< Ii Samuelis 8 >

1 Factum est autem post hæc percussit David Philisthiim, et humiliavit eos, et tulit David Frenum tributi de manu Philisthiim.
Some time later, David’s army attacked the Philistia [army] and defeated them. They took control over the entire Philistia area.
2 Et percussit Moab, et mensus est eos funiculo, coæquans terræ: mensus est autem duos funiculos, unum ad occidendum, et unum ad vivificandum: factusque est Moab David serviens sub tributo.
David’s army also defeated the army of the Moab people-group. David forced their soldiers to lie down on the ground [close to each other]. His men killed two out of every three of them. The [other] Moab people [were forced to] accept David as their ruler, and they were forced to give to him [every year the] payment/tax [that he demanded].
3 Et percussit David Adarezer filium Rohob regem Soba, quando profectus est ut dominaretur super flumen Euphraten.
David’s army also defeated [the army of] Hadadezer, the son of Rehob, who ruled [the state of] Zobah [in Syria]. That happened when David went to rule again over the area at [the upper part of] the Euphrates River.
4 Et captis David ex parte eius mille septingentis equitibus, et viginti millibus peditum, subnervavit omnes iugales curruum: dereliquit autem ex eis centum currus.
David’s army captured 1,700 of Hadadezer’s soldiers who rode on horses, and 20,000 of his other soldiers. They also crippled/hamstrung most of the horses that pulled the chariots, but they left/spared enough horses to [pull] 100 chariots.
5 Venit quoque Syria Damasci, ut præsidium ferret Adarezer regi Soba: et percussit David de Syria viginti duo millia virorum.
When [the army of] Syria came from Damascus [city] to help King Hadadezer’s [army], David’s soldiers killed 22,000 of them.
6 Et posuit David præsidium in Syria Damasci: factaque est Syria David serviens sub tributo: servavitque Dominus David in omnibus ad quæcumque profectus est.
Then David stationed (groups of his soldiers/army camps) in their area, and the people of Syria were forced to accept David as their ruler, and to give to David’s government [every year] the payment/tax that he demanded. And Yahweh enabled David’s [army] to win victories wherever they went.
7 Et tulit David arma aurea, quæ habebant servi Adarezer, et detulit ea in Ierusalem.
David’s soldiers took the gold shields that were carried by Hadadezer’s officials, and brought them to Jerusalem.
8 Et de Bete, et de Beroth, civitatibus Adarezer tulit rex David æs multum nimis.
They also brought [to Jerusalem] a lot of bronze [that they found] in Betah and Berothai, two cities that King Hadadezer [had previously] ruled.
9 Audivit autem Thou rex Emath, quod percussisset David omne robur Adarezer,
When Toi, the king of the Hamath [city in Syria], heard that David’s [army] had defeated the entire army of King Hadadezer,
10 et misit Thou Ioram filium suum ad regem David, ut salutaret eum congratulans, et gratias ageret: eo quod expugnasset Adarezer, et percussisset eum. Hostis quippe erat Thou Adarezer, et in manu eius erant vasa aurea, et vasa argentea, et vasa ærea:
he sent his son Joram to greet King David and to (congratulate him/say that he was happy) about his army defeating Hadadezer’s army, which Toi’s [army] had fought many times. Joram brought to David many items/gifts made from gold, silver, and bronze.
11 quæ et ipsa sanctificavit rex David Domino cum argento et auro, quæ sanctificaverat de universis gentibus, quas subegerat,
King David dedicated all those items to Yahweh. He also dedicated the silver and gold which his army had taken from the nations that they had conquered.
12 de Syria, et Moab, et filiis Ammon, et Philisthiim, et Amalec, et de manubiis Adarezer filii Rohob regis Soba.
They had taken items from the Edom people-group and the Moab people-group, from the Ammon people-group, from the Philistia people, and from [the descendants of] Amalek, as well as from the people that Hadadezer [previously] ruled.
13 Fecit quoque sibi David nomen cum revereteretur capta Syria in Valle Salinarum, cæsis decem et octo millibus:
When David returned [after defeating the armies of Syria], he became more famous because his army killed 18,000 soldiers from the Edom people-group in the Salt Valley [near the Dead Sea].
14 et posuit in Idumæa custodes, statuitque præsidium: et facta est universa Idumæa serviens David. et servavit Dominus David in omnibus ad quæcumque profectus est.
David stationed (groups of his soldiers/army camps) throughout the Edom area, and forced the people there to accept him as their king. Yahweh enabled David’s [army] to win battles wherever they went.
15 Et regnavit David super omnem Israel: faciebat quoque David iudicium et iustitiam omni populo suo.
David ruled over all the Israeli people, and he always did for them what was fair and just.
16 Ioab autem filius Sarviæ erat super exercitum: porro Iosaphat filius Ahilud erat a commentariis:
Joab was the army commander; Jehoshaphat, the son of Ahilud, was the man who reported to the people everything that David decided that they should do;
17 et Sadoc filius Achitob, et Achimelech filius Abiathar, erant sacerdotes: et Saraias, scriba:
Zadok the son of Ahitub and Ahimelech the son of Abiathar were the priests; Seraiah was the official secretary;
18 Banaias autem filius Ioiadæ super cerethi et phelethi: filii autem David sacerdotes erant.
Benaiah the son of Jehoiada was the commander of (David’s bodyguards/the men who protected the king); and David’s sons were priests (OR, his administrators/advisors).

< Ii Samuelis 8 >