< I Samuelis 30 >
1 Cumque venissent David et viri eius in Siceleg die tertia, Amalecitæ impetum fecerant ex parte australi in Siceleg, et percusserant Siceleg, et succenderant eam igni.
And it cometh to pass, in the coming in of David and his men to Ziklag, on the third day, that the Amalekites have pushed unto the south, and unto Ziklag, and smite Ziklag, and burn it with fire,
2 Et captivas duxerant mulieres ex ea, a minimo usque ad magnum: et non interfecerant quemquam, sed secum duxerant, et pergebant itinere suo.
and they take captive the women who [are] in it; from small unto great they have not put any one to death, and they lead away, and go on their way.
3 Cum ergo venissent David et viri eius ad civitatem, et invenissent eam succensam igni, et uxores suas, et filios suos, et filias ductas esse captivas,
And David cometh in — and his men — unto the city, and lo, burnt with fire, and their wives, and their sons, and their daughters have been taken captive!
4 levaverunt David et populus qui erat cum eo voces suas, et planxerunt donec deficerent in eis lacrymæ.
And David lifteth up — and the people who [are] with him — their voice and weep, till that they have no power to weep.
5 Siquidem et duæ uxores David captivæ ductæ fuerant, Achinoam Iezrahelites, et Abigail uxor Nabal Carmeli.
And the two wives of David have been taken captive, Ahinoam the Jezreelitess, and Abigail wife of Nabal the Carmelite;
6 Et contristatus est David valde: volebat enim eum populus lapidare, quia amara erat anima uniuscuiusque viri super filiis suis et filiabus: confortatus est autem David in Domino Deo suo.
and David hath great distress, for the people have said to stone him, for the soul of all the people hath been bitter, each for his sons and for his daughters; and David doth strengthen himself in Jehovah his God.
7 Et ait ad Abiathar sacerdotem filium Achimelech: Applica ad me ephod. Et applicavit Abiathar ephod ad David,
And David saith unto Abiathar the priest, son of Ahimelech, 'Bring nigh, I pray thee, to me the ephod;' and Abiathar bringeth nigh the ephod unto David,
8 et consuluit David Dominum, dicens: Persequar latrunculos hos, et comprehendam eos, an non? Dixitque ei Dominus: Persequere: absque dubio enim comprehendes eos, et excuties prædam.
and David asketh at Jehovah, saying, 'I pursue after this troop — do I overtake it?' And He saith to him, 'Pursue, for thou dost certainly overtake, and dost certainly deliver.'
9 Abiit ergo David ipse, et sexcenti viri qui erant cum eo, et venerunt usque ad Torrentem Besor: et lassi quidam substiterunt.
And David goeth on, he and six hundred men who [are] with him, and they come in unto the brook of Besor, and those left have stood still,
10 Persecutus est autem David ipse, et quadringenti viri: substiterant enim ducenti, qui lassi transire non poterant Torrentem Besor.
and David pursueth, he and four hundred men, (and two hundred men stand still who have been too faint to pass over the brook of Besor),
11 Et invenerunt virum Ægyptium in agro, et adduxerunt eum ad David: dederuntque ei panem ut comederet, et biberet aquam,
and they find a man, an Egyptian, in the field, and take him unto David, and give to him bread, and he eateth, and they cause him to drink water,
12 sed et fragmen massæ caricarum, et duas ligaturas uvæ passæ. Quæ cum comedisset, reversus est spiritus eius, et refocillatus est: non enim comederat panem, neque biberat aquam, tribus diebus et tribus noctibus.
and give to him a piece of a bunch of dried figs, and two bunches of raisins, and he eateth, and his spirit returneth unto him, for he hath not eaten bread nor drunk water three days and three nights.
13 Dixit itaque ei David: Cuius es tu? vel unde? et quo pergis? Qui ait: Puer Ægyptius ego sum, servus viri Amalecitæ: dereliquit autem me dominus meus, quia ægrotare cœpi nudiustertius.
And David saith to him, 'Whose [art] thou? and whence [art] thou?' And he saith, 'An Egyptian youth I [am], servant to a man, an Amalekite, and my lord forsaketh me, for I have been sick three days,
14 Siquidem nos erupimus ad australem plagam Cerethi, et contra Iudam, et ad meridiem Caleb, et Siceleg succendimus igni.
we pushed [to] the south of the Cherethite, and against that which [is] to Judah, and against the south of Caleb, and Ziklag we burned with fire.'
15 Dixitque ei David: Potes me ducere ad cuneum istum? Qui ait: Iura mihi per Deum, quod non occidas me, et non tradas me in manus domini mei, et ego ducam te ad cuneum istum. Et iuravit ei David.
And David saith unto him, 'Dost thou bring me down unto this troop?' and he saith, 'Swear to me by God — thou dost not put me to death, nor dost thou shut me up into the hand of my lord — and I bring thee down unto this troop.'
16 Qui cum duxisset eum, ecce illi discumbebant super faciem universæ terræ comedentes et bibentes, et quasi festum celebrantes diem, pro cuncta præda, et spoliis quæ ceperant de Terra Philisthiim, et de Terra Iuda.
And he bringeth him down, and lo, they are spread out over the face of all the earth, eating, and drinking, and feasting, with all the great spoil which they have taken out of the land of the Philistines, and out of the land of Judah.
17 Et percussit eos David a vespere usque ad vesperam alterius diei, et non evasit ex eis quisquam, nisi quadringenti viri adolescentes, qui ascenderant camelos, et fugerant.
And David smiteth them from the twilight even unto the evening of the morrow, and there hath not escaped of them a man, except four hundred young men who have ridden on the camels, and are fled.
18 Eruit ergo David omnia, quæ tulerant Amalecitæ, et duas uxores suas eruit.
And David delivereth all that the Amalekites have taken; also his two wives hath David delivered.
19 Nec defuit quidquam a parvo usque ad magnum, tam de filiis quam de filiabus, et de spoliis, et quæcumque rapuerant, omnia reduxit David.
And there hath not lacked to them [anything], from small unto great, and unto sons and daughters, and from the spoil, even unto all that they had taken to themselves, the whole hath David brought back,
20 Et tulit universos greges et armenta, et minavit ante faciem suam: dixeruntque: Hæc est præda David.
and David taketh the whole of the flock, and of the herd, they have led on before these cattle, and they say, 'This [is] David's spoil.'
21 Venit autem David ad ducentos viros, qui lassi subsisterant, nec sequi potuerant David, et residere eos iusserat in Torrente Besor: qui egressi sunt obviam David, et populo qui erat cum eo. Accedens autem David ad populum, salutavit eos pacifice.
And David cometh in unto the two hundred men who were too faint to go after David, and whom they cause to abide at the brook of Besor, and they go out to meet David, and to meet the people who [are] with him, and David approacheth the people, and asketh of them of welfare.
22 Respondensque omnis vir pessimus, et iniquus de viris, qui ierant cum David, dixit: Quia non venerunt nobiscum, non dabimus eis quidquam de præda, quam eruimus: sed sufficiat unicuique uxor sua et filii: quos cum acceperint, recedant.
And every bad and worthless man, of the men who have gone with David, answereth, yea, they say, 'Because that they have not gone with us we do not give to them of the spoil which we have delivered, except each his wife and his children, and they lead away and go.
23 Dixit autem David: Non sic facietis fratres mei de his, quæ tradidit nobis Dominus, et custodivit nos, et dedit latrunculos, qui eruperant adversum nos, in manus nostras:
And David saith, 'Ye do not do so, my brethren, with that which Jehovah hath given to us, and He doth preserve us, and doth give the troop which cometh against us into our hand;
24 nec audiet vos quisquam super sermone hoc. æqua enim pars erit descendentis ad prælium, et remanentis ad sarcinas, et similiter divident.
and who doth hearken to you in this thing? for as the portion of him who was brought down into battle, so also [is] the portion of him who is abiding by the vessels — alike they share.'
25 Et factum est hoc ex die illa, et deinceps constitutum et præfinitum, et quasi lex in Israel usque in diem hanc.
And it cometh to pass from that day and forward, that he appointeth it for a statute and for an ordinance for Israel unto this day.
26 Venit ergo David in Siceleg, et misit dona de præda senioribus Iuda proximis suis, dicens: Accipite benedictionem de præda hostium Domini:
And David cometh in unto Ziklag, and sendeth of the spoil to the elders of Judah, to his friends, (saying, 'Lo, for you a blessing, of the spoil of the enemies of Jehovah),'
27 His, qui erant in Bethel, et qui in Ramoth ad Meridiem, et qui in Iether,
to those in Beth-El, and to those in South Ramoth, and to those in Jattir,
28 et qui in Aroer, et qui in Sephamoth, et qui in Esthamo,
and to those in Aroer, and to those in Siphmoth, and to those in Eshtemoa,
29 et qui in Rachal, et qui in urbibus Ierameel, et qui in urbibus Ceni,
and to those in Rachal, and to those in the cities of the Jerahmeelites, and to those in the cities of the Kenites,
30 et qui in Arama, et qui in lacu Asan, et qui in Athach,
and to those in Hormah, and to those in Chor-Ashan, and to those in Athach,
31 et qui in Hebron, et reliquis qui erant in his locis, in quibus commoratus fuerat David ipse, et viri eius.
and to those in Hebron, and to all the places where David had gone up and down, he and his men.