< Hiezechielis Prophetæ 8 >

1 Et factum est in anno sexto, in sexto mense, in quinta mensis: ego sedebam in domo mea, et senes Iuda sedebant coram me, et cecidit ibi super me manus Domini Dei.
On the fifth day of the sixth month [of that year], almost six years after we Israeli people had been (exiled/forced to go to Babylon), I was sitting in my house. The elders of Judah were sitting in front of me. Suddenly the power [MTY] of Yahweh the Lord came on me.
2 Et vidi, et ecce similitudo quasi aspectus ignis: ab aspectu lumborum eius, et deorsum, ignis: et a lumbis eius, et sursum, quasi aspectus splendoris, ut visio electri.
[in a vision] I saw someone who resembled a man. Below his waist, [his body] was like fire, and above his waist [his body] was glowing like very hot metal.
3 Et emissa similitudo manus apprehendit me in cincinno capitis mei: et elevavit me Spiritus inter terram, et cælum: et adduxit me in Ierusalem in visione Dei, iuxta ostium interius, quod respiciebat ad Aquilonem, ubi erat statutum idolum zeli ad provocandam æmulationem.
He reached out what seemed to be a hand and grabbed me by the hair of my head. The Spirit lifted me up high above the earth, and in visions God took me [from Babylon] to Jerusalem. He took me [to the temple], to the north gate, to the place where there was an idol that caused Yahweh to be very disgusted and furious.
4 Et ecce ibi gloria Dei Israel secundum visionem, quam videram in campo.
And there in front of me was the brilliant light that indicated the presence of the God whom the Israeli [people previously worshiped. It was] like the vision that I had seen alongside the Kebar River/Canal.
5 Et dixit ad me: Fili hominis, leva oculos tuos ad viam Aquilonis. Et levavi oculos meos ad viam Aquilonis: et ecce ab Aquilone portæ altaris idolum zeli in ipso introitu.
Yahweh said to me, “You human, look toward the north!” So I looked, and I saw in the entrance of the gate near the altar that idol that caused Yahweh to be disgusted and furious.
6 Et dixit ad me: Fili hominis, putasne, vides tu quid isti faciunt, abominationes magnas, quas domus Israel facit hic, ut procul recedam a sanctuario meo? et adhuc conversus videbis abominationes maiores.
He said to me, “You human, do you see what those Israeli people [MTY] are doing? They are doing detestable things here, things that will cause me to abandon my temple. But you will see things that are even more detestable.”
7 Et introduxit me ad ostium atrii: et vidi, et ecce foramen unum in pariete.
Then he brought me to the entrance of the courtyard. I looked and saw a hole in the wall.
8 Et dixit ad me: Fili hominis fode parietem. Et cum fodissem parietem, apparuit ostium unum.
He said to me, “You human, dig through the wall here.” So I dug through the wall, and I saw a doorway inside.
9 Et dixit ad me: Ingredere, et vide abominationes pessimas, quas isti faciunt hic.
He said to me, “Go in and see the wicked and detestable things that they are doing there!”
10 Et ingressus vidi, et ecce omnis similitudo reptilium, et animalium, abominatio, et universa idola domus Israel depicta erant in pariete in circuitu per totum.
So I went in through the doorway and looked, and I saw, all over the [of a big room, drawings of] all kinds of creatures that scurry across the ground and [other] detestable animals, and drawings of all the idols that the people of [were worshiping].
11 Et septuaginta viri de senioribus domus Israel, et Iezonias filius Saphan stabat in medio eorum, stantium ante picturas: et unusquisque habebat thuribulum in manu sua: et vapor nebulæ de thure consurgebat.
In front of them stood 70 elders of Israel. Jaazaniah, the son of Shaphan, was standing among them. Each of them was holding a pan in which incense was burning, and fragrant smoke of the burning incense was rising up.
12 Et dixit ad me: Certe vides fili hominis quæ seniores domus Israel faciunt in tenebris, unusquisque in abscondito cubiculi sui: dicunt enim: Non videt Dominus nos, dereliquit Dominus terram.
Yahweh said to me, “You human, look at [RHQ] what the Israeli elders are doing here in the darkness, each of them standing in front of the shrine of his own idol! They are saying, ‘Yahweh does not see us; Yahweh has deserted this country.’”
13 Et dixit ad me: Adhuc conversus videbis abominationes maiores, quas isti faciunt.
He also said, “But you will see things that are even more detestable!”
14 Et introduxit me per ostium portæ domus Domini, quod respiciebat ad Aquilonem: et ecce ibi mulieres sedebant plangentes Adonidem.
Then he took me to the entrance at the north gate of the temple. I saw women sitting there, mourning for [the death of the god of the people of Babylonia], Tammuz.
15 Et dixit ad me: Certe vidisti fili hominis: adhuc conversus videbis abominationes maiores his.
He said to me, “You human, you see this [RHQ], but you will see things that are more detestable than this!”
16 Et introduxit me in atrium domus Domini interius: et ecce in ostio templi Domini inter vestibulum et altare, quasi vigintiquinque viri dorsa habentes contra templum Domini, et facies ad Orientem: et adorabant ad ortum Solis.
Then he took me into the courtyard outside the temple. There at the entrance of the temple, between the porch and the altar, were about 25 men. Their backs were toward the temple and their faces were toward the east, and they were bowing down to [worship] the sun [as it rose] in the east.
17 Et dixit ad me: Certe vidisti fili hominis: numquid leve est hoc domui Iuda ut facerent abominationes istas, quas fecerunt hic: quia replentes terram iniquitate conversi sunt ad irritandum me? et ecce applicant ramum ad nares suas.
He said to me, “You human, you see [RHQ] what they are doing. [Do you think that] it is not important that these men of Judah are doing these detestable things here? [But they are doing other terrible things]. They are acting violently throughout their country, and continually causing me to be angry. Look at them! They are insulting me by their actions [IDM]!
18 Ergo et ego faciam in furore: non parcet oculus meus, nec miserebor: et cum clamaverint ad aures meas voce magna, non exaudiam eos.
So I will show them that I am very angry. I will not pity them or act mercifully toward them. And even if they shout to me [to help them], I will not pay attention to them.”

< Hiezechielis Prophetæ 8 >