< Hiezechielis Prophetæ 15 >

1 Et factus est sermo Domini ad me, dicens:
Yahweh gave me another message. [He said],
2 Fili hominis, quid fiet de ligno vitis ex omnibus lignis nemorum, quæ sunt inter ligna silvarum?
“You human, the wood of a grapevine is certainly not [RHQ] more useful that the branches of the trees in a forest.
3 Numquid tolletur de ea lignum, ut fiat opus, aut fabricabitur de ea paxillus, ut dependeat in eo quodcumque vas?
No one [RHQ] ever takes a branch of a grapevine and makes anything [useful] from it. No one [RHQ] even makes pegs from them to hang things on.
4 Ecce igni datum est in escam: utramque partem eius consumpsit ignis, et medietas eius redacta est in favillam: numquid utile erit ad opus?
And after a branch of a grapevine is thrown into a fire, and the fire burns both ends and chars/scorches the branch in the middle, will it then be useful for anything?
5 Etiam cum esset integrum, non erat aptum ad opus: quanto magis cum illud ignis devoraverit, et combusserit, nihil ex eo fiet operis?
No; if it was not useful for anything before it was burned, it certainly cannot [made into something] useful after the fire has burned and charred it.
6 Propterea hæc dicit Dominus Deus: Quomodo lignum vitis inter ligna silvarum, quod dedi igni ad devorandum, sic tradam habitatores Ierusalem.
Therefore, this is what [I], Yahweh the Lord, say: The wood of grapevines is useful only for fuel in a fire. Similarly, the people who live in [are useless].
7 Et ponam faciem meam in eos: de igne egredientur, et ignis consumet eos: et scietis quia ego Dominus, cum posuero faciem meam in eos,
I will reject [IDM] them. [It will be as though] they have escaped from a fire, but there will still be a fire that will burn them up. And when I punish [EUP] them, you [people who remain alive] will know that I, Yahweh, [have done it].
8 et dedero terram inviam, et desolatam: eo quod prævaricatores extiterint, dicit Dominus Deus.
I will cause your country to become a wasteland because your people have not been loyal [to me. That is what I], Yahweh, the Lord, say.”

< Hiezechielis Prophetæ 15 >