< Exodus 14 >
1 Locutus est autem Dominus ad Moysen, dicens:
Then Yahweh said to Moses/me,
2 Loquere filiis Israel: Reversi castrametentur e regione Phihahiroth quæ est inter Magdalum et mare contra Beelsephon: in conspectu eius castra ponetis super mare.
“Tell the Israeli people to turn around and go back and set up their tents in front of Pi-Hahiroth [town]. That town is between Migdol and the sea, across from Baal-Zephon [town]. Set up your tents there, close to the sea.
3 Dicturusque est Pharao super filiis Israel: Coarctati sunt in terra, conclusit eos desertum.
When the king [knows you have done that], he will think, ‘The Israeli people are confused. They are wandering around, and the desert blocks their path.’
4 Et indurabo cor eius, ac persequetur vos: et glorificabor in Pharaone, et in omni exercitu eius. scientque Ægyptii quia ego sum Dominus. Feceruntque ita.
But I will make the king stubborn [again], and he will [take his army and] pursue you. Then my people will praise/thank me for winning a victory over the king and his army. And the Egyptians will know that I, Yahweh, [have the power to do what I say that I will do].” So [Moses/I told my people that, and] they did what he/I told them to do.
5 Et nunciatum est regi Ægyptiorum quod fugisset populus: immutatumque est cor Pharaonis et servorum eius super populo, et dixerunt: Quid voluimus facere ut dimitteremus Israel, ne serviret nobis?
When someone told the king that the Israeli people had left [during the night], he and his officials changed their minds and said, “(What have we done?/What we have done was stupid!) [RHQ] The Israeli people will no longer be our slaves!”
6 Iunxit ergo currum, et omnem populum suum assumpsit secum.
So the king got his chariot and his army ready.
7 Tulitque sexcentos currus electos, et quidquid in Ægypto curruum fuit: et duces totius exercitus.
Then he selected 600 of the best chariots, and in each chariot he placed a driver, a soldier, and a commander, and they left. Other chariots, with a driver and a soldier in each of them, also went along.
8 Induravitque Dominus cor Pharaonis regis Ægypti, et persecutus est filios Israel: at illi egressi sunt in manu excelsa.
Because Yahweh made the king of Egypt so stubborn that he and his army went to pursue the Israelis, who were leaving triumphantly,
9 Cumque persequerentur Ægyptii vestigia præcedentium, repererunt eos in castris super mare: omnis equitatus et currus Pharaonis, et universus exercitus erant in Phihahiroth contra Beelsephon.
the Egyptian army, with all the king’s horses and chariots and horsemen, pursued the Israelis. They caught up with them as they were camped near the sea, close to Pi-Hahiroth, in front of Baal-Zephon [town].
10 Cumque appropinquasset Pharao, levantes filii Israel oculos, viderunt Ægyptios post se: et timuerunt valde: clamaveruntque ad Dominum,
When the king’s army got near, the Israeli people were surprised to see that the Egyptians were marching toward them. They were terrified; so they cried out to Yahweh [to help them].
11 et dixerunt ad Moysen: Forsitan non erant sepulchra in Ægypto, ideo tulisti nos ut moreremur in solitudine: quid hoc facere voluisti, ut educeres nos ex Ægypto?
Then they said to Moses/me, “Is it because there were no places in Egypt [where we could] be buried that you have brought us here to die in this desert [RHQ]? Look what you have done to us by bringing us out of Egypt [RHQ]!
12 Nonne iste est sermo, quem loquebamur ad te in Ægypto, dicentes: Recede a nobis, ut serviamus Ægyptiis? multo enim melius erat servire eis, quam mori in solitudine.
That is what we told you when we were in Egypt! We said, ‘Leave us alone, and let us work for the Egyptians [RHQ]!’ It would have been better for us to be slaves for the Egyptians than to die here in the desert!”
13 Et ait Moyses ad populum: Nolite timere: state, et videte magnalia Domini quæ facturus est hodie: Ægyptios enim, quos nunc videtis, nequaquam ultra videbitis usque in sempiternum.
Moses/I replied to the people, “Do not be afraid! Be brave, and see how Yahweh will rescue you! He will save you today, and the result will be that the Egyptians that you are looking at today—you will never see them again!
14 Dominus pugnabit pro vobis, et vos tacebitis.
Yahweh will fight for you! Just keep quiet. There is nothing else that you will have to do.”
15 Dixitque Dominus ad Moysen: Quid clamas ad me? Loquere filiis Israel ut proficiscantur.
Yahweh said to Moses/me, “Tell the people to stop crying out for me [to help them], and tell them to go forward. Lift up your stick and stretch it out toward the sea. The water will divide, so that all you Israeli people can go in the middle of the sea, walking on dry ground.
16 Tu autem eleva virgam tuam, et extende manum tuam super mare, et divide illud: ut gradiantur filii Israel in medio mari per siccum.
17 Ego autem indurabo cor Ægyptiorum ut persequantur vos: et glorificabor in Pharaone, et in omni exercitu eius, et in curribus et in equitibus illius.
I will make the Egyptians stubborn, so that they will try to follow you. And then as a result of [what I will do to the] king and his army and his chariots and his horsemen, [my people] will praise/thank me.
18 Et scient Ægyptii quia ego sum Dominus cum glorificatus fuero in Pharaone, et in curribus atque in equitibus eius.
And when I have won a glorious [victory] over the king and his chariots and his horsemen, the [other] Egyptians will know that I, Yahweh, [have the power to do what I say that I will do].”
19 Tollensque se angelus Dei, qui præcedebat castra Israel, abiit post eos: et cum eo pariter columna nubis, priora dimittens, post tergum
Then the angel of God, who had been in front of the Israeli people, moved and went behind them. The tall bright cloud that had been in front of them also moved behind them,
20 stetit, inter castra Ægyptiorum et castra Israel: et erat nubes tenebrosa, et illuminans noctem, ita ut ad se invicem toto noctis tempore accedere non valerent.
until it was between the Egyptian army and the Israeli people. The cloud caused the Egyptian army to be in the dark but it gave light for the Israelis. As a result, neither group could come near the other group during the whole night.
21 Cumque extendisset Moyses manum super mare, abstulit illud Dominus flante vento vehementi et urente tota nocte, et vertit in siccum: divisaque est aqua.
[That evening], Moses/I stretched out his/my hand toward the sea. Then Yahweh sent a strong wind from the east. It blew all night and pushed the water apart, and it caused the ground between the water to dry up.
22 Et ingressi sunt filii Israel per medium sicci maris: erat enim aqua quasi murus a dextra eorum et læva.
Then we Israeli people went on the dry land in the middle of the sea. The water was like a wall on each side of us, on the right side and on the left side.
23 Persequentesque Ægyptii ingressi sunt post eos, et omnis equitatus Pharaonis, currus eius et equites per medium maris.
Then the Egyptian army pursued them, and went after them into the middle of the sea, with their horses and their chariots and the chariot-drivers.
24 Iamque advenerat vigilia matutina, et ecce respiciens Dominus super castra Ægyptiorum per columnam ignis et nubis, interfecit exercitum eorum:
Just before dawn, Yahweh looked down from the fiery cloud, and then he caused the Egyptian army to panic.
25 et subvertit rotas curruum, ferebanturque in profundum. Dixerunt ergo Ægyptii: Fugiamus Israelem: Dominus enim pugnat pro eis contra nos.
He caused the wheels of the chariots to get stuck [in the mud], so that they could hardly move. So the Egyptians said, “Yahweh is fighting for the Israelis and against us; let’s get out of here!”
26 Et ait Dominus ad Moysen: Extende manum tuam super mare, ut revertantur aquæ ad Ægyptios super currus et equites eorum.
Then Yahweh said to Moses/me, “Stretch out your arm toward the sea again. Then the water will come back on the Egyptians and on their chariots and their horsemen.”
27 Cumque extendisset Moyses manum contra mare, reversum est primo diluculo ad priorem locum: fugientibusque Ægyptiis occurrerunt aquæ, et involvit eos Dominus in mediis fluctibus.
So Moses/I stretched out his/my arm, and as the sun was rising, the water returned to its normal level. The Egyptians tried to escape, but Yahweh hurled them back into the sea.
28 Reversæque sunt aquæ, et operuerunt currus et equites cuncti exercitus Pharaonis, qui sequentes ingressi fuerant mare: nec unus quidem superfuit ex eis.
The water returned and covered the chariots and the horsemen and the whole Egyptian army that had tried to follow us Israelis into the sea. Every one of the Egyptians drowned.
29 Filii autem Israel perrexerunt per medium sicci maris, et aquæ eis erant quasi pro muro a dextris et a sinistris:
But we Israeli people had already crossed through the sea by walking on dry ground, with the water being [like two] walls, one on the right side and one on the left side.
30 liberavitque Dominus in die illa Israel de manu Ægyptiorum.
That is the way Yahweh saved the Israeli people from the Egyptian army on that day. The Israeli people saw the Egyptians lying dead, [with their bodies washed up] on the shore.
31 Et viderunt Ægyptios mortuos super littus maris, et manum magnam quam exercuerat Dominus contra eos: timuitque populus Dominum, et crediderunt Domino, et Moysi servo eius.
The Israelis saw what Yahweh did to the Egyptians by his great power [MTY], and they were in awe of Yahweh. They trusted in Yahweh and they also trusted Moses/me.