moysen, dicens:
Yahweh also said to Moses/me,
18 Loquere ad Aaron et filios eius et ad omnes filios Israel, dicesque ad eos: Homo de domo Israel, et de advenis qui habitant apud vos, qui obtulerit oblationem suam, vel vota solvens, vel sponte offerens, quidquid illud obtulerit in holocaustum Domini,
“Speak to Aaron and his sons and to all the Israeli people and tell them that I command this: ‘If any of you Israelis or foreigners who live in Israel brings to me an animal that will be completely burned [on the altar], either as a result of a solemn promise that you made to me or to be an offering that is given voluntarily,
19 ut offeratur per vos, masculus immaculatus erit ex bobus, et ovibus, et ex capris:
it must be an animal that has no defects, in order that it will be accepted by me.
20 si maculam habuerit, non offeretis, neque erit acceptabile.
Do not bring any animals that have defects, because I will not accept them as an offering from you.
21 Homo qui obtulerit victimam pacificorum Domino, vel vota solvens, vel sponte offerens, tam de bobus quam de ovibus, immaculatum offeret, ut acceptabile sit: omnis macula non erit in eo.
[Similarly], when someone brings from his cattle or sheep or goats an offering to maintain fellowship with me, either to fulfill a promise that he made to me or to be a voluntary offering, in order that I will accept it, it must have no defects [DOU] or blemishes.
22 Si cæcum fuerit, si fractum, si cicatricem habens, si papulas, aut scabiem, aut impetiginem: non offeretis ea Domino, nec adolebitis ex eis super altare Domini.
Do not offer to me animals that are blind or injured or maimed/crippled, or any animal that has warts or a festering sore [DOU].
23 Bovem et ovem, aure et cauda amputatis, voluntarie offerre potes, votum autem ex eis solvi non potest.
You may present to me to be a voluntary offering an ox or a sheep that is injured or stunted, but it will not be accepted to fulfill a promise made to me.
24 Omne animal, quod vel contritis vel tusis, vel sectis ablatisque testiculis est, non offeretis Domino, et in terra vestra hoc omnino ne faciatis.
You must not offer to me animals whose testicles are bruised or crushed or torn or cut. You must not injure the testicles of any animal in your land,
25 De manu alienigenæ non offeretis panes Deo vestro, et quidquid aliud dare voluerit: quia corrupta, et maculata sunt omnia: non suscipietis ea.
and you must not accept such animals that are sold/given to you by a foreigner. You must not offer them to me as a sacrifice for me. Such animals will not be accepted by me, because they are deformed or have defects.’”
26 Locutusque est Dominus ad Moysen, dicens:
Yahweh also said to Moses/me,
27 Bos, ovis, et capra cum genita fuerint, septem diebus erunt sub ubere matris suæ: die autem octavo, et deinceps offerri poterunt Domino.
“When a calf or lamb or goat is born, it must remain with its mother for seven days. After that, it will be acceptable as an offering to me that will be burned.
28 Sive illa bos, sive ovis, non immolabuntur una die cum fœtibus suis.
Do not slaughter a cow or a sheep and its baby on the same day.
29 Si immolaveritis hostiam pro gratiarum actione Domino, ut possit esse placabilis,
“Then you sacrifice an animal to thank [me for what I have done], sacrifice it in a way that is acceptable to me.
30 eodem die comedetis eam, non remanebit quidquam in mane alterius diei. ego Dominus.
The meat must be eaten on that day; do not leave any of it until the next morning. I, Yahweh, [am the one who am commanding this].
31 Custodite mandata mea, et facite ea. ego Dominus.
“Obey all my commands [DOU]. I, Yahweh, [am commanding them];
32 Ne polluatis nomen meum sanctum, ut sanctificer in medio filiorum Israel. Ego Dominus qui sanctifico vos,
do not dishonor me [MTY] [by disobeying them]. You Israeli people must acknowledge that I, Yahweh, am holy, and I am the one who causes you to be holy.
33 et eduxi de Terra Ægypti, ut essem vobis in Deum. ego Dominus.
And I am the one who brought you out of Egypt in order to show that that I, Yahweh, am [and will always be] your God.”

< Leviticus 22 >