< Hiezechielis Prophetæ 10 >

1 Et vidi, et ecce in firmamento, quod erat super caput cherubim, quasi lapis sapphirus, quasi species similitudinis solii, apparuit super ea.
Then [in the vision] I saw what resembled a throne made of (sapphire/[a very valuable] blue stone). It was above the thing that resembled a dome that was above the heads of the four winged creatures.
2 Et dixit ad virum, qui indutus erat lineis, et ait: Ingredere in medio rotarum, quæ sunt subtus cherubim, et imple manum tuam prunis ignis, quæ sunt inter cherubim, et effunde super civitatem. Ingressusque est in conspectu meo:
Yahweh said to the man wearing the linen robe, “Go between the wheels that are under the winged creatures. Pick up as many hot coals as you can, and scatter them over the city.” And while I watched, the man wearing the linen robe left.
3 cherubim autem stabant a dextris domus cum ingrederetur vir, et nubes implevit atrium interius.
The four winged creatures were standing on the south side of the temple when the man wearing the linen robe entered. Then a cloud filled the inner courtyard [of the temple area].
4 Et elevata est gloria Domini desuper cherub ad limen domus: et repleta est domus nube, et atrium repletum est splendore gloriæ Domini.
And the (glory/dazzling light) of Yahweh rose up from above the winged creatures and went to the entrance of the temple. The cloud filled the temple, and the courtyard was full of the (glory/dazzling light) of Yahweh.
5 Et sonitus alarum cherubim audiebatur usque ad atrium exterius, quasi vox Dei omnipotentis loquentis.
The sound made by the wings of the winged creatures could be heard as far away as the courtyard outside the temple. It [very loud], like [SIM] the voice of Almighty God when he speaks.
6 Cumque præcepisset viro, qui indutus erat lineis, dicens: Sume ignem de medio rotarum, quæ sunt inter cherubim: ingressus ille stetit iuxta rotam.
When Yahweh commanded the man wearing the linen robe to take burning coals from among those winged creatures, the man went [the courtyard] and stood beside one of the wheels.
7 Et extendit cherub manum de medio cherubim ad ignem, qui erat inter cherubim: et sumpsit, et dedit in manus eius, qui indutus erat lineis: qui accipiens egressus est.
Then one of those winged creatures reached out his hand to the fire that was there among them. He picked up some of the coals and put them in the hands of the man wearing the linen robe, and that man took them and left.
8 Et apparuit in cherubim similitudo manus hominis subtus pennas eorum.
Under the wings of the winged creatures was something that resembled a human’s hands.
9 et vidi, et ecce quattuor rotæ iuxta cherubim: rota una iuxta cherub unum, et rota alia iuxta cherub unum: species autem rotarum erat quasi visio lapidis chrysolithi.
Then [in the vision] I saw four wheels alongside the winged creatures. There was one wheel beside each of the winged creatures. The wheels shone like [SIM] very valuable stones.
10 et aspectus earum similitudo una quattuor: quasi sit rota in medio rotæ.
The wheels were all alike: Each had one wheel inside another wheel.
11 Cumque ambularent, in quattuor partes gradiebantur: et non revertebantur ambulantes, sed ad locum, ad quem ire declinabat quæ prima erat, sequebantur et ceteræ, nec convertebantur.
Whenever they moved, they went straight in whatever direction one of the winged creatures faced. The wheels did not turn in another direction while the winged creatures flew.
12 Et omne corpus earum, et colla, et manus, et pennæ, et circuli plena erant oculis, in circuitu quattuor rotarum.
Their bodies, including their backs and hands and wings, were covered with eyes. The wheels were also covered with eyes.
13 Et rotas istas vocavit volubiles, audiente me.
I heard someone call them ‘the whirling wheels’.
14 Quattuor autem facies habebat unum: facies una, facies cherub: et facies secunda, facies hominis: et in tertio facies leonis: et in quarto facies aquilæ.
Each of the winged creatures had four faces. One face was like the face of a bull, one face was like the face of a human, one face was like the face of a lion, and one face was like the face of an eagle.
15 Et elevata sunt cherubim: ipsum est animal, quod videram iuxta fluvium Chobar.
Then the winged creatures rose up. They were the same living creatures that I had seen alongside the Kebar River/Canal.
16 Cumque ambularent cherubim, ibant pariter et rotæ iuxta ea: et cum elevarent cherubim alas suas ut exaltarentur de terra, non residebant rotæ, sed et ipsæ iuxta erant.
When the winged creatures moved, the wheels moved with them. When the winged creatures spread their wings to fly over the ground, the wheels did not leave them.
17 Stantibus illis, stabant: et cum elevatis elevabantur. spiritus enim vitæ erat in eis.
When the winged creatures stopped, the wheels stopped. When the winged creatures started to fly, the wheels flew with them, because the spirit of the living creatures was in the wheels.
18 Et egressa est gloria Domini a limine templi: et stetit super cherubim.
Then the (glory/dazzling light) left the entrance of the temple and stopped above the winged creatures.
19 Et elevantia cherubim alas suas, exaltata sunt a terra coram me: et illis egredientibus, rotæ quoque subsecutæ sunt: et stetit in introitu portæ domus Domini orientalis: et gloria Dei Israel erat super ea.
While I watched, the winged creatures spread their wings and started to fly, and the wheels went with them. They stopped at the gate on the east side of the temple area, and the (glory/dazzling light) of God, the one whom the [had worshiped], was above them.
20 Ipsum est animal quod vidi subter Deum Israel iuxta fluvium Chobar: et intellexi quia cherubim essent.
Those were the [same] four living creatures that I had seen alongside the Kebar River/Canal, and I realized that they were the winged creatures.
21 Quattuor vultus uni, et quattuor alæ uni: et similitudo manus hominis sub alis eorum.
Each of them had four faces and four wings, and under their wings was what resembled a human’s hands.
22 Et similitudo vultuum eorum, ipsi vultus quos videram iuxta fluvium Chobar, et intuitus eorum, et impetus singulorum ante faciem suam ingredi.
Their faces were the same as the faces that I had seen at the Kebar River/Canal. Each of them flew straight ahead.

< Hiezechielis Prophetæ 10 >