< Psalmorum 9 >

1 In finem, pro occultis filii, Psalmus David. Confitebor tibi Domine in toto corde meo: narrabo omnia mirabilia tua.
For the music director. According to Muth-labben. A psalm of David. I will praise you, Lord, with all my heart; I will tell of all the amazing things you have done.
2 Lætabor et exultabo in te: psallam nomini tuo Altissime,
I will be glad and celebrate in you; I will sing praises to your wonderful nature, Most High God.
3 In convertendo inimicum meum retrorsum: infirmabuntur, et peribunt a facie tua.
Those who hate me retreat; they fall back and die when you confront them.
4 Quoniam fecisti iudicium meum et causam meam: sedisti super thronum qui iudicas iustitiam.
For you have judged that I am right; you have decided fairly from your throne of judgment.
5 Increpasti Gentes, et periit impius: nomen eorum delesti in æternum et in sæculum sæculi.
You have condemned the nations; you have destroyed the wicked; you have wiped out their names forever and ever.
6 Inimici defecerunt frameæ in finem: et civitates eorum destruxisti. Periit memoria eorum cum sonitu:
The enemies are finished, ruined forever; their cities are destroyed—even the memory of them is gone.
7 et Dominus in æternum permanet. Paravit in iudicio thronum suum:
But the Lord rules forever, his throne is set up for judgment.
8 et ipse iudicabit orbem terræ in æquitate, iudicabit populos in iustitia.
The Lord judges the world rightly; he judges the nations fairly.
9 Et factus est Dominus refugium pauperi: adiutor in opportunitatibus, in tribulatione.
The Lord is a place of safety for those who are oppressed, a fortress in times of trouble.
10 Et sperent in te qui noverunt nomen tuum: quoniam non dereliquisti quærentes te Domine.
Those who know your nature trust in you, for you don't abandon those who come to you.
11 Psallite Domino, qui habitat in Sion: annunciate inter Gentes studia eius:
Sing praises to the Lord who reigns in Zion! Tell the nations what he has done!
12 Quoniam requirens sanguinem eorum recordatus est: non est oblitus clamorem pauperum.
He does not forget to punish murderers; he does not ignore the cries of the suffering.
13 Miserere mei Domine: vide humilitatem meam de inimicis meis.
Be gracious to me, Lord! Look at how my enemies are persecuting me! Grab me back from the gates of death,
14 Qui exaltas me de portis mortis, ut annunciem omnes laudationes tuas in portis filiæ Sion.
so I can praise you at Zion's gates, happy that you have saved me.
15 Exultabo in salutari tuo: infixæ sunt Gentes in interitu, quem fecerunt. In laqueo isto, quem absconderunt, comprehensus est pes eorum.
The nations have fallen into their own pit they dug; their feet are trapped by their own net they set.
16 Cognoscetur Dominus iudicia faciens: in operibus manuum suarum comprehensus est peccator.
The Lord is known for his fairness; the wicked are trapped by their own actions. (Higgaion, Selah)
17 Convertantur peccatores in infernum, omnes Gentes quæ obliviscuntur Deum. (Sheol h7585)
The wicked depart, going to the grave—all nations who turn their backs on God. (Sheol h7585)
18 Quoniam non in finem oblivio erit pauperis: patientia pauperum non peribit in finem.
But the needy will not be ignored forever, the hope of those who suffer will not always be dashed.
19 Exurge Domine, non confortetur homo: iudicentur Gentes in conspectu tuo:
Stand up, Lord! Don't let human beings win! Let the nations be brought before you for judgment!
20 Constitue Domine legislatorem super eos: ut sciant Gentes quoniam homines sunt.
Lord, terrify them! Let them know they are only human! (Selah)

< Psalmorum 9 >