< Deuteronomii 19 >
1 Cum disperdiderit Dominus Deus tuus gentes, quarum tibi traditurus est terram, et possederis eam, habitaverisque in urbibus eius et in ædibus:
Whanne thi Lord God hath distried the folkis, whose lond he schal yyue to thee, and thou hast weldid it, and hast dwellid in the citees and housis therof;
2 tres civitates separabis tibi in medio Terræ, quam Dominus Deus tuus dabit tibi in possessionem,
thou schalt departe thre citees to thee `in the myddis of the lond which thi Lord God schal yyue to thee into possessioun.
3 sternens diligenter viam: et in tres æqualiter partes totam Terræ tuæ provinciam divides: ut habeat e vicino qui propter homicidium profugus est, quo possit evadere.
Thou schalt make redi diligentli the weye, and thou schalt departe euenly in to thre partis al the prouynce of thi lond, that he that is exilid for mansleyng, haue `of nyy whidur he may ascape.
4 Hæc erit lex homicidæ fugientis, cuius vita servanda est: Qui percusserit proximum suum nesciens, et qui heri et nudiustertius nullum contra eum odium habuisse comprobatur:
This schal be the lawe of a mansleere fleynge, whos lijf schal be kept. If a man smytith vnwityngli his neiybore, and which is preuyd to haue not had ony hatered ayens hym yistirdai and the thridde dai agoon,
5 sed abiisse cum eo simpliciter in silvam ad ligna cædenda, et in succisione lignorum securis fugerit manu, ferrumque lapsum de manubrio amicum eius percusserit, et occiderit: hic ad unam supradictarum urbium confugiet, et vivet:
but to haue go sympli with hym in to the wode to hewe doun trees, and in the fellyng doun of trees the axe fleeth fro the hond, and the yrun slidith fro the helue, and smytith, and sleeth his freend; this man schal flee to oon of the forseid citees, and schal lyue;
6 ne forsitan proximus eius, cuius effusus est sanguis, dolore stimulatus, persequatur, et apprehendat eum si longior via fuerit, et percutiat animam eius, qui non est reus mortis: quia nullum contra eum, qui occisus est, odium prius habuisse monstratur.
lest perauenture the next kynesman of hym, whos blood is sched out, be prickid with sorewe, and `pursue, and take hym, if the weie is lengere, and smyte `the lijf of hym which is not gilti of deeth; for it is schewid that he hadde not ony hatered bifore ayens hym that is slayn.
7 Idcirco præcipio tibi, ut tres civitates æqualis inter se spatii dividas.
Therfor Y comaunde to thee, that thou departe thre citees of euene space bitwixe hem silf.
8 Cum autem dilataverit Dominus Deus tuus terminos tuos, sicut iuravit patribus tuis, et dederit tibi cunctam Terram, quam eis pollicitus est
Forsothe whanne thi Lord God hath alargid thi termes, as he swoor to thi fadris, and hath youe to thee al the lond which he bihiyte to hem; if netheles thou kepist hise comaundementis,
9 (si tamen custodieris mandata eius, et feceris quæ hodie præcipio tibi, ut diligas Dominum Deum tuum, et ambules in viis eius omni tempore) addes tibi tres alias civitates, et supradictarum trium urbium numerum duplicabis:
and doist tho thingis whiche Y comaunde to thee to day, that thou loue thi Lord God, and go in hise weies in al tyme, thou schalt adde to thee thre othere citees, and thou schalt double the noumbre of the forseid citees,
10 ut non effundatur sanguis innoxius in medio Terræ, quam Dominus Deus tuus dabit tibi possidendam, ne sis sanguinis reus.
that gilteles blood be not sched out in the myddis of the lond which thi Lord God schal yyue to thee to haue in possessioun, lest thou be gilti of blood.
11 Si quis autem odio habens proximum suum, insidiatus fuerit vitæ eius, surgensque percusserit illum, et mortuus fuerit, fugeritque ad unam de supradictis urbibus,
Forsothe if ony man hatith his neiybore, and settith aspies, `ether tresouns, to his lijf, and risith, and smytith him, and he is deed, and he fleeth to oon of the forseid citees,
12 mittent seniores civitatis illius, et arripient eum de loco effugii, tradentque in manu proximi, cuius sanguis effusus est, et morietur.
the eldere men of that citee schulen sende, and `thei schulen take hym fro the place of refuyt; and thei schulen bitake hym in to the hond of the nexte kynesman of hym, whos blood is sched out,
13 Non miseraberis eius, et auferes innoxium sanguinem de Israel, ut bene sit tibi.
and he schal die, and thou schalt not haue mercy on hym; and thou schalt do awey gilti blood fro Israel, that it be wel to thee.
14 Non assumes, et transferes terminos proximi tui, quos fixerunt priores in possessione tua, quam Dominus Deus tuus dabit tibi in Terra, quam acceperis possidendam.
Thou schalt not take, and turne ouer the termes of thi neiybore, which the formere men settiden in thi possessioun, which thi Lord God schal yyue to thee in the lond, `which lond thou schalt take `to be weldid.
15 Non stabit testis unus contra aliquem, quidquid illud peccati, et facinoris fuerit: sed in ore duorum aut trium testium stabit omne verbum.
O witnesse schal not stonde ayens ony man, what euer thing it is of synne and of wickidnesse; but ech word schal stonde in the mouth of tweyne ethir of thre witnessis.
16 Si steterit testis mendax contra hominem, accusans eum prævaricationis,
If a fals witnesse stondith ayens a man, and accusith hym of brekyng of the lawe, bothe,
17 stabunt ambo, quorum causa est, ante Dominum in conspectu sacerdotum et iudicum qui fuerint in diebus illis.
of whiche the cause is, schulen stonde bifor the Lord, in the siyt of preestis, and of iugis, that ben in tho daies.
18 Cumque diligentissime perscrutantes, invenerint falsum testem dixisse contra fratrem suum mendacium:
And whanne thei sekynge moost diligentli han founde that the fals witnesse seide a leesyng ayens his brothir,
19 reddent ei sicut fratri suo facere cogitavit, et auferes malum de medio tui:
thei schulen yelde to hym, as he thouyte to do to his brother; and thou schalt do awey yuel fro the myddis of thee, that othere men here,
20 ut audientes ceteri timorem habeant, et nequaquam talia audeant facere.
and haue drede, and be no more hardi to do siche thingis.
21 Non misereberis eius, sed animam pro anima, oculum pro oculo, dentem pro dente, manum pro manu, pedem pro pede exiges.
Thou schalt not haue mercy on hym, but thou schalt axe lijf for lijf, iye for iye, tooth for tooth, hond for hond, foot for foot.