< I Paralipomenon 2 >

1 Filii autem Israel: Ruben, Simeon, Levi, Iuda, Issachar, et Zabulon,
The sons of Jacob were Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Issachar, Zebulun,
2 Dan, Ioseph, Beniamin, Nephthali, Gad et Aser.
Dan, Joseph, Benjamin, Naphtali, Gad, and Asher.
3 Filii Iuda: Her, Onan, et Sela. hi tres nati sunt ei de filia Sue Chananitide. Fuit autem Her primogenitus Iuda, malus coram Domino, et occidit eum.
Judah’s sons were Er, Onan, and Shelah. Their mother was the daughter of Shua from the Canaan people-group. [When] Judah’s oldest son Er [grew up, he] did something that Yahweh considered to be very wicked, so Yahweh caused him to die.
4 Thamar autem nurus eius peperit ei Phares et Zara. omnes ergo filii Iuda, quinque.
Judah and his daughter-in-law Tamar had [twin boys named] Perez and Zerah. So altogether Judah had five sons.
5 Filii autem Phares: Hesron et Hamul.
The sons of Perez were Hezron and Hamul.
6 Filii quoque Zaræ: Zamri, et Ethan, et Eman, Chalchal quoque, et Dara, simul quinque.
Zerah had five sons: Zimri, Ethan, Heman, Calcol, and Darda (OR, Dara).
7 Filii Charmi: Achar, qui turbavit Israel, et peccavit in furto anathematis.
[One of the sons of Zimri was Carmi]. Carmi’s son Achan (OR, Achar) caused the people of Israel to experience much trouble, because he stole some of the things that had been devoted [to Yahweh to be destroyed].
8 Filii Ethan: Azarias.
Ethan’s son was Azariah.
9 Filii autem Hesron qui nati sunt ei: Ierameel, et Ram, et Calubi.
Hezron’s sons were Jerahmeel, Ram, and Caleb (OR, Chelubai).
10 Porro Ram genuit Aminadab. Aminadab autem genuit Nahasson, principem filiorum Iuda.
Ram was the father of Amminadab, and Amminadab was the father of Nahshon. Nahshon was a leader of the tribe of Judah.
11 Nahasson quoque genuit Salma, de quo ortus est Booz.
Nahshon was the father of Salmon, who was the father of Boaz.
12 Booz vero genuit Obed, qui et ipse genuit Isai.
Boaz was the father of Obed, and Obed was the father of Jesse.
13 Isai autem genuit primogenitum Eliab, secundum Abinadab, tertium Simmaa,
Jesse’s oldest son was Eliab. His other sons were Abinadab, Shimea,
14 quartum Nathanael, quintum Raddai,
Nethanel, Raddai,
15 sextum Asom, septimum David.
Ozem, and the youngest was David.
16 quorum sorores fuerunt Sarvia, et Abigail. Filii Sarviæ: Abisai, Ioab, et Asael, tres.
Their sisters were Zeruiah and Abigail. Zeruiah’s three sons were Abishai, Joab, and Asahel.
17 Abigail autem genuit Amasa, cuius pater fuit Iether Ismahelites.
Abigail’s husband was Jether, a descendant of Ishmael, and their son was Amasa.
18 Caleb vero filius Hesron accepit uxorem nomine Azuba, de qua genuit Ierioth: fueruntque filii eius Iaser, et Sobab, et Ardon.
Hezron’s younger son Caleb had two wives. One of them, Azubah, gave birth to [three] sons: Jesher, Shobab, and Ardon.
19 Cumque mortua fuisset Azuba, accepit uxorem Caleb, Ephratha: quæ peperit ei Hur.
When Azubah died, Caleb married Ephrath. Their son was Hur.
20 Porro Hur genuit Uri: et Uri genuit Bezeleel.
Hur was the father of Uri, and Uri was the father of Bezalel.
21 Post hæc ingressus est Hesron ad filiam Machir patris Galaad, et accepit eam cum esset annorum sexaginta: quæ peperit ei Segub.
When Hezron was 60 years old, he married [EUP] Makir’s daughter, who was the sister of Gilead. The son of Hezron and Makir was Segub.
22 Sed et Segub genuit Iair, et possedit viginti tres civitates in Terra Galaad.
Segub was the father of Jair. Jair’s [army] controlled twenty-three cities in the region ruled by Gilead.
23 Cepitque Gessur, et Aram oppida Iair, et Canath, et viculos eius sexaginta civitatum. omnes isti, filii Machir patris Galaad.
But [the armies of] Geshur and Aram captured those towns controlled by Jair. They also captured Kenath [city] and the nearby towns; altogether they captured 60 towns. The people who lived there were all descendants of Makir, the father of Gilead.
24 Cum autem mortuus esset Hesron, ingressus est Caleb ad Ephratha. Habuit quoque Hesron uxorem Abia, quæ peperit ei Assur patrem Thecuæ.
Shortly after Hezron died in Caleb-Ephrath [town], his widow Abijah had a son Asshur; Asshur started Tekoa [town].
25 Nati sunt autem filii Ierameel primogeniti Hesron, Ram primogenitus eius, et Buna, et Aram, et Asom, et Achia.
Hezron’s oldest son was Jerahmeel. His sons were Ram, Bunah, Oren, Ozem, and Ahijah. Jerahmeel’s oldest son was Ram.
26 Duxit quoque uxorem alteram Ierameel, nomine Atara, quæ fuit mater Onam.
Jerahmeel had another wife named Atarah. Their son was Onam.
27 Sed et filii Ram primogeniti Ierameel, fuerunt Moos, Iamin, et Achar.
The sons of Ram, Jerahmeel’s oldest son, were Maaz, Jamin, and Eker.
28 Onam autem habuit filios Semei, et Iada. Filii autem Semei: Nadab, et Abisur.
Onam’s sons were Shammai and Jada. Shammai’s sons were Nadab and Abishur.
29 Nomen vero uxoris Abisur, Abihail, quæ peperit ei Ahobban, et Molid.
Abishur’s wife was Abihail. The sons of Abishur and Abihail were Ahban and Molid.
30 Filii autem Nadab fuerunt Saled, et Apphaim. Mortuus est autem Saled absque liberis.
Nadab’s sons were Seled and Appaim. Seled did not have any children.
31 Filius vero Apphaim, Iesi: qui Iesi genuit Sesan. Porro Sesan genuit Oholai.
Appaim’s son was Ishi; Ishi’s son was Sheshan. One of Sheshan’s daughters was Ahlai.
32 Filii autem Iada fratris Semei: Iether, et Ionathan. Sed et Iether mortuus est absque liberis.
Shammai’s [younger] brother was Jada. Jada’s sons were Jether and Jonathan. Jether did not have any children.
33 Porro Ionathan genuit Phaleth, et Ziza. Isti fuerunt filii Ierameel.
Jonathan’s sons were Peleth and Zaza. Those were the descendants of Jerahmeel.
34 Sesan autem non habuit filios, sed filias: et servum Ægyptium nomine Ieraa.
Sheshan did not have any sons; he had only daughters. He had a servant from Egypt whose name was Jarha.
35 Deditque ei filiam suam uxorem: quæ peperit ei Ethei.
Sheshan allowed his daughter to marry Jarha, and their son was Attai.
36 Ethei autem genuit Nathan, et Nathan genuit Zabad.
Attai was the father of Nathan. Nathan was the father of Zabad.
37 Zabad quoque genuit Ophlal, et Ophlal genuit Obed,
Zabad was the father of Ephlal. Ephlal was the father of Obed.
38 Obed genuit Iehu, Iehu genuit Azariam,
Obed was the father of Jehu. Jehu was the father of Azariah.
39 Azarias genuit Helles, et Helles genuit Elasa.
Azariah was the father of Helez. Helez was the father of Eleasah.
40 Elasa genuit Sisamoi, Sisamoi genuit Sellum,
Eleasah was the father of Sismai. Sismai was the father of Shallum.
41 Sellum genuit Icamiam, Icamia autem genuit Elisama.
Shallum was the father of Jekamiah. And Jekamiah was the father of Elishama.
42 Filii autem Caleb fratris Ierameel: Mesa primogenitus eius, ipse est pater Ziph: et filii Maresa patris Hebron.
Jerahmeel’s [younger] brother was Caleb. Caleb’s oldest son was Mesha. Mesha was the father of Ziph. Ziph was the father of Mareshah. Mareshah was the father of Hebron.
43 Porro filii Hebron, Core, et Taphua, et Recem, et Samma.
Hebron’s sons were Korah, Tappuah, Rekem, and Shema.
44 Samma autem genuit Raham, patrem Iercaam, et Recem genuit Sammai.
Shema was the father of Raham. Raham was the father of Jorkeam. Rekem was the father of Shammai.
45 Filius Sammai, Maon: et Maon pater Bethsur.
Shammai was the father of Maon. Maon was the father of Beth-Zur.
46 Epha autem concubina Caleb peperit Haran, et Mosa, et Gezez. Porro Haran genuit Gezez.
Caleb had a slave wife who was named Ephah. Caleb and Ephah’s sons were Haran, Moza, and Gazez. Haran had a son whom he also named Gazez.
47 Filii autem Iahaddai, Regom, et Ioathan, et Gesan, et Phalet, et Epha, et Saaph.
Ephah’s father was Jahdai. Jahdai was the father of [six sons: ] Regem, Jotham, Geshan, Pelet, Ephah, and Shaaph.
48 Concubina Caleb Maacha, peperit Saber, et Tharana.
Caleb had another slave wife whose name was Maacah. Caleb and Maacah’s sons were Sheber, Tirhanah,
49 Genuit autem Saaph pater Madmena, Sue patrem Machbena, et patrem Gabaa. Filia vero Caleb, fuit Achsa.
Shaaph, and Sheva. Shaaph was the father of Madmannah. Sheva was the father of Macbenah and Gibea. Caleb’s daughter was Acsah.
50 Hi erant filii Caleb, filii Hur primogeniti Ephratha, Sobal pater Cariathiarim.
These people were also descendants of Caleb: [Caleb had another wife whose name was] Ephrathah. Their oldest son was Hur. Hur’s sons were Shobal, Salma, and Hareph. Shobal started Kiriath-Jearim [city]. Salma started Bethlehem [town]. Hareph started Beth-Gader [town].
51 Salma pater Bethlehem, Hariph pater Bethgader.
52 Fuerunt autem filii Sobal patris Cariathiarim, Qui videbat dimidium requietionum.
Shobal’s descendants were Haroeh, and half of the Manahath people-group.
53 Et de cognatione Cariathiarim, Iethrei, et Aphuthei, et Semathei, et Maserei. Ex his egressi sunt Saraitæ, et Esthaolitæ.
His descendants also included these clans that lived in Kiriath-Jearim: Ithri, Put, Shumath, and Mishra. The Zorath and Eshtaol clans were descendants of the Mishra clan.
54 Filii Salma, Bethlehem, et Netophathi, Coronæ domus Ioab, et Dimidium requietionis Sarai.
Salma’s descendants in Bethlehem were the Netophath clan, the Atroth-Beth-Joab clan, the other half of the Manahath clan, and the Zor clan.
55 Cognationes quoque scribarum habitantium in Iabes, canentes atque Resonantes, et in tabernaculis commorantes. Hi sunt Cinæi, qui venerunt de Calore patris domus Rechab.
Salma’s descendants also included the families at Jabez [town] who wrote and copied important documents. These were the Tirath clan, the Shimeath clan, and the Sucath clan. They were all from the Ken people-group who came from Hammath [city], and who had married members of the family [MTY] of Rechab.

< I Paralipomenon 2 >