< Exodus 25 >

1 Locutusque est Dominus ad Moysen, dicens:
And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying:
2 Loquere filiis Israel ut tollant mihi primitias ab omni homine qui offeret ultroneus, accipietis eas.
Speak to the children of Israel, that they bring firstfruits to me: of every man that offereth of his own accord, you shall take them.
3 Hæc sunt autem quæ accipere debeatis: Aurum, et argentum, et æs,
And these are the things you must take: gold, and silver, and brass,
4 hyacinthum et purpuram, coccumque bis tinctum, et byssum, pilos caprarum,
Violet and purple, and scarlet twice dyed, and fine linen, and goats’ hair,
5 et pelles arietum rubricatas, pellesque ianthinas, et ligna setim:
And rams’ skins dyed red, and violet skins, and setim wood:
6 oleum ad luminaria concinnanda: aromata in unguentum, et thymiamata boni odoris:
Oil to make lights: spices for ointment, and for sweetsmelling incense:
7 lapides onychinos, et gemmas ad ornandum ephod, ac rationale.
Onyx stones, and precious stones to adorn the ephod and the rational.
8 Facientque mihi sanctuarium, et habitabo in medio eorum:
And they shall make me a sanctuary, and I will dwell in the midst of them:
9 iuxta omnem similitudinem tabernaculi quod ostendam tibi, et omnium vasorum in cultum eius: sicque facietis illud:
According to all the likeness of the tabernacle which I will shew thee, and of all the vessels for the service thereof: and thus you shall make it:
10 Arcam de lignis setim compingite, cuius longitudo habeat duos et semis cubitos: latitudo, cubitum et dimidium: altitudo, cubitum similiter ac semissem.
Frame an ark of setim wood, the length whereof shall be of two cubits and a half: the breadth, a cubit and a half: the height, likewise, a cubit and a half.
11 Et deaurabis eam auro mundissimo intus et foris: faciesque supra, coronam auream per circuitum:
And thou shalt overlay it with the purest gold within and without: and over it thou shalt make a golden crown round about:
12 et quattuor circulos aureos, quos pones per quattuor arcæ angulos: duo circuli sint in latere uno, et duo in altero.
And four golden rings, which thou shall put at the four corners of the ark: let two rings be on the one side, and two on the other.
13 Facies quoque vectes de lignis setim, et operies eos auro.
Thou shalt make bars also of setim wood, and shalt overlay them with gold.
14 Inducesque per circulos qui sunt in arcæ lateribus, ut portetur in eis:
And thou shalt put them in through the rings that are in the sides of the ark, that it may be carried on them.
15 qui semper erunt in circulis, nec umquam extrahentur ab eis.
And they shall be always in the rings, neither shall they at any time be drawn out of them.
16 Ponesque in arca testificationem quam dabo tibi.
And thou shalt put in the ark the testimony which I will give thee.
17 Facies et propitiatorium de auro mundissimo: duos cubitos et dimidium tenebit longitudo eius, et cubitum ac semissem latitudo.
Thou shalt make also a propitiatory of the purest gold: the length thereof shall be two cubits and a half, and the breadth a cubit and a half.
18 Duos quoque Cherubim aureos, et productiles facies, ex utraque parte oraculi.
Thou shalt make also two cherubims of beaten gold, on the two sides of the oracle.
19 Cherub unus sit in latere uno, et alter in altero.
Let one cherub be on the one side, and the other on the other.
20 Utrumque latus propitiatorii tegant expandentes alas, et operientes oraculum, respiciantque se mutuo versis vultibus in propitiatorium quo operienda est arca,
Let them cover both sides of the propitiatory, spreading their wings, and covering the oracle, and let them look one towards the other, their faces being turned towards the propitiatory wherewith the ark is to be covered.
21 in qua pones testimonium quod dabo tibi.
In which thou shalt put the testimony that I will give thee.
22 Inde præcipiam, et loquar ad te supra propitiatorium, ac de medio duorum Cherubim, qui erunt super arcam testimonii, cuncta quæ mandabo per te filiis Israel.
Thence will I give orders, and will speak to thee over the propitiatory, and from the midst of the two cherubims, which shall be upon the ark of the testimony, all things which I will command the children of Israel by thee.
23 Facies et mensam de lignis setim, habentem duos cubitos longitudinis, et in latitudine cubitum, et in altitudine cubitum et semissem.
Thou shalt make a table also of setim wood, of two cubits in length, and a cubit in breadth, and a cubit and half in height.
24 Et inaurabis eam auro purissimo: faciesque illi labium aureum per circuitum,
And thou shalt overlay it with the purest gold: and thou shalt make to it a golden ledge round about.
25 et ipsi labio coronam interrasilem altam quattuor digitis: et super illam, alteram coronam aureolam.
And to the ledge itself a polished crown, four inches high: and over the same another little golden crown.
26 Quattuor quoque circulos aureos præparabis, et pones eis in quattuor angulis eiusdem mensæ per singulos pedes.
Thou shalt prepare also four golden rings, and shalt put them in the four corners of the same table over each foot.
27 Subter coronam erunt circuli aurei, ut mittantur vectes per eos, et possit mensa portari.
Under the crown shall the golden rings be, that the bars may be put through them, and the table may be carried.
28 Ipsos quoque vectes facies de lignis setim, et circumdabis auro ad subvehendam mensam.
The bars also themselves thou shalt make of setim wood, and shalt overlay them with gold to bear up the table.
29 Parabis et acetabula, ac phialas, thuribula, et cyathos, in quibus offerenda sunt libamina, ex auro purissimo.
Thou shalt prepare also dishes, and bowls, censers, and cups, wherein the libations are to be offered of the purest gold.
30 Et pones super mensam panes propositionis in conspectu meo semper.
And thou shalt set upon the table loaves of proposition in my sight always.
31 Facies et candelabrum ductile de auro mundissimo, hastile eius, et calamos, scyphos, et sphærulas, ac lilia ex ipso procedentia.
Thou shalt make also a candlestick of beaten work of the finest gold, the shaft thereof, and the branches, the cups, and the bowls, and the lilies going forth from it.
32 Sex calami egredientur de lateribus, tres ex uno latere, et tres ex altero.
Six branches shall come out of the sides, three out of the one side, and three out of the other.
33 Tres scyphi quasi in nucis modum per calamos singulos, sphærulaque simul, et lilium: et tres similiter scyphi instar nucis in calamo altero, sphærulaque simul et lilium. hoc erit opus sex calamorum, qui producendi sunt de hastili:
Three cups as it were nuts to every branch, and a bowl withal, and a lily; and three cups, likewise of the fashion of nuts in the other branch, and a bowl withal, and a lily. Such shall be the work of the six branches, that are to come out from the shaft:
34 in ipso autem candelabro erunt quattuor scyphi in nucis modum, sphærulæque per singulos, et lilia.
And in the candlestick itself shall be four cups in the manner of a nut, and at every one, bowls and lilies.
35 Sphærulæ sub duobus calamis per tria loca, qui simul sex fiunt procedentes de hastili uno.
Bowls under two branches in three places, which together make six coming forth out of one shaft.
36 Et sphærulæ igitur et calami ex ipso erunt, universa ductilia de auro purissimo.
And both the bowls and the branches shall be of the same beaten work of the purest gold.
37 Facies et lucernas septem, et pones eas super candelabrum, ut luceant ex adverso.
Thou shalt make also seven lamps, and shalt set them upon the candlestick, to give light over against.
38 Emunctoria quoque, et ubi quæ emuncta sunt extinguantur, fiant de auro purissimo.
The snuffers also and where the snuffings shall be put out, shall be made of the purest gold.
39 Omne pondus candelabri cum universis vasis suis habebit talentum auri purissimi.
The whole weight of the candlestick with all the furniture thereof shall be a talent of the purest gold.
40 Inspice, et fac secundum exemplar quod tibi in monte monstratum est.
Look and make it according to the pattern, that was shewn thee in the mount.

< Exodus 25 >